Most people who are blogging today (Chrismas Eve) are writing about Christmas. Writing about the miracle of Jesus coming into the world - to save us - to give us life and salvation - born in a lowly stable - surrounded by the shepherds. So amazing - so wonderful!!! Today brings final preparations for my family to arrive. Cookies being made, house dusted, beds made and preparations for a toddler and a baby to stay. I spend alot of time making my home warm and comfortable. As I write this all out I can't help but think and wonder what kind of preperations we take in our lives to be close to Jesus. To strengthen our relationship with him. I know for me I love my morning time in the word but I must confess that I too, like you, have my days where I get going and forget, or just purposely lay it aside until "later" only to find at the end of the day that it never happened. I would prefer never to fail in this area but I don't live in failure, because Jesus wouldn't want me to live in failure but in his grace, his forgiveness.
The miracle of Christmas is in my life. The miracle of a virgin birth. Wow! I want you to take a moment to think about something. Mary was conceived through the Holy Spirit. Now stop and think for a moment the power in this conception. Seriously, conceived through the Holy Spirit. We cannot even comprehend this kind of power. Now if you are a believer, this power, this Holy Spirit is alive in you. Right now, every moment, you have the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Can't forgive someone who has hurt you? Remember that you have the power within you. Don't try to tap into yourself but tap into the Spirit. Pray, seek Christ to be revealed in you and you will be able to do more than you could ever ask or imagine.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
It's worth it
Today brings a lightness of heart for me. No matter what trials in life you face, trust in Him, seek Him - don't stop. When you fall down, when you doubt, when your scared, keep seeking him - don't stop.
When the three disciples went with Jesus up a high mountain and Jesus was transfigured before them, "his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light" God the father spoke from a cloud and said "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him. When the disciples heard this they fell on their faces and were terrified. But Jesus came and touched them saying. 'Rise, and have no fear.'" Isn't Jesus amazing!!! How often don't we really listen to Jesus. We face things that are so uncertain, sometimes even fearful, we face hurts and what do we do? Don't we way too often become afraid? Now think for a moment about the underlined words above. Those words are from the God of the Universe, the creator of this world, our creator. Look outside at everything you see, the creator of all of that told us to listen to Jesus. Then Jesus next words to us are "HAVE NO FEAR." I believe that the peace that transends all understanding comes when we truly believe and listen to Jesus words.
There is a young woman in my life, not my daughter by blood, that has become a special friend. God has broken down any age barriers and we can share life and be completely "real" with each other. If I had not moved to Ohio I would never have met her and would have missed out on a special friendship. We were talking the other day about how we so often try to plan our life out ourself. We know it is completely rediculous but we do it anyway. Can you relate? We have such a merciful and patient God. He is always drawing us back, beckoning us to him, to just trust him, to believe him, that he has a plan. I told my friend that my life, in no aspect, has any of it ever turned out the way I thought it would, or the way I planned. It is through what I do not see that God moves in miraculous ways. I love that!!! Is it always easy? no way. Is it worth it - you bet.
When the three disciples went with Jesus up a high mountain and Jesus was transfigured before them, "his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light" God the father spoke from a cloud and said "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him. When the disciples heard this they fell on their faces and were terrified. But Jesus came and touched them saying. 'Rise, and have no fear.'" Isn't Jesus amazing!!! How often don't we really listen to Jesus. We face things that are so uncertain, sometimes even fearful, we face hurts and what do we do? Don't we way too often become afraid? Now think for a moment about the underlined words above. Those words are from the God of the Universe, the creator of this world, our creator. Look outside at everything you see, the creator of all of that told us to listen to Jesus. Then Jesus next words to us are "HAVE NO FEAR." I believe that the peace that transends all understanding comes when we truly believe and listen to Jesus words.
There is a young woman in my life, not my daughter by blood, that has become a special friend. God has broken down any age barriers and we can share life and be completely "real" with each other. If I had not moved to Ohio I would never have met her and would have missed out on a special friendship. We were talking the other day about how we so often try to plan our life out ourself. We know it is completely rediculous but we do it anyway. Can you relate? We have such a merciful and patient God. He is always drawing us back, beckoning us to him, to just trust him, to believe him, that he has a plan. I told my friend that my life, in no aspect, has any of it ever turned out the way I thought it would, or the way I planned. It is through what I do not see that God moves in miraculous ways. I love that!!! Is it always easy? no way. Is it worth it - you bet.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Yesterday I was reading an article in the Columbus news online about a home being built in the Columbus area for girls who have been rescued from sex trafficking and how Ohio has finally become one of 42 states to make sex trafficking a felony. Seriously, I cannot understand how it hasn't been a felony before. My heart began to break even more as I read the article. This is one of the most haneous acts of violence.
Recently God has opened up the opportunity for me to become a mentor at The Daughter Project. Please won't you consider being a prayer partner for me and donating online to help these girls in their recovery. You see, so many people out there do not know the love of Jesus. So many peole are hurting and broken. I believe that all of us fit in to those categories, some have just faced harder life situations. But the love of Jesus is stronger than anything, stronger even than death. Death could not even hold him down. This is who is on our side, this is who loves us and this is who came to redeem and set us free from the bondages that Satan has put people under. "He came that we would have life, and have it abundantly."
I know that it will be tough to be a mentor in this area. I know that I will/do have times when I feel inadequate, weak and wonder if I will be able to really do this. God will be there with me. I know that I will need your prayers to see me through. To give me the words of Christ to speak and for peace in my heart as I minister in tough situations.
As I closed my eyes to listen to this song I could not help but think about my own daughters. I think about how much they are loved, by me as a mom and by the people in their life. That is so precious to me, they are so precious to me. Then I thought about what it would be like to be a young girl who has be "taken" and forced into sex trafficking. I think about these young girls sitting in a corner in a little room, curled up in a corner, scared and crying, feeling like nobody loves her and even not even knowing about love at all. Then I hear the end of this song when the man hears a voice deep inside speaking love into him. That is what I pray for these girls. That they would hear God speak to them with a love they have never known. PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM!
Recently God has opened up the opportunity for me to become a mentor at The Daughter Project. Please won't you consider being a prayer partner for me and donating online to help these girls in their recovery. You see, so many people out there do not know the love of Jesus. So many peole are hurting and broken. I believe that all of us fit in to those categories, some have just faced harder life situations. But the love of Jesus is stronger than anything, stronger even than death. Death could not even hold him down. This is who is on our side, this is who loves us and this is who came to redeem and set us free from the bondages that Satan has put people under. "He came that we would have life, and have it abundantly."
I know that it will be tough to be a mentor in this area. I know that I will/do have times when I feel inadequate, weak and wonder if I will be able to really do this. God will be there with me. I know that I will need your prayers to see me through. To give me the words of Christ to speak and for peace in my heart as I minister in tough situations.
As I closed my eyes to listen to this song I could not help but think about my own daughters. I think about how much they are loved, by me as a mom and by the people in their life. That is so precious to me, they are so precious to me. Then I thought about what it would be like to be a young girl who has be "taken" and forced into sex trafficking. I think about these young girls sitting in a corner in a little room, curled up in a corner, scared and crying, feeling like nobody loves her and even not even knowing about love at all. Then I hear the end of this song when the man hears a voice deep inside speaking love into him. That is what I pray for these girls. That they would hear God speak to them with a love they have never known. PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Is your heart in need of work?
Seems that my heart is always in need of some work. From envy to anger to selfishness to doubt to ...etc. I don't know about you but when I read the following words from Jesus I have to take a good look at myself. "But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person." Matt. 16:18 Jesus spoke these words to his disciples who still didn't get it. Sometimes that makes me feel a little better when I read how Jesus was often helping his disciples to 'get it.' I am in need of that regularly. Scripture is great at helping me to be more confused, more understanding, more convicted and more filled with grace. I love all of that and need it all in my faith walk.
When I speak words of grumbling or complaining, when I speak words of doubting what God is doing in my life that really shows where my heart is. But when I speak words of being grateful, despite what I see around me - when I speak words of God's faithfulness, despite the circumstances - when I can bring glory and honor to God NO MATTER WHAT with my words - then my heart will be changed. Lord change my heart, soften my heart and fill me anew with your Holy Spirit.
As I look out the window and see the bright winter sun shining and the gentle glimmering of the snow flurries I am reminded of the majesty of God, the power of God. That he would create such beauty for my eyes to behold is truly an amazing gift that we so often take for granted. May we all this day give priase and glory and honor to God despite what our eyes see around us. I do not want to be like Peter when Jesus spoke to him and said "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
Our God - yes he is amazing - he is all knowing - all powerful - all loving - those are truths. Hold onto them today.
When I speak words of grumbling or complaining, when I speak words of doubting what God is doing in my life that really shows where my heart is. But when I speak words of being grateful, despite what I see around me - when I speak words of God's faithfulness, despite the circumstances - when I can bring glory and honor to God NO MATTER WHAT with my words - then my heart will be changed. Lord change my heart, soften my heart and fill me anew with your Holy Spirit.
As I look out the window and see the bright winter sun shining and the gentle glimmering of the snow flurries I am reminded of the majesty of God, the power of God. That he would create such beauty for my eyes to behold is truly an amazing gift that we so often take for granted. May we all this day give priase and glory and honor to God despite what our eyes see around us. I do not want to be like Peter when Jesus spoke to him and said "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
Our God - yes he is amazing - he is all knowing - all powerful - all loving - those are truths. Hold onto them today.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Our understanding - only that
I was blogging when I accidently hit something on the keyboard which deleted the entire blog. Maybe I just wasn't suppose to blog that so I will attempt another try. As you read the following words I want you to hear them as words spoken directly into your life and circumstance. The underlined words I have heard spoken to me a number of times this past week. I think the Lord is trying to tell me something.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones."
