Life has changed so much in our family now. Tim and I are at a point in our life when our children are growing up and moving on. Seems strange to think that our youngest daughter will turn 17 in August. When that thought came to me I all of a sudden felt old. I do remind myself that I started having children at the age of 20, so I'm not old!
So it's a Friday night and I was wanting to "do something fun" tonight. Angela (the youngest) is gone at work - Emily is probably at a bible study or something about God with friends. (good thing) Denise & Nicole are married now. So, how do we come up with something "fun" to do without our chatty girls around? We sort of hit a wall on coming up with something. I ended up on the laptop blogging about it and Tim dozed off on the sofa. Aren't we a bundle of fun! I called our daughter Nicole and her husband Eric to see if we could go to a Tigers game. But they had other plans, and besides the Tigers were playing away.
I can imagine when all of our girls move out! Yikes! I will probably wear outfits that look "old" and well...."mom, go change" kind of things. I'll never know what to do with my hair when Emily moves out. She can take my hair from flat and don't know what to do with, and turn it into a snazzy do in 5 minutes.

Everyone use to tell me "enjoy them when they are little/young because they will grow up and be gone before you know it". yup - that's true.
So I pray that we do not all have to live far away from each other. We love each other so much and I am forever grateful for them and for the dad that they have.
Life doesn't turn out the way we think it should be. Thank goodness it doesn't - God always has something better in mind for us.
Well Tim's awake now. Tigers will be on TV soon - maybe we can play a game together and I'll get mad because he ALWAYS WINS! Doesn't that sound like fun?
Oh, I tried to find a quaint cafe that we could go to tonight, maybe with a musician playing but all that Metro Detroit has is Starbucks and Caribou - Lame!
Well that's about it for tonight.
Rock on - Jesus loves you!
I'm glad you just said rock on :) And I am glad your my friend.