Sunday, May 31, 2009
This morning I was reminded in Deuteronomy 4:9 "be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." These were God's reminder to the Israelites and they are for us as well. As I wrote about yesterday the importance of sharing what God has done in your life, today was a confirmation of this. Move on to vs. 35 "You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God; besides him there is no other."
Both of these verses ring so true in my life. God has shown himself in our life so miraculously. He has provided for us, he has opened doors, he has given us more loving hearts, more forgiving hearts, more understanding hearts and reminded us to trust him as he leads us forward. How can I hold this in?
I want to pass on to our family the awesomeness of God. To remain in his word every day; vs. 29 says "But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." No matter where you have been or what you are facing it is his promise that he will be found - look for him - pray to him - read his word and ask him to open himself up to you. He will be there!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Come and Listen
I loved reading these words from David this morning. How often do we tell others what God has done in our life? I am trying to be vulnerable when I write. I think that being open and honest is what people can relate to the most. It's not something I have done freely during most of my life, yet I am finding that telling of the great things that God does is so freeing.
I believe that there are things that God does in our life that are for us personally, not necessarily to tell everyone. There are also things in our life that by sharing them with others it may encourage someone else. When Jesus performed his miracles during his ministry the people would tell others what happened to them. It definitely stirred up problems for Jesus, but many others came to believe by the sharing of their testimony.
If you have a cool story of God working in your life I would love to hear about it. Drop me a comment and let's share the wonders of Jesus in our lives.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
About a week ago the baby birds left the nest. One day there there, the next day there gone. But there was one baby bird that was hesitant to leave. It sat on the window ledge outside our bathroom window. Just on the other end of the ledge was the empty nest. I watched for a while to see what would happen. Mother landed next to him and fed him a worm and flew up in the tree. Seeminly trying to coax him off the ledge. He would flap his wings here and there but still stayed. Mother came back again, then flew off again. Finally, baby flew on to the ground below. Mother joined him and they hopped around for a while. As they hopped around toward the back yard it was as if mother was saying "come on, you can do it - just fly over here - good, now come a little farther, you can do it - if I have to keep coming back to you to convince you it's ok I will do that until you realize that you are safe and that you do have the strength to fly."
It was so clear to me that I am so often like that baby bird. I know that Jesus is going to take care of everything, yet I sometimes hold back. It's as if Jesus is telling me the same thing mother told baby bird. "It's ok - I'll be right by your side." How comforting! It doesn't matter how hesitant I am, - he never gives up on me. He will keep coming to my side and telling me it's ok.
I don't want to sit long on the ledge afraid to fly like this baby bird was. With Jesus I/we will soar on wings of and Eagle. He will carry us all the way.
Right now my door bell just rang. I signed for a certified letter. I opened it up and tears just poured from my eyes as again there was his provision inside. I am so overwhelmed and so humbled. What must the Lord have in store for us. I can never ever repay him for everything. I am a pitiful sinner, who get's in pits of doubts and fears. Whoever is reading this, please remember that it doesn't matter what your failures or weaknesses are, God doesn't measure his goodness to us based on what we can do. He loves us so much, despite our own weaknesses - and he wants to use us through our weaknesses.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I was also reminded that God wants to give us wisdom. To fight the battle of the enemy we need to have our armor on. Yet we need wisdom to outlast the enemy. I heard this morning "If we try to go into battle without wisdom the enemy can defeat because of our imaturity - zeal doesn't last - wisdom is better than strength. Don't think in your zeal that you can just run out and defeat the enemy."
The definition of Wisdom: knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; discernment, or insight.
Wisdom seeks council of others. Wisdom takes time to stop and think and most importantly, to seek wisdom from Jesus. He is our example. He learned from his father, he sought council from him, and he had his disciples along side of him. He was also older and wiser when he began his full blown ministry. Maturity needed to be behind him as well. He learned from his earthly parents wisdom and from his heavenly Father. Lest we think that we are better than that, we too need to seek wisdom and good council. But not just to hear the council - to heed it. Otherwise we run into situations with zeal (not bad in itself) and have not listened to wisdom that others may have. No matter what our age is, we never should stop seeking wisdom.
"Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice." Proverbs 13:10
The proverbs list many verses on wisdom - this is an important aspect in the Christian walk. Isn't pride behind a lack of wisdom? When you stop and think about that - when I don't listen to someone else when they share an insight to me, when I choose to disregard it, in my pride I think that I have it right. Pride goes before the fall. Again words from scripture that I need to pay attention to every day.
Lord, grant me wisdom - to hear from others - to learn from others - and most important, to seek you for wisdom. Remove any pride that is within me. Strip it from me so I can serve you in humility. Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you!
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009
But, we are at the brink of signing the house over. Not living here anymore makes me sad. I see our family walk in the door to the love and warmth that is here. But this morning in my prayers I knelt down and asked the Lord to please show me any way that my comfortable is a sin. Any way where I have made my home my place of comfort over Him. I sought his presence, I confessed if there is any of this in me and asked him to remove it from me.
My desire is to completely surrender all of who I am to him. To see him as the ultimate comfortor alone. Nothing else matters - NOTHING! A home is a home, but Jesus is our real home, our place of refuge. His Word says "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble." Refuge, according to the dictionary is a place of shelter, protection and safety. Now if my home is that to me it will soon fade away. What could possibly be better than Jesus being our shelter - he carries us as wings of and Eagle. He will keep us safe not our house.
I love that I can wake up each day and spend time studying the Word of God. I love that when my foot slips he will be there to catch me. If I get too comfortable he will remind me that he is the comfortor. Walking out our faith is a daily process. We will never "arrive"! Some days we are stronger than other days. That is just being real. Why gloss over it, that's the way we human's are.
Jesus words "Abide in me and I in you..." To abide is to live with, to make our home in him. He will take care of our earthly needs. He has already done that. He wants us to abide completely in him, no matter what he prunes out of our life. He and He alone is all we need, he will take care of the rest.
Lord, fill me with your comfort - yours alone!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Trusting Jesus
May the Lord lead and guide him soon with clarity.
Trusting you Jesus!
Monday, May 18, 2009
So much to wonder...
Seriously, how easy is this for any woman. You know what I mean, when your husband is driving and is "lost", but according to him he knows where he is! I suggest that we stop and ask for directions but he shares with me, "I don't need directions, I know exactly where we are." I proceed to ask him where we are and he looks around and around and reluctantly says "north". Good call honey. We end up on a dirt road with those terrible chatterbumps - now I can presume that we are lost but he assures me that he is just "taking the scenic route." By this point I am sure that we would have been to our destination if we had stopped for directions. But noooo, we are too proud to I don't understand this, but most often (not all the time) we will end up at a road we know and sure enough we arrive at our destination. He proudly proclaims "see, I knew where we were all the time."
Sometimes I think that when Jesus is driving he makes a few wrong turns along the way and I'd like to stop and ask for directions. (from myself) Now Jesus is never actually lost, but doesn't it feel like it sometimes? We're going along good - trusting Jesus along the way - you feel like you are being an awesome passenger - then boom - he takes a turn that you think is the wrong way. We quickly become a passenger driver "not this way, are you sure? Jesus, do we really need to take this dirt road, it's not fun, let's take the nice paved road. I don't know where were going - we seem lost." We even try to take the wheel and steer for him. But Jesus calmly drives along reminding us that his way is the best way and we will be safer if we allow him to drive.
We can trust Jesus when we're going the direction we want him to take us, but what happens when he leads us out of our comfort zone? I am really convicted of this as I type this out. Lord, keep my mind and heart set on what is unseen not on what is seen.
"What is unseen is eternal." Let Jesus take the wheel! This is an older song, but one that came to my mind after I wrote tonight.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Denise and Mike are excited about their final preparations for their long mission trip coming up in August. It hit me last night when we were praying for dinner and Denise said something like "do you mind us being here". (thoughtful daughter, silly question) Anyway I just said "no, your going to be gone for a year so we want to see you as much as we can"....that's all it took before the tears came and then we were both crying and hugging. Gotta love it....
Emily has been gone all weekend and I haven't had a chance to talk with her yet. She prayed with people in Royal Oak and experienced an all night prayer with a group of 11 friends last night. According to Tim she is "on fire" for God and needing to sleep big time. Gotta love it....