You see, my understanding is only that. Mine. Do I know what tomorrrow holds? No - so why do I even look to my own understanding?! This God who loves me knows that my wisdom is only fleeting but when I fear him (honor him) and lean on him he will bring refreshment to me. None of us do this like we should, we get caught up in our own plans and forget that this God of the universe has our life all in order already. I think we all know what our body feels like when we become anxious about something. We can't sleep, we become fearful, we get snappy with others...etc. This is all in attempt to use our own wisdom to figure things out. How sad that we miss out on the fresh healing refreshment that Christ offers to us.
"Come, you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." If you haven't been there in a while (like me) and your longing for the refreshing that Christ has for you just stop and get quiet. Close your eyes and ask him to refresh you. These are his promises to us and his promises never fail. Let's hold on to the truth.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones."
You see, my understanding is only that. Mine. Do I know what tomorrrow holds? No - so why do I even look to my own understanding?! This God who loves me knows that my wisdom is only fleeting but when I fear him (honor him) and lean on him he will bring refreshment to me. None of us do this like we should, we get caught up in our own plans and forget that this God of the universe has our life all in order already. I think we all know what our body feels like when we become anxious about something. We can't sleep, we become fearful, we get snappy with others...etc. This is all in attempt to use our own wisdom to figure things out. How sad that we miss out on the fresh healing refreshment that Christ offers to us.
"Come, you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." If you haven't been there in a while (like me) and your longing for the refreshing that Christ has for you just stop and get quiet. Close your eyes and ask him to refresh you. These are his promises to us and his promises never fail. Let's hold on to the truth.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Don't Stop
Reading Jesus healings is always so cool to me. He healed the sick so simply and without trying to get attention. Just with love and compassion. I read again the story of when he sent the demons into the pigs and they ran into the waters and drowned. Hear this "The herdsmen fled, and going into the city they told everything, especially what had happened to the demon-possessed men. And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him, they begged him to leave their region." Matthew 8
Why would any of us ever think that we will be accepted by following Jesus? Some people will be drawn to Christ in us, others will want us to just go away. The teachings of Jesus were and are hard for people. In a nation where Christianity is becoming less and less it is important that we seek the face of God. It is important that we ask ourselves 'Have I diminished Jesus in my life? Have I forgotten what the bible says? Have I listened to this world over what Jesus says?'
Jesus did incredible miracles - Jesus death and resurrection are true - His promises for us are true - But I think how sad he must be when he sees his people turning away and following what the world has to offer. He is longing for you - He is longing for you to surrender the things of this world and to come to him in complete surrender. The beauty that he has for you is more than you could even begin to imagine. Let his miracles speak truth into your life. The truth of his power - that power that lives alive in you. His grace is enough for you. Nothing can separate you from his love - nothing!
Are you hoping for a miracle in your life? Me too! Keep praying it, never stop.
Why would any of us ever think that we will be accepted by following Jesus? Some people will be drawn to Christ in us, others will want us to just go away. The teachings of Jesus were and are hard for people. In a nation where Christianity is becoming less and less it is important that we seek the face of God. It is important that we ask ourselves 'Have I diminished Jesus in my life? Have I forgotten what the bible says? Have I listened to this world over what Jesus says?'
Jesus did incredible miracles - Jesus death and resurrection are true - His promises for us are true - But I think how sad he must be when he sees his people turning away and following what the world has to offer. He is longing for you - He is longing for you to surrender the things of this world and to come to him in complete surrender. The beauty that he has for you is more than you could even begin to imagine. Let his miracles speak truth into your life. The truth of his power - that power that lives alive in you. His grace is enough for you. Nothing can separate you from his love - nothing!
Are you hoping for a miracle in your life? Me too! Keep praying it, never stop.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Experiencing and hearing the voice of God is something that I long for more of. Some days more than others. This morning I am sitting on my bed doing some stuff on in the internet only to come across the following clip. I must say I did not know what to expect as I saw the title, but it made me curious. Beth Moore is my favorite women's bible teacher. She is truly filled with the Spirit of Christ and teaches directly from the word of God. Tears and laughter filled my eyes as I listened to this story and the passion in her heart. I pray that we all know that God does and wants to speak to us - we just have to listen.
May that be our prayer today - Father God, I ask that we hear your voice today. That you would speak to each of us however you so desire and that we are open and receptive to distinguish it. That your Spirit would so resinate in our/my heart(s) that we are so moved into action, even when it doesn't make sense. Fill us Father God with your overflowing love, your power so we hear you so clearly.
May that be our prayer today - Father God, I ask that we hear your voice today. That you would speak to each of us however you so desire and that we are open and receptive to distinguish it. That your Spirit would so resinate in our/my heart(s) that we are so moved into action, even when it doesn't make sense. Fill us Father God with your overflowing love, your power so we hear you so clearly.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Little bundle to high school
I don't know if I will be able to capture my thoughts and life in the past while. I feel so out of the blogging mode and I want to get back in it. My life has been a whirlwind of activity and responsibilities that blogging has ended up to be at the bottom of my to do list. Today brought some quiet and completion of tasks that have been in the works for a while so I have some time now to write.
Let me start by saying that I am super happy that I have a grandaughter. Emily Jane was born last Friday and she is an absolutely beautiful little girl. Holding that little pink bundle felt so normal to me. That was my life - pink bundles. Now I await another beautiful blue bundle to arrive in March.
This morning I witnessed something so amazing. I was at my daughter's high school for the weekly chapel. Her Christian high school has chapel once a week for 45 minutes. Angela usually talks about how awesome chapel is but today I was there, along with another mom, to present and promote information about the school Spring mission trip to Jamaica. After out brief presentation the guest pastor, an area youth pastor, shared a word with the students about dying to ourself. It was a powerful word, spoken directly from scripture, and spoken directly to students. At the end I watched as he asked students who needed prayer and direction in this area of their life to come up for prayer, to be prayed with by staff. There was silence in the gym except for the pianist and violinist playing in the backgound, as students walked up for prayer. It was such a powerful thing to see. You see, the 45 min. was already past but it mattered not. Transformation in the life of even 1 student was worth being late to class. As he began to close the time he asked the principle to come to the middle of the gym, then told all the students to get down out of their seats and lay hands on him for prayer. He told them that their principle may sometimes feel like they don't really notice him...etc. so let's pray for him. He left prayer open and tears were pouring down my cheeks as I heard student after student speaking a prayer for him. It was such a powerful moment and my heart lept for joy that my daughter is a part of this school.
Then I come home and remembered that we have a car insurance bill due and about an hour ago my washing machine decided to go on the fritz. I don't usually understand God's plan. Guess I'm not suppose to. I wish I could understand, but living by faith is not understanding his plan, but trusting that he has one.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
No distance between us
We were having family devotions the other day after dinner. As Tim was reading, some words resinated inside of me. I wanted him to read it again - to highlight the words. They were words that were so beautiful to me - a picture so beautiful. I have underlined the one particular sentence that I fell in love with.
"Do not look to your own thoughts, but walk in the Spirit; so will you accomplish the work the Spirit desires for you. ... Therefore be diligent. Follow Me so closely that there will be no distance between us. Listen carefully to My voice so you do not go your own way. Set your heart to follow to the end, for at the end there awaits an exceeding weight of glory for those who endure."
As I heard these words I had such a longing for this every day. I know those times when I have been so close to the Spirit. It is I who get in the way so many times when I try to accomplish my work instead of His work in my life. Galatians 5:25 "Since we live by the Spririt, let us keep in step with the Spirit." To keep in step means that we are following. Have you ever tried to keep in step with someone you are walking with? Tim and I try that sometimes but it can be hard. His legs are longer than mine and he has a differerent stride than me but for me to keep in step with him I have to stay focused and pay attention to each step he takes. Many times along the way I will mess up the step but I just have to get back in the rhythm again. That's a beautiful picture of following the Spirit of Christ. When we allow him to lead us sometimes we will get off step, our attentions wander in other directions, we get sidetracked. But he is still there with us, gently guiding us back to him. I want to be so close to him that there is no space between us. What peace that will bring to my soul, what peace it does bring to my soul when I am walking in step with him.
...and after alot of practice walking in step with the Spirit, I have those times when I find myself not having to work so hard to pay attention to where my feet are walking because through his power I am confident that where he leads will be the best and most beautiful for me.
Dear Jesus, I thank you so much this day for sending your Spirit to live within me. It is so amazing to me that you love me so much that you would indwell inside of me. Help me to live my life empowered to live and walk in step with you. Help me to get out of the way. Speak to me this day and may I walk refreshed and filled up in you.
"Do not look to your own thoughts, but walk in the Spirit; so will you accomplish the work the Spirit desires for you. ... Therefore be diligent. Follow Me so closely that there will be no distance between us. Listen carefully to My voice so you do not go your own way. Set your heart to follow to the end, for at the end there awaits an exceeding weight of glory for those who endure."
As I heard these words I had such a longing for this every day. I know those times when I have been so close to the Spirit. It is I who get in the way so many times when I try to accomplish my work instead of His work in my life. Galatians 5:25 "Since we live by the Spririt, let us keep in step with the Spirit." To keep in step means that we are following. Have you ever tried to keep in step with someone you are walking with? Tim and I try that sometimes but it can be hard. His legs are longer than mine and he has a differerent stride than me but for me to keep in step with him I have to stay focused and pay attention to each step he takes. Many times along the way I will mess up the step but I just have to get back in the rhythm again. That's a beautiful picture of following the Spirit of Christ. When we allow him to lead us sometimes we will get off step, our attentions wander in other directions, we get sidetracked. But he is still there with us, gently guiding us back to him. I want to be so close to him that there is no space between us. What peace that will bring to my soul, what peace it does bring to my soul when I am walking in step with him.
...and after alot of practice walking in step with the Spirit, I have those times when I find myself not having to work so hard to pay attention to where my feet are walking because through his power I am confident that where he leads will be the best and most beautiful for me.
Dear Jesus, I thank you so much this day for sending your Spirit to live within me. It is so amazing to me that you love me so much that you would indwell inside of me. Help me to live my life empowered to live and walk in step with you. Help me to get out of the way. Speak to me this day and may I walk refreshed and filled up in you.
