Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's worth it

Today brings a lightness of heart for me.  No matter what trials in life you face, trust in Him, seek Him - don't stop.  When you fall down, when you doubt, when your scared, keep seeking him - don't stop. 

When the three disciples went with Jesus up a high mountain and Jesus was transfigured before them, "his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light" God the father spoke from a cloud and said "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.  When the disciples heard this they fell on their faces and were terrified.  But Jesus came and touched them saying. 'Rise, and have no fear.'"  Isn't Jesus amazing!!!  How often don't we really listen to Jesus.  We face things that are so uncertain, sometimes even fearful, we face hurts and what do we do?  Don't we way too often become afraid?  Now think for a moment about the underlined words above.  Those words are from the God of the Universe, the creator of this world, our creator.  Look outside at everything you see, the creator of all of that told us to listen to Jesus.  Then Jesus next words to us are "HAVE NO FEAR."  I believe that the peace that transends all understanding comes when we truly believe and listen to Jesus words. 

There is a young woman in my life, not my daughter by blood, that has become a special friend.  God has broken down any age barriers and we can share life and be completely "real" with each other.  If I had not moved to Ohio I would never have met her and would have missed out on a special friendship.  We were talking the other day about how we so often try to plan our life out ourself.  We know it is completely rediculous but we do it anyway.  Can you relate?  We have such a merciful and patient God.  He is always drawing us back, beckoning us to him, to just trust him, to believe him, that he has a plan.  I told my friend that my life, in no aspect, has any of it ever turned out the way I thought it would, or the way I planned.  It is through what I do not see that God moves in miraculous ways.  I love that!!!  Is it always easy?  no way.  Is it worth it - you bet.

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