Angela (16 1/2) is so sweet. She is patiently waiting on the Lord as to where we will be in ministry and life. She doesn't know where she will go to school next year. Of course hoping that she doesn't have to move schools her Junior year, yet her bravery in trusting Jesus with our future is so amazing to me. I am so proud of her.
Nicole, Eric & Zechariah only live 10 minutes away from us. We get our hugs and kisses frequently with our grandson. They are growing so deeply in their faith and trust in Jesus it blows me away. We are so proud of the adults and Godly parents they are and continue to become.

Share the wonderful ways that God is working in your life - if your in a tough time - stop and look around, you will find ways that God is there. He does not forget his children, seek him with all your heart.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Fresh Water!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
We are so stubborn!
Many of my recent posts are in connection with the Israelites. I've been in the book of Numbers recently and many insights have come to me. This morning I read how stubborn the Israelites were, how they complained about everything. finally the Lord said to Moses "How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them?"
How easily I can put myself in the place of the Israelites. God must say this to me sometimes. "Come on Pam, why do you doubt me, you have seen the miraculous in your life. I have shown my power in your life. You have seen the miraculous in my provision for you, you have seen my power in the transformation of you, my healing power in various not forget what I can do." When I stay in His Word - seeking to draw nearer to him through the Word - I sense his presence so much. I can hear him in the gentle breeze, in the birds songs, in the wind chimes, and in the touch of my husbands love.
Jesus is all around us if we will take the time to hear and see him. He is in everything and His hand leads and guides if we will allow him to. The Israelites tried to take things into their own hands and not listen numerous times. They took off for the promised land, against the Lord's direction and they "fell by the sword." All because they were disobedient.
May I/we Lord seek your face daily for direction in our lives. May we seek you with open hearts to be obedient to you. May we be still and know that you are God.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Jesus wasn't afraid to address sin and neither should we. I think that Pastors have a real challenge in addressing sin. So often we go to church and want to hear that nice little "fluffy" message. Yet doesn't Jesus want us to be challenged in our faith walk? I really don't want to walk around with the pompous attitude that I am pretty good. Paul also didn't beat around the bush trying to make everyone feel good. He challenges - he addresses sin - he was persecuted for it (with joy mind you), and also shared and lived the Grace that we have, freely given to each of us every day.
I want to be challenged in my faith walk. Someone said to me "you can hear and be challenged all you want about caring for the needs of others but it is useless unless you actually do it." Is that not so true.
So let us "spur one another on". We may face oppostion along the way, just as Jesus did. We may even lose a friend or two along the way, just as Jesus did. But when we remember who we are in Christ and that he has called us to challenge one another and to walk in faith, His LOVE and GRACE will pour all over us along the way.
We may have times when we feel deserted but Jesus is our rescuer.:) He is our best friend.
That is something to make us smile today.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Spirit filled leaders
Now to continue on. My post title today comes from what the Lord showed me today in His word. Which is what I usually write about. Anyway, I was reading the book of Numbers (usually thought of as boring, but I am finding very cool.) The Israelites were complaing like crazy about so much - the Lord was angry with them for their complaints. Let us learn a lesson from that, we do way too much complaining. Moses sought the Lord and said "I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me."
But check out what God did. "Bring me seventy of Israel's elders who are known to you as leaders...have them come to the Tent of Meeting, that they may stand there with you. I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take of the Spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them. They will help you carry the burden of the people so that you will not have to carry it alone."
Did you catch what I caught? These Elders were to be Moses helpers, to support him - but they needed to be filled with the Spirit to do so. God knows that a Pastor needs men around him that are filled with the Spirit of Christ. They should be men who seek the face of God and hold up the pastor in prayer and support. Here with Moses is a biblical example. I believe that the church today needs to take heed to this. With a Spirit filled Pastor and Spirit filled Elders around him imagine what the church would look like!
I pray that men today would stand up to what God has called them to be. Men of God with integrity and men who are in the Word and in prayer. These are the spritual leaders that our churches and nation need. Love and respect your wives with a love that can only come from seeking the face of God. I've seen that come from my husband. He is in no way perfect, but I love that he seeks the face of God and desires to be a Godly husband.