Monday, November 1, 2010
I was challenged this morning about obedience to God. As I read the story of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac - which I have read many times - I was struck by Abraham's response to God. God tells him to "take your son, ... and offer him there as a burnt offering..." Now listen to how Abraham responds. "So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey,...and his son Isaac. And he cut the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him." Do you catch what I did? Abraham had no hesitation in obeying God. No questions. He just did it. We know that God spared Isaac's life but what a test of Abraham's faith. How would I pass such a test? That one - I would fail. I don't like that I'm not there yet. Yet even as I think about my life I continue to fail the tests in my faith. But you know? Jesus was the sacrifice that paid for all of my failures. I can live in the grace that washes over me. I don't have to be bound by my failures but I can live in the freedom that Christ has brought into my life. Galatians 5:1 "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
Halleluiah! Praise Jesus!
Halleluiah! Praise Jesus!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Mobile Meals and my Mom
This morning I had my Mobile Meals delivery. I do this twice a month (Tim does help me, he's my great driver) It has been a blessing to help deliver meals to those in need. We arrived today at our first drop off to which I tell Tim - "You are going to that door this time, I am not taking the chance of finding a man without pants again." Yup, that happened last time! As we continued our other 8 deliveries I heard a recurring theme from the people. "I hope your getting home soon before this big storm comes." So cute! I felt like they were all my mother. Oh, ya, I'm one of those. :)
One of our last clients we deliver to is a couple. She sees the car coming up the driveway to her door and is always there right away. She was so concerned about us getting home today before the storm hit. As I walked to the car she said "God bless you." I want to get to know some of the people more - sometimes I just want to go in their little apartment and visit with them but I have to finish the deliveries within a certain time.
I want to hear some amazing wisdom from them. I want to learn from them and hear their life stories. I bet they have some amazing ones. I know I do and I'm only 4_(not telling). haha Our daugher Angela had to interview someone for her Spanish 4 class so she called her grandpa. I didn't realize she was doing this until we got home from our small group. I walked in the door and she just said "grandpa is amazing. I called him to ask him some questions for Spanish and I learned things about grandpa that I never knew." She just smiled and I saw that it was a great bonding moment for her, even though it was over the phone.
James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this; to visit orphans and widows in their affliction; and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
I think about some of the widows whom we deliver meals to. I'll just bet that some of them lost their husbands after being married for 50-60 years. Seriously, can you imagine the loneliness they must feel!!! And on top of it they may not even have any children around to visit with them or take them anywhere. Hmmmm - may we all consider the above bible verse, pray about it and see what God opens up for each of us to do. THEN JUST DO IT! May Christ, our amazing Savior and King always receive all the glory and praise and honor.
Keep us humble Lord. Amen!
This is a picture of my visit with my mom in June. She lives in an assisted living facility far from me so I was thankful I was able to see her. My sister lives by her and takes amazing care of our mother. I wish I lived close enough to lend a hand. My mom has lost alot of her memory, mostly short term. She didn't recognize me when I got there, told me "oh my, you look so different." But the next day when I went back in the morning she told me "your husband is handsome." So cute. We shared afternoon coffee together, something she has always loved.
Me and my Mom |
Friday, October 22, 2010
God is always doing his work in me. Always!! When I get down and filled with wondering sometimes I can forget to really reach out to God. Sometimes I can get caught up in myself and fail to get down and real before God. I mean really real before him. Maybe it's because I don't want to see my own failures and my own mistakes but it is God who knows me inside and out. He never even thought about leaving me in my own messes. You love me Jesus, and walked right into my sin and washed my feet. You, a King would wash my feet. I cannot begin to say how thankful I am for Jesus love for me. I cannot even begin to imagine the love that Jesus has for me.
This morning God spoke to me through his word. He spoke to me and reminded me to rejoice in the Lord, and then said it again. "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice." I know why God said it twice - because I need to hear it twice. Circumstances will always be there and I can get caught up in trying to work things out my way but that never gets us very far does it? NO MORE OF THAT!
Nehemiah 8:10
"Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
We cannot have the joy of the Lord without his strength and we cannot have the strength of the Lord without his joy. Seek his face and he will surely fill you up with his joy and his strength.
John 15:11 "These things I have spoken unto you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy might be full."
What a thought - that our joy might be full. Imagine being just full of the joy of the Lord! That is what I want today...and tomorrow...and the be full of the joy of the Lord.
This morning God spoke to me through his word. He spoke to me and reminded me to rejoice in the Lord, and then said it again. "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice." I know why God said it twice - because I need to hear it twice. Circumstances will always be there and I can get caught up in trying to work things out my way but that never gets us very far does it? NO MORE OF THAT!
Nehemiah 8:10
"Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
We cannot have the joy of the Lord without his strength and we cannot have the strength of the Lord without his joy. Seek his face and he will surely fill you up with his joy and his strength.
John 15:11 "These things I have spoken unto you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy might be full."
What a thought - that our joy might be full. Imagine being just full of the joy of the Lord! That is what I want today...and tomorrow...and the be full of the joy of the Lord.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
day after day after day
"Where then are the gods you made for yourselves? Let them come if they can save you when you are in trouble. For you have as many gods as you have towns, O Judah. ... Does a maiden forget her jewelry or a bride her wedding ornaments? Yet my people have forgotten me, days without number." Jeremiah 2
I thought about these words in my own life this morning. As I sit in my living room this Saturday morning, enjoying my coffee and quiet time with God and in the Word I have to take a look into my own life and wonder what gods I have made for myself. Certainly I can look back in my life and think of many things that were way too important. What is it for you?
It might boil down to those times when you are in trouble. Is it only then that you reach out to God? Do you forget about God during the good times and profitable times in life? I love how God points out about a woman not forgetting her ornaments on her wedding day. So true - but don't you hear the sadness as he writes the last line? It's enough that the people have forgotten him, but "days without number." Not just at certain times but day after day after day after day. I imagine God's longing for us. I imagine his love for us - I imagine how we daily ignore him. We spend our day without him - oh he is there - but as the above passage says - we forget him.
One of my friends posted this video recently and I want to share it today. You can watch as much of it as you like but it surely inspired me. This little girl must be about 5 and listen how she is already interceding in prayer - spending time with Jesus. Obviously her parents have trained her early and I think it so precious and beautiful. Faith like a child - she prays believing. How would you like her to pray for you? Amen!!! And I love her mom in the background!!!
If you have gone way too long forgetting about Jesus just stop - get quiet - open up your bible - read - pray - ask him to speak to you - Malachi 3:7 says "Return to me and I will return to you" says the Lord Almighty" You are loved and longed for by the Almighty God. It can't get any better than that.
I thought about these words in my own life this morning. As I sit in my living room this Saturday morning, enjoying my coffee and quiet time with God and in the Word I have to take a look into my own life and wonder what gods I have made for myself. Certainly I can look back in my life and think of many things that were way too important. What is it for you?
It might boil down to those times when you are in trouble. Is it only then that you reach out to God? Do you forget about God during the good times and profitable times in life? I love how God points out about a woman not forgetting her ornaments on her wedding day. So true - but don't you hear the sadness as he writes the last line? It's enough that the people have forgotten him, but "days without number." Not just at certain times but day after day after day after day. I imagine God's longing for us. I imagine his love for us - I imagine how we daily ignore him. We spend our day without him - oh he is there - but as the above passage says - we forget him.
One of my friends posted this video recently and I want to share it today. You can watch as much of it as you like but it surely inspired me. This little girl must be about 5 and listen how she is already interceding in prayer - spending time with Jesus. Obviously her parents have trained her early and I think it so precious and beautiful. Faith like a child - she prays believing. How would you like her to pray for you? Amen!!! And I love her mom in the background!!!
If you have gone way too long forgetting about Jesus just stop - get quiet - open up your bible - read - pray - ask him to speak to you - Malachi 3:7 says "Return to me and I will return to you" says the Lord Almighty" You are loved and longed for by the Almighty God. It can't get any better than that.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
We just returned from a 3 day pastors and wives conference. I always come home tired and ready for my own bed. It's good, don't get me wrong but we are kept busy. One session, the next bible study, some free time mixed in one of the days...and lots of talking and sharing with other pastors and their wives. We share our ups and downs, where we live, where we have lived before - just life. Many are facing some tough challenges and in need of encouragement, some are in good ministries where they have been for many years, but wherever we all are we come together to listen and encourage, knowing that encouragement and listening to each other is what many of us need. So it was good, I am glad to be home and look forward to seeing what God is going to next in my life.
You know, we all have a story. I have many stories, stories of God's hand in so many aspects of my life and stories of transformation. These past few days I heard many stories. Some of hurt, some of frustration, some of power and the aww of God. And encouragement to continue bringing the power and the Spirit of Christ back home.
October is pastor appreciation month. If you want to understand your pastor and his family I would encourage you to do some reading online.
Hebrews 13:17 says "Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you."
You know, we all have a story. I have many stories, stories of God's hand in so many aspects of my life and stories of transformation. These past few days I heard many stories. Some of hurt, some of frustration, some of power and the aww of God. And encouragement to continue bringing the power and the Spirit of Christ back home.
October is pastor appreciation month. If you want to understand your pastor and his family I would encourage you to do some reading online.
Hebrews 13:17 says "Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you."
Friday, October 8, 2010
No better than this
Jesus spoke truth and life. He spoke the truth despite what others would think - hard truths for many. In John chapter 6 Jesus says "For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever. ... On hearing it, many of his disciples said, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?" Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, "Does this offend you? ... The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe." Hear what happens next. "From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him."
