Yesterday was a full day. It was good to hear Tim preach yesterday. (That didn't take long, Aunt Emily just swiped Zechariah!) He filled in preaching for a good friend. Again a confirmation that he is to be in full time ministry. He has the gift of preaching/teaching and a Spirit that can communicate the power with which God has and wants to give to us, his saints. Soon! God is truly stirring up the church today to see him in the power that he really is. God is not this God that we can just take out now and then. God is HUGE and his power is HUGE.
I just finished reading Leviticus - whew! I am so thankful that I don't have to follow all of those rules, I would really fail. I began reading Numbers - another whew - but I was thinking this morning about how many people Moses was leading. 603,500 men age 20 and over. This does not even include the women and children. Mega church pastors should not complain. haha But seriously, imagine Moses trying to lead all of these people and give all of the Lord's direction to this many people. He must have been under a lot of pressure. We do know that he took time out to be alone with God. He sought the Lord's direction. He knew that what he was doing was led by God, so he continued to find his next step from God.
Ok, so this is where I am. Excerpt from a book! "God doesn't simply want to get you on the right path, He wants to enjoy you throught the journey. He doesn't want you to find His will and then take off running, leaving Him in the dust. God's primary desire for your life is not that you discover His will and walk in it; His primary desire is that you draw near to Him and come to know Him. God wants to be know! And then He desires that from that knowing relationship there comes a tender walking together in His purposes."
I find these words so incredibly comforting. This goes along with what I said in my previous blog about Job. The difference between knowing of God and actually knowing him personally. I am blown away at the beauty with which he reveals himself in my life when I seek to draw closer to him. I love him so much!
Close your eyes right now and just think of his love pouring over you. No matter where you are in life he desires to just pour His love all over you. Seek His face this day and allow Him to guide and direct your path. He is doing that with me every day and he will with you too!
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