Be strong in the Lord men - we need you!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
One never knows!
I again this morning sit in my sunroom, (my favorite place in the morning) I look around the house, look out through all the windows into our backyard with the lush green grass from all the rain, lovely breeze blowing in the windows, the sound of a wind chime, the quiet breeze of the trees, the sound of the Mourning Dove and other birds and look at the beautiful blue sky above. It is so peaceful to me!
But, God may be calling me to give it all up. To pack up and move what is "comfortable". With the circumstances that we are in we will probably lose our house. My womanly nesting hates the thought of moving. I love creating a warm and cozy place for my family. I think that most women love that. Yet, I hear how the Israelites just up and moved camp at the Lord's command. Their obedience is an example for me to follow. I'm not wandering around in the dessert having to follow all the rules and regulations that they had. I can pray to Jesus - direct - he hears my prayers and reminds me that he has my life. He has a place for us to live, somewhere - yet unknown to me.
"Trust me" he says! If he takes care of the birds of the air will he not also take care of me (us). God is bigger than a mortgage, than where I live...etc. His love and tenderness doesn't come in the form of a house. It is in our hearts - that is where Jesus lives.
So with His help I will continue to walk in obedience to Him. Lord, speak to me, direct our next steps so that we are walking in the direction that you want us to continue to go. Keep our eyes fixed on you.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Life has changed so much in our family now. Tim and I are at a point in our life when our children are growing up and moving on. Seems strange to think that our youngest daughter will turn 17 in August. When that thought came to me I all of a sudden felt old. I do remind myself that I started having children at the age of 20, so I'm not old!
So it's a Friday night and I was wanting to "do something fun" tonight. Angela (the youngest) is gone at work - Emily is probably at a bible study or something about God with friends. (good thing) Denise & Nicole are married now. So, how do we come up with something "fun" to do without our chatty girls around? We sort of hit a wall on coming up with something. I ended up on the laptop blogging about it and Tim dozed off on the sofa. Aren't we a bundle of fun! I called our daughter Nicole and her husband Eric to see if we could go to a Tigers game. But they had other plans, and besides the Tigers were playing away.
I can imagine when all of our girls move out! Yikes! I will probably wear outfits that look "old" and well...."mom, go change" kind of things. I'll never know what to do with my hair when Emily moves out. She can take my hair from flat and don't know what to do with, and turn it into a snazzy do in 5 minutes.

Everyone use to tell me "enjoy them when they are little/young because they will grow up and be gone before you know it". yup - that's true.
So I pray that we do not all have to live far away from each other. We love each other so much and I am forever grateful for them and for the dad that they have.
Life doesn't turn out the way we think it should be. Thank goodness it doesn't - God always has something better in mind for us.
Well Tim's awake now. Tigers will be on TV soon - maybe we can play a game together and I'll get mad because he ALWAYS WINS! Doesn't that sound like fun?
Oh, I tried to find a quaint cafe that we could go to tonight, maybe with a musician playing but all that Metro Detroit has is Starbucks and Caribou - Lame!
Well that's about it for tonight.
Rock on - Jesus loves you!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
All My Heart
I smile as I write about one of my readings this morning. Verses most of us have heard our whole life. In Mark, Jesus said the greatest commandment is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Has anyone else spent their whole life knowing this but really never feeling it? Sure, I've always loved Jesus - but I think that we miss out on this so much. To love Him to this depth is a gift that he wants to give us. You may ask - How do I get that deep with Jesus? I want to love him to my very core but how do I feel it there? I would answer you by saying that you have to deny yourself completely. Lay aside everything that you have, get down in prayer, I mean deep prayer, lay every part of you before Him. Hold nothing back - NOTHING - He knows it already anyway.
He promises us "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you". When we draw near to Him, then he will draw near to us - it is in these moments when we can sense his presence. The more we spend time with Him the more we can feel the love that we have for him and most important, His amazing love for us. Remember though that our love for him is not based on our "feelings" alone. Feeling change all the time but His love never changes. "When we are faithless he is faithful."
Get alone with Him - he longs for a close communion with you - yes you - no matter where you are in life, not matter what sins you have done. That's why he died on the cross for you and me.