You see Jesus spoke hard truths, knowing it would offend some. Some learned from it, took it in, grew in their faith, and some were offended and turned away. We can gloss over the truth with others so we don't offend them or we can be bold and speak the truth, despite opposition. I think it's interesting how Jesus says that our flesh counts for nothing. Don't we rely on our flesh alot? We forget that it is the spirit within us that gives us life. We forget that as followers of Jesus we have this spirit within us. We may know it's there but don't realize that this spirit within us has power so we just live in our own flesh. And living in my own flesh - well I usually mess up when I do this. It can be hard to understand sometimes. I would encourage you to pray, to ask God to speak to you, to open up your heart to an understanding of the life that is within you in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." A full life, despite our circumstances.
We will always have "circumstances" in our life. They come in many different ways but this full life that he came to give us is not based on our circumstances. Paul learned what it was to be content in all circumstances and the full life he lived he lived in the Spirit of Christ that lived in him.
Our heavenly Father - his son Jesus - and the Holy Spirit - 3 in one. Loving us, longing for us, beckoning us, healing us, and living within us. It cannot get any better than this.
You see Jesus spoke hard truths, knowing it would offend some. Some learned from it, took it in, grew in their faith, and some were offended and turned away. We can gloss over the truth with others so we don't offend them or we can be bold and speak the truth, despite opposition. I think it's interesting how Jesus says that our flesh counts for nothing. Don't we rely on our flesh alot? We forget that it is the spirit within us that gives us life. We forget that as followers of Jesus we have this spirit within us. We may know it's there but don't realize that this spirit within us has power so we just live in our own flesh. And living in my own flesh - well I usually mess up when I do this. It can be hard to understand sometimes. I would encourage you to pray, to ask God to speak to you, to open up your heart to an understanding of the life that is within you in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." A full life, despite our circumstances.
We will always have "circumstances" in our life. They come in many different ways but this full life that he came to give us is not based on our circumstances. Paul learned what it was to be content in all circumstances and the full life he lived he lived in the Spirit of Christ that lived in him.
Our heavenly Father - his son Jesus - and the Holy Spirit - 3 in one. Loving us, longing for us, beckoning us, healing us, and living within us. It cannot get any better than this.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Memory in a frame
Last week I went through another bin in the garage of "stuff." As I unwrapped more framed pictures I came across one of my dad. My dad was a very small man, he was quiet, kind and a very intellectual professor. He died at the age of 62, when I was 22 years old. As I looked at the picture of dad tears filled my eyes and I missed him so much. I wanted him here to tell me that everything was going to be ok. I wanted to sit on the sofa with him and just talk. I wanted to tell him all about my spiritual journey and I wanted him to know that my husband ended up becoming a pastor. (My dad was one too.) I missed him so much and the longer I gazed upon his picture the more I missed him.
My dad knew the grace of his Father in heaven. He knew that when he died he would be rejoicing in heaven with Jesus. On my last visit that I would have with my dad he lay in his bed, at home, and spoke these words: "Father, I am ready to come home." What beautiful words for a daughter to hear. They are etched in my memory and I pray that in my last days I too will speak those words with rejoicing and with peace. On his grave were etched these words (he chose them.) "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you."
Below is a link about a little girl and her family who desperately need our prayers.
I also want to add that in this life in which I/we live all I want to do is worship Jesus. In every way worship him. I want to worship him as a wife, mother, grandmother, sister...Take a moment to watch and listen to this song (it was also posted on the link that I put up.) I want you to notice that while they sing the song that there are people of all ages and backgrounds around the room - all worshipping. It is so beautiful to me.
May God be praised - honored - worshipped - glorified - above all else in my and in your life.
My dad knew the grace of his Father in heaven. He knew that when he died he would be rejoicing in heaven with Jesus. On my last visit that I would have with my dad he lay in his bed, at home, and spoke these words: "Father, I am ready to come home." What beautiful words for a daughter to hear. They are etched in my memory and I pray that in my last days I too will speak those words with rejoicing and with peace. On his grave were etched these words (he chose them.) "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you."
Below is a link about a little girl and her family who desperately need our prayers.
I also want to add that in this life in which I/we live all I want to do is worship Jesus. In every way worship him. I want to worship him as a wife, mother, grandmother, sister...Take a moment to watch and listen to this song (it was also posted on the link that I put up.) I want you to notice that while they sing the song that there are people of all ages and backgrounds around the room - all worshipping. It is so beautiful to me.
May God be praised - honored - worshipped - glorified - above all else in my and in your life.
Monday, September 27, 2010
and in that moment you find peace
As I sit in our basement tonight, just finished watching "You've Got Mail" with my daughter, there is a peace that is sitting here with me. Jesus!!! He is my peace. I don't always feel at peace about everything in my life but pressing into him, through prayer, God brings us to a peace. I was thinking of a line in a movie where the son comes in to talk to his father - it's a quiet morning and the father says "there are times in life when everyone is good, the family is happy, the business is going well and everything is good - and in that moment you find peace." To which the son says "this isn't that moment dad."
I think in life we are always looking for peace. People run around with the business of their life, work, kids, diapers, practices...whatever it may be and peace seems to elude so many of us. But you know what I think the problem is? Getting too busy for your relationship with Jesus. Too busy to spend time with him, too busy to pray, too busy to read his word. It can even be that we just don't want to or know how to have a relationship with Jesus.
Lately my prayer life has not been what it should. I've spent time in the word but my time in prayer seeking the face of Jesus has been poor. I am so thankful that my husband asked me direct "How is your prayer time?" Wow I needed to hear that. It's no wonder I have felt the enemy attack me lately with a number of things. I let down my guard and he got in. Praise Jesus that he always comes to the rescue.
His Spirit in me is just the best.
Have you felt weak lately? Call out to Jesus. He is there waiting for you - longing for you - loving you - longing for you to let him lead you - so let it all go and give it all to him.
p.s. All of my girls were home last week for my birthday. What a gift from God. Note that in this picture emily just flew in from CA on a red eye and is sick and Nicole was up at 5am with a toddler to pick her up at the airport. Some tired faces but sisters in love.
I think in life we are always looking for peace. People run around with the business of their life, work, kids, diapers, practices...whatever it may be and peace seems to elude so many of us. But you know what I think the problem is? Getting too busy for your relationship with Jesus. Too busy to spend time with him, too busy to pray, too busy to read his word. It can even be that we just don't want to or know how to have a relationship with Jesus.
Lately my prayer life has not been what it should. I've spent time in the word but my time in prayer seeking the face of Jesus has been poor. I am so thankful that my husband asked me direct "How is your prayer time?" Wow I needed to hear that. It's no wonder I have felt the enemy attack me lately with a number of things. I let down my guard and he got in. Praise Jesus that he always comes to the rescue.
His Spirit in me is just the best.
Have you felt weak lately? Call out to Jesus. He is there waiting for you - longing for you - loving you - longing for you to let him lead you - so let it all go and give it all to him.
p.s. All of my girls were home last week for my birthday. What a gift from God. Note that in this picture emily just flew in from CA on a red eye and is sick and Nicole was up at 5am with a toddler to pick her up at the airport. Some tired faces but sisters in love.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Into Him
Thats all I want.
I want others to know that this is what we as Christians should be about.
Just Jesus.
Worship is about Jesus.
Relationships are about Jesus.
Work is about Jesus.
It's all about Jesus.
It's not about me - at all.
Sometimes I get in the way.
Sometimes I forget what it's all about.
Then I come back to Jesus.
Psalm 138 says "Though the Lord is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar. Though I walk in the midst of trouble you preserve my life;...the Lord will fulfill his purpose for me."
I heard a quote recently:
"He wants us to get over ourselves and get into Him."
Jesus is always beckoning us to come to him.
We may wander away but he never leaves us.
We may have our own agenda but the Lord still has his purpose for us - may we never forget that. When we do forget I pray that we hear his voice as he calls us back.
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." John 10:27
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
attitude check
America is so wealthy, or so we think.
Throughout the bible we read about the poor. Caring for the poor, humbling ourselves, and it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Yet why do we ignore the poor so much? Why do we ignore when someone is in need? Or do you/we judge too much and try to explain why they are poor and don't deserve our help? Why do we judge them and quickly talk ourself out of helping them? Some may take our help and definitely use it for good (food, bills) and others may use it in a way that we don't approve. That is not for us to judge. And so often when we do help there is pride involved. 'Look what I did. I am better than they are.' Oh, one may not say that out loud but that is so often the attitude. Remember that Jesus made himself lower, he humbled himself. He became poor - think about that. Jesus - a poor man - would you have ignored Jesus if you would have met him on the street? We are to see everyone with the eyes of Jesus. To look on each person as a child of God.
Today - everyone you greet think "they are a child of God" and see what that does in your day. Find a way to bless someone today. Ask Jesus to give you his eyes. See people through his lense. I love the beatitudes! And my attitude - well it could use some work, how about you?
Throughout the bible we read about the poor. Caring for the poor, humbling ourselves, and it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Yet why do we ignore the poor so much? Why do we ignore when someone is in need? Or do you/we judge too much and try to explain why they are poor and don't deserve our help? Why do we judge them and quickly talk ourself out of helping them? Some may take our help and definitely use it for good (food, bills) and others may use it in a way that we don't approve. That is not for us to judge. And so often when we do help there is pride involved. 'Look what I did. I am better than they are.' Oh, one may not say that out loud but that is so often the attitude. Remember that Jesus made himself lower, he humbled himself. He became poor - think about that. Jesus - a poor man - would you have ignored Jesus if you would have met him on the street? We are to see everyone with the eyes of Jesus. To look on each person as a child of God.

Matthew 5
1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them saying:
3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them saying:
3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Bonfire anyone?
It's been a quiet house this weekend. It is alot more quiet then it ever use to be and it's taken alot to get use to. With three daughters married in 29 months our home changed rather quickly. Today Tim and I decided we would go for a walk/hike at one of the big metro parks. Since the weather has finally cooled off it made the walk so much more enjoyable. We were talking about life along the way, as most couples do when they take a walk. I like how Tim put it when I asked him if he missed having younger children around, he said "well, we had fun but now we are at a different phase in our life - we get to spend more time with each other but we will also can do more pouring into others."
