Tuesday, July 6, 2010


The Christian faith is not a religion but a relationship with Jesus Christ. Hear what James 1:27 says about religion. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

This is pretty convicting to me. I currently live in a community where I don't see much need. Oh the need is out there for sure, but the eye doesn't see it. Do you know what I mean? I personally understand the feeling of not letting others know how I really feel or what I am really going through. Our society is not very open to helping each other. We all stay in our own little safe box and don't get very vulnerable with others about life. So unhealthy. This bible verse about looking after the orphans and widows is pretty easy to read but when we extend that out to looking after each others needs that begins to get a little hard. Why? Because we don't know what each others needs are and were afraid to tell someone what they are.

Me? Well - I guess I should start. I need prayers for provision, deep spiritual friendship, encouragement, and a part time job. I'm getting a little vulnerable here so bear with me - I hope you don't mind. Getting vulnerable opens yourself up to get hurt, that's why we don't do it much. Jesus got vulnerable, he became weak and frail for us, he came alongside fallen disciples who weren't always the best of friends, he became vulnerable in his preaching, and became vulnerable and went to the cross - but kept loving people. He was rejected by many but still kept on being vulnerable and loving. So I share with you some prayer needs - why? Because if Jesus could get vulnerable, and he is our example, I guess I/we should too.

What are your needs?

So I had my husband read this blog before I posted it. I never do that but I wanted to make sure that nobody could read this and feel bad in any way. Please don't. My readers and my friends are very dear to me. It made me realize how "concerned" our society has become over sharing our needs with each other. He finished reading this and said "You do not have because you do not ask God." James 4:2

Thanks for your prayers.

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