One more thing about our love for Him. The following song says it all. We will show our love for Him. Can't you tell I love music to honor and prasie Him!
I love blogging in the Spirit - with him guiding me. He makes me smile!
He loves you and me so much it brings tears to my eyes.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The healing process!
As I said before, I am going to PT to correct a long time issue. What I am dealing with is not a very commom issue. Fortunately my PT, Sherry, will not give up in solving my issue. She will use the gifted mind that God has given her along with continuing to research the issue. All to end my visit today with some searing pain. As I held my muscles while she inflicted more searing pain I finally came to a mental point to just relax all the muscles. Her ultimate intension is for my pain to be gone.
As I was driving home I thought how very much that is the way the God works with us. We have a problem that we want fixed, we go to him in prayer asking him to fix it for us. As he begins to work it in our life we begin to feel the pain - we can tense up and refuse to let him work or we can take a deep breath - relax - and let God do his work. It may continue to hurt but in the long run we will be better than before.
The key is - we have to allow God to work us through even though there is some pain involved. I am suppose to do some exercises in between visits. Doesn't that sound a alot like God working on us. Here, I'm going to help you fix your issue, but you will need to participate in it as well. There will be things that I need to show you in your life that you will have to change. You will not be the same as you were before - but trust me - it will be worth it in the long run.
I look back on my journey these past years. I look back and I can see the pain and hurt. I remember it well, but it doesn't stay there causing more pain anymore. It was a part of my life that God used to shape and refine me. Thus bringing me to where I am today and even to blogging. Seriously, I would NEVER have opened up my heart like this before. EVER! Isn't God funny:)
I think that people are looking for "real people". Here is an excerpt from a book, written by an athiest (now a Christian). He states "Call me a crazy-maker but when I am real, all I want is for someone to be real with me. The fact that someone would show a superhuman side all the time is both maddening and frustrating. If every conversation simmers to me and the problems I face, it's as if I am the only one in the room who struggles with life. We are all broken; just some of us are willing to wear it on our sleeve." (by James Lander; Running @ the Speed of Life") Can't you hear the Holy Spirit already working on this man?
I believe that is what God is trying to teach me. BE REAL!
I don't have it all together; although I feel wayyyyy more together since God has shaped me so much. Being shaped by the hand of the Almighty is both painful and beautiful. (Sort of like having a baby - without an Epidural)
We have to stop fighting the shaping that God wants to do in our life. Give God complete permission to come deep into your core to refine you. Fire will come but oh is it worth it!
God's peace!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Blown Away!
We too can be courageous. Fears will overtake us, no doubt of that. But what do we do when the fears come? Do we cower and hide or do we face them with the word of God. "Do not fear" is all over scripture. The enemy is forever trying to find any fear we may have and make it huge, remind us that it's really bad. Been there, done that many a time. How many "what if's" plague you? When they come we have the sword to fight them off - the word of God. In his power he will win every battle that we face!
One of Angela's teachers has just finished treatment for cancer, which has recurred for the third time. She is an inspiration in faith - she posted on her Facebook
"Motto of a strong woman:
Live your life in such a way that
When your feet hit the floor in the morning,
Satan shudders and says "oh crap....she's awake!"
Sounds good to me.........
This time these past months that we have had to get "close" with God, to seek his face and his direction have made us stronger than ever before to face the unknown. When you see that God's hand is in even the tough times, walking in His will gets fun! I arrived home after having lunch with my friend to find a few "gifts from the Lord" sitting on my desk. Tears filled my eyes as I felt so humbled that God has so gently and lovingly nurtured and cared for us these past months. I spoke the words "why me?" a number of times - then I realized that when we were facing hurt after hurt before I spoke those same words - "why me?".
God's answer? "To shape you into who I want you to be - Trust me with all that you are, trust me with your life - I've got it!"
I can almost hear God speaking those words to me.
As we sit at a crossroads - pray that the Lord would clearly show us which road he wants us to take. If you are at a time in your life when decisions need to be made -gaze upon the face of God. As Beth Moore reminds us "Take your places on your faces". The way up is down!
Isn't our God so amazing?
Smile today at his love for you!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Tender walking together!