On our hike today I took this picture. We stopped and just looked for a moment at the dark colors of the trees trunk and the stark green leaves. It is so beautiful.
Last night Angela had the great idea to go outside to look at the stars. As we lay on the blanket, cuddling up with each other we were in awe as we watched shooting stars through the sky. One was so bright and went all the way across. It was awesome. We were quietly laying there when suddenly, right behind me I heard a "meow". Scared me so much that when I yelled the cat must have run far away. Hopefully he will stay gone, he's been hanging around our house way too long anyway.
Well that's about all for today. Not much profound but just a little for me to remember.
Anybody want to come over tonight for a bonfire?
On our hike today I took this picture. We stopped and just looked for a moment at the dark colors of the trees trunk and the stark green leaves. It is so beautiful.

Well that's about all for today. Not much profound but just a little for me to remember.
Anybody want to come over tonight for a bonfire?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Heart Exposed
I have filled out an application to be a mentor to some pretty traumatized girls. I found this song the other day and I pretty much love every part of this song. If you have 9 minutes now, please close your eyes, turn it loud enough to hear clearly and listen with all your heart.
Love, real love is Jesus - hanging on a tree - looking at me, looking at you.
Remember this day who loves you. If you are looking for love, look to Jesus first. Let him love you, expose your heart to him completely, holding nothing back. If you have been wounded, it is Jesus who can heal your wounds.
Isaiah 53:5 says "He was pierced for our transgressions (sin), he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."
Love, real love is Jesus - hanging on a tree - looking at me, looking at you.
Remember this day who loves you. If you are looking for love, look to Jesus first. Let him love you, expose your heart to him completely, holding nothing back. If you have been wounded, it is Jesus who can heal your wounds.
Isaiah 53:5 says "He was pierced for our transgressions (sin), he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Ever been afraid of man? Afraid of a situation? I am sure we all have. I certainly have. I remember a time when my fear of man and what man could do filled my stomach with knots and tied me all up inside. Proverbs 29:25 "Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe." Isn't that just the coolest!!!? Think of how you as a human fail others. Others will and do fail you too. We have times when we know that others have a huge impact on our life, our earthly life and because of their impact we can become fearful of them, looking to them for solutions thus taking our trust off of Christ and onto man. Pretty soon we have totally forgotten about God and are only looking to man to come through. Even though man will always fail but God will not. I know I have been guilty of this. Isn't that a beautiful promise though - whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Safe in God's way, not mine - safe by God's direction, not mine - safe in my heart and in my mind, which to me are the places that I need safety, the places I want his protection.
By the way, be assured that trusting in the Lord and being safe is a promise direct from him - spoken direct to you. That is how much he loves you.
Take a moment and worship the Lord as you listen to this song. Think about Jesus as the song plays, not just a song. Raise your hands if you are so lead. 1 Timothy 2:8 says "I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer..." and Psalm 134:2 "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord." He is worthy of all our praise!
By the way, be assured that trusting in the Lord and being safe is a promise direct from him - spoken direct to you. That is how much he loves you.
Take a moment and worship the Lord as you listen to this song. Think about Jesus as the song plays, not just a song. Raise your hands if you are so lead. 1 Timothy 2:8 says "I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer..." and Psalm 134:2 "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord." He is worthy of all our praise!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Here I am!
Revelations has so much in it. So much that we don't fully understand and so much for us to learn from. So much... I was having a hard time deciding what to write about but will narrow it down to Chapter 3:19-20. "Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." As a parent I had to discipline my children, for them to learn and to grow. Their life would not have any direction without my discipline. So ours would not without God's discipline. I love hearing these words for me personally. Jesus - standing at the door of my heart - knocking. Will I hear his voice, will I listen to his voice, will I open the door? I imagine the earnestnest of his plea to come into my heart. I imagine him saying "come on, open up, I'm right here." When I stop with the business of my life, open up my heart and let him in, he will come in and eat with me and I with him. He will feed me and the food he gives to me - well - I will never go hungry! I will want more of him - I want more of him.
I've put this song on my blog a while back but it's what I thought of for today.
More of him and less of me!
I've put this song on my blog a while back but it's what I thought of for today.
More of him and less of me!
Friday, August 27, 2010
I've got you!
I really am blessed. Last night I asked my husband why he was so happy (he had been just doing things all light and happy.) His response was "I've got you!" - Seriously, I am so blessed. Yet the reality is that this love is a love that comes from Christ. He is a man who seeks the face of Jesus and it makes me feel so secure. When he fails, which he does, he seeks the face of Jesus. It brings a love that is so much deeper than he could ever bring to me on his own. This is the kind of husband that I am blessed to have - this is the kind of pastor that I am blessed to have. One who seeks Jesus - wants more of Jesus - and desires to bring people into a closer and deeper relationship with the Shepherd.
RELATIONSHIP! That's the key. A relationship with Jesus. All the other stuff doesn't matter. Your car, your house, posessions (not that we don't need these) but are you willing to give them up? That was the trouble with the rich man - when Jesus told him to sell all he had and give to the poor he went away sad. Don't we often feel the same way as the rich man? I know there have been times in my life when God has called me to give up things and it was sooooo hard. I even got mad at God.
Questioning why. What does God tell Job? "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall anwer me." Now imagine God saying this to you. I do and I love being challenged to work this through. The times when I am reminded of this are not usually fun because I have obviously questioned God but it is such a powerful reminder of the mighty God we serve.
How small is God to you? Ponder this question. Take a journey through your life and see how God's hand has guided you/taught you/shaped you. Give him thanks and praise - worship him - your life is not about you but about him. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - 3 in one. Don't understand that? - me either! But it is truth and that is what I believe.
Thank you Jesus - "I've Got you! :)
RELATIONSHIP! That's the key. A relationship with Jesus. All the other stuff doesn't matter. Your car, your house, posessions (not that we don't need these) but are you willing to give them up? That was the trouble with the rich man - when Jesus told him to sell all he had and give to the poor he went away sad. Don't we often feel the same way as the rich man? I know there have been times in my life when God has called me to give up things and it was sooooo hard. I even got mad at God.
Questioning why. What does God tell Job? "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall anwer me." Now imagine God saying this to you. I do and I love being challenged to work this through. The times when I am reminded of this are not usually fun because I have obviously questioned God but it is such a powerful reminder of the mighty God we serve.
How small is God to you? Ponder this question. Take a journey through your life and see how God's hand has guided you/taught you/shaped you. Give him thanks and praise - worship him - your life is not about you but about him. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - 3 in one. Don't understand that? - me either! But it is truth and that is what I believe.
Thank you Jesus - "I've Got you! :)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Return to Me
So I was remembering the idea of my starting this blog. It actually started out to support other pastor's wives and help people to understand what it's like to be in the ministry. As I blogged I found it amazing to get so vulnerable. It felt real good to be so real about my feelings - cause, well you know, we all have them and sometimes we just need someone who will actually express them to help us to open up too. Can you relate to this? So tonight I was looking around online at other pastor's wives blogs. It was pretty amazing all the different things that I ran across. Some love being in ministry, they have loving congregations who really take care of them, others are just plain hurting and have people in their church that have torn them to shreds. Some write for fun and just share life. I think all are great, just being vulnerable. Since writing in a journal was not my thing, blogging is a great way for me to journal my life, sometimes tough feelings and emotions too. My daughter Emily promised me that if I died she will put my blog into a book. I promised her the same.
Oh and last week was the last time I will ever go school supply shopping. That has to go on my blog for future reading. I held back tears as I was walking out of Target to the car. I am a pitiful, loving, emotional mother I know. Someone told me that we could adopt. haha! I'm not THAT sad.
I love Pandora Frank Sinatra radio.
I am going to deliver with Meals on Wheels starting in September.
Our amazing friends came to visit us last weekend from NY. We just love you!
A few days break.............................
"Even now," declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love." Joel 2
Have you fallen away from Christ? This is what God wants from you - simply your heart! He doesn't ask for perfection but simply your heart. I can just hear the plea from God for his people to come back to him. Read those words again. Don't you hear his longing for you? When I think of Jesus dying on the cross for me, shedding his blood so that I can be washed of my sins, I can only imagine what Jesus feels when he sees me doubting him, or trying to lead my life my way.
Oh and last week was the last time I will ever go school supply shopping. That has to go on my blog for future reading. I held back tears as I was walking out of Target to the car. I am a pitiful, loving, emotional mother I know. Someone told me that we could adopt. haha! I'm not THAT sad.
I love Pandora Frank Sinatra radio.
I am going to deliver with Meals on Wheels starting in September.
Our amazing friends came to visit us last weekend from NY. We just love you!
A few days break.............................
"Even now," declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love." Joel 2
Have you fallen away from Christ? This is what God wants from you - simply your heart! He doesn't ask for perfection but simply your heart. I can just hear the plea from God for his people to come back to him. Read those words again. Don't you hear his longing for you? When I think of Jesus dying on the cross for me, shedding his blood so that I can be washed of my sins, I can only imagine what Jesus feels when he sees me doubting him, or trying to lead my life my way.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Bed & Breakfast
So I would really love to open a Bed & Breakfast - for anyone - but with a Christian theme. Please pray for me that if God wants me to do this he will open doors. I love making guests feel comfortable, relaxed and away. Guess it's the gift of hospitality. This is a dream that I have had since I was in my early 20's. I've been looking everywhere for a job but God just hasn't opened one up for me yet. I don't really understand it, seems that you have to have a degree now to answer phones. We have some amazing friends coming to visit this weekend and as I prepare our home for guests I realize that this is what I love to do - and I want to do it all the time - for a job.
There would need to be some big miracles to make it possible to do this but I have a God who moves mountains and I believe the bible when it says "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4 So I hold onto this promise!
There would need to be some big miracles to make it possible to do this but I have a God who moves mountains and I believe the bible when it says "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4 So I hold onto this promise!
