Friday, August 27, 2010

I've got you!

I really am blessed. Last night I asked my husband why he was so happy (he had been just doing things all light and happy.) His response was "I've got you!" - Seriously, I am so blessed. Yet the reality is that this love is a love that comes from Christ. He is a man who seeks the face of Jesus and it makes me feel so secure. When he fails, which he does, he seeks the face of Jesus. It brings a love that is so much deeper than he could ever bring to me on his own. This is the kind of husband that I am blessed to have - this is the kind of pastor that I am blessed to have. One who seeks Jesus - wants more of Jesus - and desires to bring people into a closer and deeper relationship with the Shepherd.

RELATIONSHIP! That's the key. A relationship with Jesus. All the other stuff doesn't matter. Your car, your house, posessions (not that we don't need these) but are you willing to give them up? That was the trouble with the rich man - when Jesus told him to sell all he had and give to the poor he went away sad. Don't we often feel the same way as the rich man? I know there have been times in my life when God has called me to give up things and it was sooooo hard. I even got mad at God.

Questioning why. What does God tell Job? "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall anwer me." Now imagine God saying this to you. I do and I love being challenged to work this through. The times when I am reminded of this are not usually fun because I have obviously questioned God but it is such a powerful reminder of the mighty God we serve.

How small is God to you? Ponder this question. Take a journey through your life and see how God's hand has guided you/taught you/shaped you. Give him thanks and praise - worship him - your life is not about you but about him. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - 3 in one. Don't understand that? - me either! But it is truth and that is what I believe.

Thank you Jesus - "I've Got you! :)

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