Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Being deserted by others is a terrible feeling. Those you thought were your friends suddenly desert you. I was reading about when Jesus was arrested. "Then everyone deserted him and fled." If Jesus, the Savior to all, who healed many, loved the sinners, lived the perfect life was deserted for speaking the truth, (and more) who are we to think that we will live a life differently than that.

Jesus wasn't afraid to address sin and neither should we. I think that Pastors have a real challenge in addressing sin. So often we go to church and want to hear that nice little "fluffy" message. Yet doesn't Jesus want us to be challenged in our faith walk? I really don't want to walk around with the pompous attitude that I am pretty good. Paul also didn't beat around the bush trying to make everyone feel good. He challenges - he addresses sin - he was persecuted for it (with joy mind you), and also shared and lived the Grace that we have, freely given to each of us every day.

I want to be challenged in my faith walk. Someone said to me "you can hear and be challenged all you want about caring for the needs of others but it is useless unless you actually do it." Is that not so true.

So let us "spur one another on". We may face oppostion along the way, just as Jesus did. We may even lose a friend or two along the way, just as Jesus did. But when we remember who we are in Christ and that he has called us to challenge one another and to walk in faith, His LOVE and GRACE will pour all over us along the way.

We may have times when we feel deserted but Jesus is our rescuer.:) He is our best friend.
That is something to make us smile today.

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