I am going to go and make some fresh raspberry scones soon. I pray that they turn out just delicious. If so, I'll set aside the recipe for my future guests. :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A bunch of stuff
So where to begin. God is good! All the time, God is good!
Tonight Tim and I watched the movie "The Book of Eli". Lots of symbolism and a great movie, despite some graphic scenes. I cried but it was powerful. After the movie we sat down to play gin (cards) with a glass of wine. The card game is always a mistake with my husband because he always wins and I feel so tempted to throw the cards at him. Not good! So we just stopped playing - good move.
I feel so blessed to have my friend Sherry. She was even at our wedding and even though we have moved alot we have remained in contact over the past 27 years. She blesses me, encourages me, challenges me and is not afraid to ask me how I am doing in certain areas of my life - you know, the tough questions. I love that because I want to continue to grow in Christ and we all need someone who can talk straight up in our lives.
Talked with someone else today who just had their ultrasound of their first baby. It brought a few tears to my eyes as I heard the joy in her heart and the words explaining the baby moving it's arms alot. God's work is so amazing and beautiful. God loves life - God made life - he wants us to live our life for him. Not for this world - but for Him. He is our creator. Psalm 139 "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them." Life is so beautiful, from the baby in the womb to our life today. We are precious to our Father. Think about it - he created us, as the Psalm says, so uniquely, that's how precious we are to him.
May my life Lord, reflect who you are, may it shine with the love that only can come from you.
The other day I called my big brother. It's been a long time since I was in touch with him since he's from the old days and doesn't have internet. haha! I love him. What a blessing that phone call was. I could tell in his voice that he was so happy to hear my voice. He was so happy that I called him. I need to be more intentional about that from now on.
The idea of blessing someone has become more tangible to me lately. In our small group we are going through an 8 week guide to Incarnational Community - The Tangible Kingdom primer. Well it has really taught me what it means to be a tangible Christian. Not in name only but in my life. Blessing others - wow - it's awesome when you see others touched when you just love them. When you step across the fence or step into the lives of those around you - to bless them.
So I was just feeling like my blog was getting scattered. That's ok. There have been a bunch of things. Paul didn't exactly stay on one topic either. :)
So some animal ate all my sweet corn. I worked so hard to prepare the soil for this. I mean really hard. It came up awesome, looked beautiful, and I was super excited to eat some sweet corn - until we saw this. I was sooooo mad. I just stood outside and kept saying "dumb animal, I am so mad."
I'm sure there is more but I think I will close for the night. Bask in the love that Jesus has for you. Wow, he hung on a cross THINKING OF YOU. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.Thursday, August 5, 2010
It's been defeated
This morning I read some pretty hard truths in the bible. Wow! Hear this!
"No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother." 1 John 3
Yikes - some hard truths to take in huh? It makes me think of the scripture that says "should we go on sinnning that grace may abound, by no means, we have died to sin." Sin is such an annoying thing isn't it? Sure would be great to wake up one day and have a perfect day. No bad thoughts, no words spoken in the wrong way, no inner and outer attitudes. The words above are a challenge for us to walk daily with Jesus. He knows that we will mess up, that's why he died on a cross for you and for me. Yet to walk with Jesus means that our life will be different - there are no excuses for continuing in our sin. Jesus told the woman caught in adultery; "...neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more."
Stop and think for a moment what Jesus really went through for you. The torture, the beatings, the rejection. As he went through all of this he was thinking about YOU. Seriously - HE WAS THINKING ABOUT YOU! As I think about Jesus hanging on a cross for me it is incredible, but when I think of him on the cross thinking about me - personally - Wow - what love. Best of all three days later he rose from the dead. Death could not even hold him down. This is the God that we have. This is the God that loves us. This is the God that tells us to love our brother. To walk as his children - in the light! This is the God that forgives.
And that sin in your life that your struggling with - kill it - put it to death - Jesus did - he defeated even death for you. His power is now within you in the Holy Spirit.
Walk in the light! You are loved like crazy!
"No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother." 1 John 3
Yikes - some hard truths to take in huh? It makes me think of the scripture that says "should we go on sinnning that grace may abound, by no means, we have died to sin." Sin is such an annoying thing isn't it? Sure would be great to wake up one day and have a perfect day. No bad thoughts, no words spoken in the wrong way, no inner and outer attitudes. The words above are a challenge for us to walk daily with Jesus. He knows that we will mess up, that's why he died on a cross for you and for me. Yet to walk with Jesus means that our life will be different - there are no excuses for continuing in our sin. Jesus told the woman caught in adultery; "...neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more."
Stop and think for a moment what Jesus really went through for you. The torture, the beatings, the rejection. As he went through all of this he was thinking about YOU. Seriously - HE WAS THINKING ABOUT YOU! As I think about Jesus hanging on a cross for me it is incredible, but when I think of him on the cross thinking about me - personally - Wow - what love. Best of all three days later he rose from the dead. Death could not even hold him down. This is the God that we have. This is the God that loves us. This is the God that tells us to love our brother. To walk as his children - in the light! This is the God that forgives.
And that sin in your life that your struggling with - kill it - put it to death - Jesus did - he defeated even death for you. His power is now within you in the Holy Spirit.
Walk in the light! You are loved like crazy!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
21 days
I love waking up in the morning and having some quiet time to myself. It's refreshing to spend time in the word and in prayer alone. Tim works out of our home so I see him alot. He was gone this morning to meet with area pastors as they talk and pray together. I love this for him! (of course my teenager is still sleeping. :)) My alone time with God is precious to me. As I close my eyes all I can hear are my fingers typing and the little clock ticking. Time moves along in life, sometimes it feels like time is moving fast and sometimes it feels like it's just dragging on. We all know those days, whether your at work or your a stay at home mom.
Ask yourself what kind of time you are giving to spend with Jesus. What in your life is getting in the way of your alone time? Do you make excuses? (too busy, kids practice, work, don't know how to have alone time with God...etc.) Been there done this myself. We've all heard it said that 21 days makes a habbit. I would encourage you to begin today with this. For the next 21 days commit to being in the word - just make the time - every day - pray before you read and pray when you finish. Ask the Lord to speak to you and teach you. Say whatever you want to him, whatever is on your heart. Underline in your bible anything that strikes you. New to reading your bible? Maybe begin with the book of John. When you begin this habbit you will find that your day is different and when you miss it something is missing.
Verse 5 & 7 of Psalm 37: "Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will act. - Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him."
And waiting patiently - life is not about our time but God's and his time looks a whole lot different than ours.
A dear bride to be posted this song today. Take a moment to worship Jesus. He longs to spend time with you.
Ask yourself what kind of time you are giving to spend with Jesus. What in your life is getting in the way of your alone time? Do you make excuses? (too busy, kids practice, work, don't know how to have alone time with God...etc.) Been there done this myself. We've all heard it said that 21 days makes a habbit. I would encourage you to begin today with this. For the next 21 days commit to being in the word - just make the time - every day - pray before you read and pray when you finish. Ask the Lord to speak to you and teach you. Say whatever you want to him, whatever is on your heart. Underline in your bible anything that strikes you. New to reading your bible? Maybe begin with the book of John. When you begin this habbit you will find that your day is different and when you miss it something is missing.
Verse 5 & 7 of Psalm 37: "Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will act. - Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him."
And waiting patiently - life is not about our time but God's and his time looks a whole lot different than ours.
A dear bride to be posted this song today. Take a moment to worship Jesus. He longs to spend time with you.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Do not love the world
This world we live in has so much that takes our eyes and our hearts off of Jesus. Just look around and you can see it.
1 John 2 says "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."
God has put us here in this world not to conform to the world but to be a light in the darkness. Earlier in 1 John it says "If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth." Live by truth! The other day I met a very dear friend of 26 years for the day. It was truly a blessing as we shared our struggles and also that through them we want God to shape us - to teach us. We shared without judging but loving each other forward. You see, out stupid enemy is daily trying to knock us off course. He feeds us lies and frankly I am sick of it. When we hear the promises of Jesus we must claim those truths in our life. They are promises for us, his children. His promises are true every morning and our God - our creator - our Good Shepherd - loves us with a love that is perfect, without fear. He cannot deceive or trick us - his ways for us are for our good. Even those trials that you face will shape you and God is with you in the midst of them. He does not forget you.
I prayed this morning "If I ask to trust you Father, you will give me opportunities to trust."
Be ready for him to work in your life. Open up your heart to him, and in the midst of the unknowns of life, remember that you have a Good Shepherd who is doing the leading - just let him lead.
Thank you friend!
1 John 2 says "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."
God has put us here in this world not to conform to the world but to be a light in the darkness. Earlier in 1 John it says "If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth." Live by truth! The other day I met a very dear friend of 26 years for the day. It was truly a blessing as we shared our struggles and also that through them we want God to shape us - to teach us. We shared without judging but loving each other forward. You see, out stupid enemy is daily trying to knock us off course. He feeds us lies and frankly I am sick of it. When we hear the promises of Jesus we must claim those truths in our life. They are promises for us, his children. His promises are true every morning and our God - our creator - our Good Shepherd - loves us with a love that is perfect, without fear. He cannot deceive or trick us - his ways for us are for our good. Even those trials that you face will shape you and God is with you in the midst of them. He does not forget you.
I prayed this morning "If I ask to trust you Father, you will give me opportunities to trust."
Be ready for him to work in your life. Open up your heart to him, and in the midst of the unknowns of life, remember that you have a Good Shepherd who is doing the leading - just let him lead.
Thank you friend!
Monday, July 26, 2010
So last week God layed very heavy on my heart the pain of those that don't know Jesus. I was sitting at the kitchen table and tears just filled my eyes. A mix of emotions filled me as I was consumed with what the Holy Spirit had layed on my heart. This is what the Christian life is suppose to be about - THE LOST! I think a good question to ask ourselves - 'Am I more concerned with the way I want my faith to look, the way I want church to look, the way...etc. than my neighbor who doesn't know Jesus?' I think it's a hard question to ponder. In the movie "The End of the Spear", which is about some missionaries that went to share the gospel with some very brutal tribal people, the father is getting in his plane to leave and his son asks him, "Dad, if the Woudoni attack will you fight back, will you shoot them?" to which the father says to his son, "Son, we can't shoot the Woudoni, we already have heaven, they don't." You see, our life as a Christ follower should be about reaching out to those that don't have heaven.
