Thursday, December 31, 2009
A New Thing!
Company coming tonight for a long weekend. Cleaning and organizing my house, planning meals and just wanting to nap really bad. After all the cleaning yesterday we can finally see the garage floor. That has been agrivating us way too long and feels so good to have done.
2010 is going to bring great things - I just know it. As I look back on 2009 I remember a lot of changes in my life. Many wounds needing healing, moving from our home, and now moved to Ohio. Through it all God has been wrapped all around. He has had his hand in every change that has taken place. I can see his hand in his provision for us and his incredible faithfulness to us. This amazing God that we worship is always faithful to us and will never leave us when we are facing difficulties. His hand has guided us through so much this past year. Through all the changes and challenges he was and is continually shaping us - molding us. It's not always been easy - some of it has just been plain hard and some of it has just been down right awesome.
"Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19
Let us all just bow down and worship the Almighty God. Lift your hands in worship to him. Hold nothing back. Close your eyes and listen to the song in complete surrender and worship to your creator. The one who gave you breath deserves your honor and praise. He reigns over all creation. I just absolutely love Jesus! He is all I need and I love being in complete surrender to him. It is so freeing.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Jump In!

Friday, December 18, 2009
"You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat." I am sure this is convicting for all of us. I challenge myself and you to make a conscious decision to pay attention to any areas in our life where we are doing this. Looking down on someone else...hmmm. I bet we have all done this. I heard the story of when a woman got on a plane. There was only one seat left and it was next to this big intimitating looking guy. He wore a leather jacket, rough looking appearance. She sat down next to him, trying not to let her arm touch him. She opened her bible to begin doing her work when he quietly said to her "Christian?" to which she said "yes". He said "me too, my wife and I lost our daughter and we travel around and telling people about Jesus." She realized she had judged him and they ended up having a great conversation the rest of the plane ride.
We will all stand before God so let us bring glory to him by loving one another forward as we want others to do with us. I love the verse later - "Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way." Make up your mind - those words make me think of JUST DO IT! Don't just keep thinking about it but make up your mind that you will. Since we are all brothers and sisters of Jesus and he loves us forward every day let us all do the same with each other, not passing judgement. I was thinking about the many things about myself in which others could easily judge. Pam is so...she...why does she...did you hear what Pam said...yuck! I even hate the sound of those words so why in the world would I put these thoughts in my mind about someone else, let alone speak them to someone else about someone else. I desire my mind to be Christ like and those things are not Christ like.
Let's all remember to accept one another just as Christ has accepted you/me and love each other forward.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Others first!
I don't know about you but I fail miserably at the above. I was so convicted when I read this. First honoring others above myself. How pitiful I can be at this. How way too often I am thinking about myself instead of others. Sometimes I even allow the enemy to get me off track. What does this do? Well check out the verses following. To keep my spiritual fervor in serving the Lord what must I do. BE JOYFUL - PATIENT - FAITHFUL IN PRAYER! I just love it when my spiritual fervor (strength) is on fire. I just love it when the Holy Spirit so fills me that I am overcome with excitement, no matter what. When I think of zeal I think of excitement. To lack zeal means that I am not being faithful to what the Lord calls me to be. I am so thankful that God calls me quickly back to him. When the enemy wants to knock me off course his power and strength is what brings me to a realization of the truth. His truth far outweighs the enemies lies. Walking in the light is way more enjoyable than walking in the darkness. Praise God!
May we all serve the Lord with our minds focused on you Jesus. May we think of others better than ourselves and look to their needs first. When times are difficult, strengthen us Jesus, so that our passion for you does not lack. Keep our eyes fixed on you and not what is around us. It is your Spirit within us that I/we want to shine to others. Walking in your power.
Monday, December 14, 2009
My brother!
Life looks a whole lot different for us now. Planning wedding #3 and watching our daughters begin lives of their own is a bittersweet feeling. Praise God for their lives and praise God for our relationships with them.
So as our family changes one thing does not change. I was reading in Mark 3 as Jesus was told that his mother and brothers were outside looking for him. His response was "Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother.'" Our family is more than by blood - our family is to be our fellow christians around us. Do we see them as our brothers? I think that is a good question for all of us. I know it is for me. We have a new body of believers to gather with - to share life with - to grow together with - and to love. Our hearts should see them as our family. Jesus didn't put his own family above anyone else. He saw everyone as his family and that should be our example as well. Isn't it great to know that Jesus sees us that way? That he sees you and me as a brother or a sister. Wow - that is pretty amazing to me. This Jesus who we love and strive to live our life for, loves you and me like a brother or a sister. A faithful brother who will always look out for us. This Jesus who died on the cross for you and for me wants to stick close beside us. What do we do with this? Do we resist him? Do we really recognize his presence in our lives? This Jesus is even closer than any family that I have here. He doesn't judge me but loves me for who I am. He wants me to know that I am a beautiful daughter of the King.
