(first day back - so tired from over 50 hrs. of travel)
I was reading Psalm 116 this morning and verse 15 says "Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of his saints." Have you ever thought about the death of a friend or a loved one this way? That the Lord sees it as precious that we are home with him? I think that is a beautiful picture to me - as I think about how precious my girls are to me - the Lord thinks how precious it is when one of his children come home to him. That is so cool to me.
David continues in the psalm "O Lord, truly I am your servant...you have freed me from my chains. I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord..." David knew that the Lord had freed him from so much sin in his life. Freed him from the guilt and from the chains that he was carrying.
Whatever you are facing in your life remember that Jesus thinks you are precious. He died on the cross and took all your sins and your crap with him to the cross so you can be free. So that you could be made new and you can have eternal life, glorious life. New life here on earth and a new and glorious life in heaven when we die. And when one day he calls us home to be with him - wow, we are precious to him, that is just the greatest.
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