If you know the story of Daniel and the Lions Den - God rescues him and closes the mouths of the Lions. The king said! "For he is the living God and he endures forever;...He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He rescued Daniel from the power of the lions."
This is the God that we have - this is the true and living God that we can tell others about.
This song is soooooo powerful! Our God is power! Our God saves!
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16
If you know the story of Daniel and the Lions Den - God rescues him and closes the mouths of the Lions. The king said! "For he is the living God and he endures forever;...He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He rescued Daniel from the power of the lions."
This is the God that we have - this is the true and living God that we can tell others about.
This song is soooooo powerful! Our God is power! Our God saves!
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16
Friday, July 23, 2010
So sorry to my readers that I haven't written for what, 10 days now. wow. I have had a full house with family for a couple of weeks and now I am doing some major catch up - on top of that I believe that God has been doing some more shaping in me. (He is never done with us.) I was going to blog today and just checked a voicemail from a dear mother/friend back in Michigan. She called to check if I was ok since I hadn't written in a while. I love this lady.
I started reading a book that someone recommended to me that changed their life. I will tell you more later but a quote from the book "All of my servants on their way to the high places have had to make this detour through the desert. Here they have learned many things which otherwise they would have known nothing about."
I started reading a book that someone recommended to me that changed their life. I will tell you more later but a quote from the book "All of my servants on their way to the high places have had to make this detour through the desert. Here they have learned many things which otherwise they would have known nothing about."
Are you in a desert? Have you been in one? I am sure that we all have at some point. The desert is a tough place to be. When we were driving through the desert in Arzona this past June I thought it was so awesome. We would stop here and there and get out. The ground was hard, rocky and sandy and of course it was HOT. Now imagine wandering through it for days, weeks, months and years. Our hardships in life can feel like we are wandering forever in a desert but I/we must be open and available to allow God to teach us things that we would not have known otherwise. Sure I would love to learn without all the hard stuff, but if everything was always easy we would never learn. In the movie Evan Almighty, Morgan Freeman, who plays God says:
Let me ask you something.
If someone prays for patience,
you think God gives them patience?
Or does he give them
the opportunity to be patient?
If they pray for courage,
does God give them courage,
or does he give them opportunities
to be courageous?
If someone prayed
for their family to be closer,
you think God zaps them
with warm, fuzzy feelings?
Or does he give them opportunities
to love each other?
See the opportunities today.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
"Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart." 1 Peter 1:22
Peter writes this knowing that when we come to know the truth of Jesus there is a change in us - it is this truth of Jesus that brings about a love for our brothers. In other words - ok, so now that you love others because you now know Jesus, let's take it a step further - now love each other even deeper than you already are - from your heart. I think we have to really stop and get quiet with God. We have to be honest with ourself and with God in areas where we are not loving. People we are not loving like this.
God loves me despite myself. He loves me deeply even when I am not listening for his voice, even when I am being selfish, even when I am being disobedient to his word. He just keeps on loving me. Don't we do this as parents, love our children even when their being unloveable? Now take this love into those outside your family. Maybe you need to in your family, I don't know, but taking this love to the next level can be a challenge. can't do this on your own. Remember the scripture "We love because he first loved us." Ask Christ to fill you so full with his love, to make you an instrument of love to others. What a beautiful prayer - "God, fill me so full with your love that it overflows into the lives of others around me." I would add to this prayer - "Lord, give me eyes to see what you see."
Peter writes this knowing that when we come to know the truth of Jesus there is a change in us - it is this truth of Jesus that brings about a love for our brothers. In other words - ok, so now that you love others because you now know Jesus, let's take it a step further - now love each other even deeper than you already are - from your heart. I think we have to really stop and get quiet with God. We have to be honest with ourself and with God in areas where we are not loving. People we are not loving like this.
God loves me despite myself. He loves me deeply even when I am not listening for his voice, even when I am being selfish, even when I am being disobedient to his word. He just keeps on loving me. Don't we do this as parents, love our children even when their being unloveable? Now take this love into those outside your family. Maybe you need to in your family, I don't know, but taking this love to the next level can be a challenge. can't do this on your own. Remember the scripture "We love because he first loved us." Ask Christ to fill you so full with his love, to make you an instrument of love to others. What a beautiful prayer - "God, fill me so full with your love that it overflows into the lives of others around me." I would add to this prayer - "Lord, give me eyes to see what you see."
Friday, July 9, 2010
Do not neglect
Most of my life I neglected reading the bible. I did read it - but more on an occasional basis. I had such a hard time understanding it so I just felt frustrated reading it. Many parts in the New Testament I would read over and over because some parts I could understand. It wasn't until some years ago I prayed a simple fervant prayer. "Lord, open up the scriptures to me." He clearly answered that prayer as one week in particular I could not stop reading the bible and I was understanding what I read. It was alive!
Psalm 119:14-16 "I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your way. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word."
Spending time in the word of God is now part of my life. It has changed who I am and best of all it has drawn me into a close relationship with Jesus. Not just in words but heart to heart. This Psalm reminds us of what is most important. Getting rich? - hmmm - far greater to follow Jesus. Meditating on the path that he has for daily living is not a burden - his directions for living are not meant to be a burden but to make our life beautiful.
I know that when I die I will be with my Father in heaven. What joy that day will be. I cannot take anything from this life with me. I want Jesus to pour himself every day into my life, into my home. I want more of him in my heart, I want a deeper and even closer relationship with him. Yesterday I heard this song and fell in love with it. "Open up the sky, fall down like rain I don't wany anything but you..."
Worship your creator and your Savior. He deserves all our praise. Draw near to him and he will draw near to you.
Psalm 119:14-16 "I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your way. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word."
Spending time in the word of God is now part of my life. It has changed who I am and best of all it has drawn me into a close relationship with Jesus. Not just in words but heart to heart. This Psalm reminds us of what is most important. Getting rich? - hmmm - far greater to follow Jesus. Meditating on the path that he has for daily living is not a burden - his directions for living are not meant to be a burden but to make our life beautiful.
I know that when I die I will be with my Father in heaven. What joy that day will be. I cannot take anything from this life with me. I want Jesus to pour himself every day into my life, into my home. I want more of him in my heart, I want a deeper and even closer relationship with him. Yesterday I heard this song and fell in love with it. "Open up the sky, fall down like rain I don't wany anything but you..."
Worship your creator and your Savior. He deserves all our praise. Draw near to him and he will draw near to you.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
"You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14
That's us - here and gone, yet we so often don't live our life this way. Verse 15 and 16 say "As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." Clearly there is no room for boasting. Clearly there is no room for not living out the Christian life. Boy have I ever failed in these areas but I am so thankful that the word of God convicts me. It helps to put me back on track, reminds me of these things. Sure I know I'm not suppose to boast and I know that I am suppose to do good but reading it in the bible and being convicted of my failures is go good for me. I know that I am forgiven and redeemed when I fail. Praise Jesus for this! I think that it is so important for me/us to be convicted in areas of our life. How else are we going to grow in our faith and as a person?
To me this sin of not doing the good that we ought is really a reminder to be living out the Christian life. There are many who call themselves a Christian but their life doesn't look any different than those who don't know Christ. James 4:4 says "Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God."
So let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus - every day. My life verse is in Hebrews "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you." I love that I read the following this morning in James. "Come near to God and he will come near to you." Spoken in the same way as in Hebrews. These words are spoken as a promise. Never ever forget this promise. Jesus longs to be near you - he longs for you to bask in his love and forgiveness.
Smile today - you are so loved by Jesus.
That's us - here and gone, yet we so often don't live our life this way. Verse 15 and 16 say "As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." Clearly there is no room for boasting. Clearly there is no room for not living out the Christian life. Boy have I ever failed in these areas but I am so thankful that the word of God convicts me. It helps to put me back on track, reminds me of these things. Sure I know I'm not suppose to boast and I know that I am suppose to do good but reading it in the bible and being convicted of my failures is go good for me. I know that I am forgiven and redeemed when I fail. Praise Jesus for this! I think that it is so important for me/us to be convicted in areas of our life. How else are we going to grow in our faith and as a person?
To me this sin of not doing the good that we ought is really a reminder to be living out the Christian life. There are many who call themselves a Christian but their life doesn't look any different than those who don't know Christ. James 4:4 says "Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God."
So let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus - every day. My life verse is in Hebrews "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you." I love that I read the following this morning in James. "Come near to God and he will come near to you." Spoken in the same way as in Hebrews. These words are spoken as a promise. Never ever forget this promise. Jesus longs to be near you - he longs for you to bask in his love and forgiveness.
Smile today - you are so loved by Jesus.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I love reading the book of James. It is full of straight forward talk. Easy to understand.
Don't you get mad at yourself when you say something to someone where you totally put your foot in your mouth? Maybe you spoke without thinking - been there, done that, or you meant so say something that was meant to be nice but somehow came out wrong. James 3 says "We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check." Whew - this made me feel a whole lot better. Those blunders in our words will happen. But James doesn't let us off that easy either. "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be." No excuses - we are forgiven when we blunder our words. Thank you Jesus!! But think of all the times that we have spoken against someone else and/or our words don't speak the life of a follower of Christ.

My tongue? - well it could use some work. This day - I choose to make it a vessel for Christ. Good chance I'll slip but I choose to pay attention to my words knowing that it reflects my heart and that it sings and praises God.
What will my/your tongue speak today?
