This morning I had my Mobile Meals delivery. I do this twice a month (Tim does help me, he's my great driver) It has been a blessing to help deliver meals to those in need. We arrived today at our first drop off to which I tell Tim - "You are going to that door this time, I am not taking the chance of finding a man without pants again." Yup, that happened last time! As we continued our other 8 deliveries I heard a recurring theme from the people. "I hope your getting home soon before this big storm comes." So cute! I felt like they were all my mother. Oh, ya, I'm one of those. :)
One of our last clients we deliver to is a couple. She sees the car coming up the driveway to her door and is always there right away. She was so concerned about us getting home today before the storm hit. As I walked to the car she said "God bless you." I want to get to know some of the people more - sometimes I just want to go in their little apartment and visit with them but I have to finish the deliveries within a certain time.
I want to hear some amazing wisdom from them. I want to learn from them and hear their life stories. I bet they have some amazing ones. I know I do and I'm only 4_(not telling). haha Our daugher Angela had to interview someone for her Spanish 4 class so she called her grandpa. I didn't realize she was doing this until we got home from our small group. I walked in the door and she just said "grandpa is amazing. I called him to ask him some questions for Spanish and I learned things about grandpa that I never knew." She just smiled and I saw that it was a great bonding moment for her, even though it was over the phone.
James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this; to visit orphans and widows in their affliction; and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
I think about some of the widows whom we deliver meals to. I'll just bet that some of them lost their husbands after being married for 50-60 years. Seriously, can you imagine the loneliness they must feel!!! And on top of it they may not even have any children around to visit with them or take them anywhere. Hmmmm - may we all consider the above bible verse, pray about it and see what God opens up for each of us to do. THEN JUST DO IT! May Christ, our amazing Savior and King always receive all the glory and praise and honor.
Keep us humble Lord. Amen!
This is a picture of my visit with my mom in June. She lives in an assisted living facility far from me so I was thankful I was able to see her. My sister lives by her and takes amazing care of our mother. I wish I lived close enough to lend a hand. My mom has lost alot of her memory, mostly short term. She didn't recognize me when I got there, told me "oh my, you look so different." But the next day when I went back in the morning she told me "your husband is handsome." So cute. We shared afternoon coffee together, something she has always loved.
Me and my Mom |
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