Yesterday was a full day. It was good to hear Tim preach yesterday. (That didn't take long, Aunt Emily just swiped Zechariah!) He filled in preaching for a good friend. Again a confirmation that he is to be in full time ministry. He has the gift of preaching/teaching and a Spirit that can communicate the power with which God has and wants to give to us, his saints. Soon! God is truly stirring up the church today to see him in the power that he really is. God is not this God that we can just take out now and then. God is HUGE and his power is HUGE.
I just finished reading Leviticus - whew! I am so thankful that I don't have to follow all of those rules, I would really fail. I began reading Numbers - another whew - but I was thinking this morning about how many people Moses was leading. 603,500 men age 20 and over. This does not even include the women and children. Mega church pastors should not complain. haha But seriously, imagine Moses trying to lead all of these people and give all of the Lord's direction to this many people. He must have been under a lot of pressure. We do know that he took time out to be alone with God. He sought the Lord's direction. He knew that what he was doing was led by God, so he continued to find his next step from God.
Ok, so this is where I am. Excerpt from a book! "God doesn't simply want to get you on the right path, He wants to enjoy you throught the journey. He doesn't want you to find His will and then take off running, leaving Him in the dust. God's primary desire for your life is not that you discover His will and walk in it; His primary desire is that you draw near to Him and come to know Him. God wants to be know! And then He desires that from that knowing relationship there comes a tender walking together in His purposes."
I find these words so incredibly comforting. This goes along with what I said in my previous blog about Job. The difference between knowing of God and actually knowing him personally. I am blown away at the beauty with which he reveals himself in my life when I seek to draw closer to him. I love him so much!
Close your eyes right now and just think of his love pouring over you. No matter where you are in life he desires to just pour His love all over you. Seek His face this day and allow Him to guide and direct your path. He is doing that with me every day and he will with you too!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Seeing God in the difficulties
I've learned this the hard way many a time. "Neither heighth nor depth nor anything in all creation can separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus." It doesn't matter what we face, Jesus' love is always there. We know that God has our life in his hands, right? But actually think about it - close your eyes and picture God's hand encompassing you. Good times and hard times cannot separate his love for me.
Job questioned God big time about his terrible circumstances - I love how God comes back to him to say "Who is this that darkens my council with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man and I will question you, and you will answer me. We're you there when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me if you understand. Who marked out it's dimensions?Surely you know....Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn it's place?" Later Job replies to God "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know...My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you."
Look what Job learned! He knew of God, but he learned to see him. Let's look to the eyes of God when we are facing difficulties. Stop - listen - pray - be silent - close your eyes - mediate and ask him to pour his Spirit all over you. He will when you seek him with your heart. Then your eyes will see him. Note this - it was after Job saw the face of God that he was healed.
It's so awesome to gaze upon his face! :)
Friday, May 1, 2009
Being fickle!
God has not done all the work he has in our life and the lives of our children to drop us now. He is a God that knows our plans and our future. He has equiped us to serve in much deeper ways. Relationship with Jesus is what matters. All the other stuff is just stuff, but Jesus love for us is so deep. I heard a preacher once say "imagine that the Almight God is proposing to you"! He wants to be so close to us. That is what I long to grow even deeper in.
This morning I went to physical thereapy for an issue that has nagged at me for two years. I finally went to see Sherry, the best PT around. She has taken my pain level from an 8 down to a 3 in two visits already. I love how God gifts people to help others. She is a Christian and as she was working on me she noticed Tim glancing through a book that she had in her office. She began to tell him that the young man that wrote the book was an athiest when he wrote the book. (she knew him well) He took off for Alaska to see the world, hiked, went off into the wilderness, hitch-hiked and met many people. It was on this journey that he discovered God. He is now a born again Christian and even feels embarassed by the book he wrote before.
Sherry let Tim borrow the book to read. Funny though, as he is reading it today, he can tell by his writing that the Holy Spirit was already working on his heart while he was writing the book. He just didn't know it yet:)
So here I am, blogging and watching "Dances With Wolves". (I'm a multi-tasker) Smiling again at the way God works in my life. Making me stronger each day and the patience that he has with me.
We never know how the Holy Spirit is going to work in our lives. Ask him to come into your life and you better watch will be amazing!