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Christian faith is not a religion but a relationship with Jesus Christ. Hear what James 1:27 says about religion. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
This is pretty convicting to me. I currently live in a community where I don't see much need. Oh the need is out there for sure, but the eye doesn't see it. Do you know what I mean? I personally understand the feeling of not letting others know how I really feel or what I am really going through. Our society is not very open to helping each other. We all stay in our own little safe box and don't get very vulnerable with others about life. So unhealthy. This bible verse about looking after the orphans and widows is pretty easy to read but when we extend that out to looking after each others needs that begins to get a little hard. Why? Because we don't know what each others needs are and were afraid to tell someone what they are.
Me? Well - I guess I should start. I need prayers for provision, deep spiritual friendship, encouragement, and a part time job. I'm getting a little vulnerable here so bear with me - I hope you don't mind. Getting vulnerable opens yourself up to get hurt, that's why we don't do it much. Jesus got vulnerable, he became weak and frail for us, he came alongside fallen disciples who weren't always the best of friends, he became vulnerable in his preaching, and became vulnerable and went to the cross - but kept loving people. He was rejected by many but still kept on being vulnerable and loving. So I share with you some prayer needs - why? Because if Jesus could get vulnerable, and he is our example, I guess I/we should too.
What are your needs?
So I had my husband read this blog before I posted it. I never do that but I wanted to make sure that nobody could read this and feel bad in any way. Please don't. My readers and my friends are very dear to me. It made me realize how "concerned" our society has become over sharing our needs with each other. He finished reading this and said "You do not have because you do not ask God." James 4:2
Thanks for your prayers.
This is pretty convicting to me. I currently live in a community where I don't see much need. Oh the need is out there for sure, but the eye doesn't see it. Do you know what I mean? I personally understand the feeling of not letting others know how I really feel or what I am really going through. Our society is not very open to helping each other. We all stay in our own little safe box and don't get very vulnerable with others about life. So unhealthy. This bible verse about looking after the orphans and widows is pretty easy to read but when we extend that out to looking after each others needs that begins to get a little hard. Why? Because we don't know what each others needs are and were afraid to tell someone what they are.
Me? Well - I guess I should start. I need prayers for provision, deep spiritual friendship, encouragement, and a part time job. I'm getting a little vulnerable here so bear with me - I hope you don't mind. Getting vulnerable opens yourself up to get hurt, that's why we don't do it much. Jesus got vulnerable, he became weak and frail for us, he came alongside fallen disciples who weren't always the best of friends, he became vulnerable in his preaching, and became vulnerable and went to the cross - but kept loving people. He was rejected by many but still kept on being vulnerable and loving. So I share with you some prayer needs - why? Because if Jesus could get vulnerable, and he is our example, I guess I/we should too.
What are your needs?
So I had my husband read this blog before I posted it. I never do that but I wanted to make sure that nobody could read this and feel bad in any way. Please don't. My readers and my friends are very dear to me. It made me realize how "concerned" our society has become over sharing our needs with each other. He finished reading this and said "You do not have because you do not ask God." James 4:2
Thanks for your prayers.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
My daughters are so precious to me. That word fits well how I feel about them. Just Precious! I miss them so much too. Denise and Mike are back from overseas but we are not in the same town. That's weird to me. We will get out time together when they come and stay with us for a week and that too will be precious.
(first day back - so tired from over 50 hrs. of travel)

I was reading Psalm 116 this morning and verse 15 says "Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of his saints." Have you ever thought about the death of a friend or a loved one this way? That the Lord sees it as precious that we are home with him? I think that is a beautiful picture to me - as I think about how precious my girls are to me - the Lord thinks how precious it is when one of his children come home to him. That is so cool to me.
David continues in the psalm "O Lord, truly I am your have freed me from my chains. I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord..." David knew that the Lord had freed him from so much sin in his life. Freed him from the guilt and from the chains that he was carrying.
Whatever you are facing in your life remember that Jesus thinks you are precious. He died on the cross and took all your sins and your crap with him to the cross so you can be free. So that you could be made new and you can have eternal life, glorious life. New life here on earth and a new and glorious life in heaven when we die. And when one day he calls us home to be with him - wow, we are precious to him, that is just the greatest.
(first day back - so tired from over 50 hrs. of travel)
I was reading Psalm 116 this morning and verse 15 says "Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of his saints." Have you ever thought about the death of a friend or a loved one this way? That the Lord sees it as precious that we are home with him? I think that is a beautiful picture to me - as I think about how precious my girls are to me - the Lord thinks how precious it is when one of his children come home to him. That is so cool to me.
David continues in the psalm "O Lord, truly I am your have freed me from my chains. I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord..." David knew that the Lord had freed him from so much sin in his life. Freed him from the guilt and from the chains that he was carrying.
Whatever you are facing in your life remember that Jesus thinks you are precious. He died on the cross and took all your sins and your crap with him to the cross so you can be free. So that you could be made new and you can have eternal life, glorious life. New life here on earth and a new and glorious life in heaven when we die. And when one day he calls us home to be with him - wow, we are precious to him, that is just the greatest.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Pin Prick
After a two week trip we are home. When we got out of the car last night and took a walk around the house I could not believe how the weeds have taken over. I felt like my yard was growling at me. It seems funny but if you look at it you'd want to run from it too.
There has been a moment on our trip that I have been wanting to write about for a while now. Here goes! When Tim and I were at the Grand Canyon (it was my favorite place) I had this idea that we should stay in the park till after dark and find a good spot to look at the stars. I could only imagine what the stars would look like over the canyon. So we asked a worker in one of the shops the best place to go. He told us to drive up to a certain point, far away from any of the visitor areas but be sure that we bring a flashlight or two or we would not be able to find our way back to the car. So off we went, driving around the winding road, and me of course was keeping my eyes peeled for any wildlife. None, oh well. We finally found "the place." We had a blanket and a couple of pillows and after we had watched the sun set (beautiful) we got ourselves all situated.
As the sun disapeared, stars began to pop out. The moon was partly out this night so it wasn't as dark as we thought it would be. The stars became more and more thick and then I would see many planes lights. One after another the planes would fly in different directions. - Then is struck me - I told Tim - Think about all the people in those planes, traveling from different places to different places. The number of people in this world - then look at the expanse of the universe, the stars and planets...then I think about me. Little me in the great big world. I am just a little pin prick in the world. That little - and the creator of the universe thinks that I am worth sending his son to die on a cross to rescue me from my sin. The creator of the universe LOVES ME! It just blows me away. Think about the size of a pin prick. So small and even unnoticeable yet Jesus notices you/me. And when we stray away from him he looks for us and beckons us to come back.
We may be a little pin prick in this world but Jesus knows exactly where we are.
Psalm 8:3-9
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings [a]
and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
7 all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,
8 the birds of the air,
and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
As the sun disapeared, stars began to pop out. The moon was partly out this night so it wasn't as dark as we thought it would be. The stars became more and more thick and then I would see many planes lights. One after another the planes would fly in different directions. - Then is struck me - I told Tim - Think about all the people in those planes, traveling from different places to different places. The number of people in this world - then look at the expanse of the universe, the stars and planets...then I think about me. Little me in the great big world. I am just a little pin prick in the world. That little - and the creator of the universe thinks that I am worth sending his son to die on a cross to rescue me from my sin. The creator of the universe LOVES ME! It just blows me away. Think about the size of a pin prick. So small and even unnoticeable yet Jesus notices you/me. And when we stray away from him he looks for us and beckons us to come back.
We may be a little pin prick in this world but Jesus knows exactly where we are.
Psalm 8:3-9
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings [a]
and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
7 all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,
8 the birds of the air,
and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Quite the day
So I really wish that I would have had time to blog these past days. By the time I have gotten to my computer I've been way too tired to blog. Tonight I wanted to write a little before bed.

Today was one of those really long travel days filled with a mix of things. First we left from Bryce Canyon in Utah heading toward the Denver area. We spent last night in our small pup tent and it was a pleasure after feeling awful about hotels, and the cost of them and we loved being outdoors and we were looking foward to spending tonight at a campground in the Rocky Mountains. We drove - and drove - through the most amazing scenerly I have ever seen. From red rock, to white rock, to areas that looked like you were on the moon and into the green lush Rockies in Colorado.
Ok, so getting near Denver we started to look for a campground to stay at. First stop, Vail, CO - saw a sign for camping 1/2 mile - no campground - asked employees at a local hamburger place, they had no idea, or probably didn't even care. Called daughter Nicole who looked on the computer and found a few - she got us there. Crap, no showers there and you can't park your car by your tent (bad for us since we need the car adapter to blow up our air mattress which has to be in the tent before you fill it.) Moving on - hopped back on the freeway and go off at the next exit, asked a local (very small town) for camping - she said go to the next exit to the visitor center and they can tell you where to go. "You don't want a ticket for camping in the wrong place." Back on we go - visitor center - "There are some campgrounds in Mt. Evan, but I don't know what their facilities are. It's right in the woods in the mountains." Hmmmm, Tim didn't feel that were prepared for bear. I so would have gone but the whole bear thing and the fact it was 12 miles up in the woods and we were starving, I mean starving - Tim said "Let's just find a hotel."
(Nothing in this town. :)
We drove to yet another exit/city that we were told has hotels. Pulled off the exit - SAW NONE - they are usually right off the exit. Oh great! Saw a lady walking her dog and stopped to ask her if there was anything in town. She directed us to a few local ones and to a bed and breakfast. Pulled up to he B & B and here we are tonight.
The owner came back shortly after we got here and was so sweet. I told her that I had been craving spaghetti and meatballs all day, anywhere that I could get some. (It was 9pm on a Sunday night) Without even a word she was on the phone and told us we could walk 2 blocks around the corner, this restaurant has the best meatballs. By this point I felt like I could breathe again. Out of the car and we don't even have to drive to dinner. We ended up with the best dinner of our entire vacation and I would totally come back here in a heartbeat. The owner told us about the waterfall and the hiking that we can WALK TO! Oh my goodness - tomorrow is going to be a great day.
Wow, I'm glad I got this all down so I don't forget this. I love God's work in his creation. It blows me away what his hands have done.
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