Claim the truth of who you are in Christ.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Rescue :)
The first thing I thought of was "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." How God stepped in for Asa he will also do for you and for me. He does not change. The same God who Asa prayed to is the same God that we have. Believe in his mighty hand to save you. Believe that he can and will rescue you. I think that so many times we bring on our own pain. We look at a situation and get in a pity party. We think that everything is falling around us, yet when we stop and ask God to show us what he is wanting to teach us through it we often will find that our problem is ourself, our own selfishness and wrong motives. Not that other circumstances don't have an impact but how we handle them is the question. Do we take it to the Lord not just to ask him to fix it all but to reveal to our hearts if there is anything there that he is wanting to work out of us. He has worked out of me so much in my life, even through our transition time he is continuing to shape me. That is a never ending process! Always remember that his work in our lives is so worth anything we may go through.
For a couple of days I worked so hard painting in our new house that every muscle in my body hurt. So much up and down painting trim and walls. For a few days it hurt to get up and to sit down. Yet now, with all the furniture in the house I am so thankful for what I went through to get it done. The sore muscles were all worth it. That is what it is like when God does his shaping in our life. It may hurt for a while and there will be days when you just want to quit because it hurts too much. Don't give up because in the end you will absolutely love what he did in you. There are times when I look at myself and ask 'who are you'. That's how much he has done in me and I just love it.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I am soooo sore. Everywhere...painting all day yesterday in our new house I woke up this morning barely able to move. I still have a day of painting ahead of me. Just hopeing that I loosen up as I get moving.
Then my scripture reading this morning was "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." Just made me smile as I thought about how sore I am. This is for my good. Then my old testament reading was from 2 Chronicles 12 and the prophet had come to Rehoboam (the King) and to the leaders of Judah and said to them "This is what the LORD says, 'You have abandonded me; therefore, I now abandon you to Shishak." After hearing this "the king humbled themselves and said, 'The LORD is just.' When the Lord saw that they humbled themselves, the LORD said 'since they have humbled themselves, I will not destroy them but will soon give them deliverence."
I was thinking about this amazing God that we have. His mercy is so great. I know that there are times when I don't realize that I have turned from him. Maybe I have thought more about doing things my way instead of seeking his direction. Then comes that pivitol point when I just fall down on my face in repentance, humbling myself before him and realizing that I need him every step of the way. I cannot step off the path he has me on and take off on my own. I love that he always leads me back and shows me when I have strayed off.
My first day here in Ohio was filled with so much emotion. within 24 hours we had a farewell party, went wedding dress shopping with Emily (found THE dress), and moved to Ohio. Yet now I look back a few days ago and am so thankful for it all. Those times are continual reminders of his goodness, his shaping, and most importantly, my need for him all the time. Yesterday Beth, from our new church, came over and brought a big pot of chili for us. That was just so great to me and it warmed my heart so much. We sat down on our chair, (the floor for now) in the living room and looked out the beautiful view and just chatted. That was so great to me. I love the words in the verse that "God works for the good..." He is always working for the good in our life. Even through the tough times he is working out something good for you. I sure see that and am so thankful for the outcome all the time.
Keep your focus on Him and humble yourself before him. Remember that we are but a speck in the great universe - and HE LOVES YOU! That just blows me away.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Blown away and humbled!
I noticed all the teenageres and some adults working in the kitchen preparing food. The decorations that I am sure Angela's friends did. I felt so humbled that so many people would have come. I felt so blessed that daughter Nicole (and Eric too) would have put so much work into this. She rocks and I will miss her so much.
My life has been filled with so many changes, yet God is there in them all. He is there guiding and leading. Loving each of us forward. God is in your life too. God is directing you. I was reading in 2 Chronicles this morning - "When all the Israelites saw the fire coming down and the glory of the Lord above the temple, they knelt on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave thanks to the Lord, saying. 'He is good; his love endures forever.'"
May each of us kneel down and worship the Lord. May we each see his hand in our lives. We may not see fire coming down as in the above verse but let us all be aware of the Lord's presence in our lives. Maybe he will come to you through a friend sharing an encouraging word, an answered prayer, a new job, a scripture that speaks to you today, a song, a walk in the park...etc. God shows up in our lives and wants us to see him. Look around every day and he will be found. As I looked at the people there last night I could see God in every one of them.
God you are good and your love is forever!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I think so often in life we pick and choose what parts of our life we will allow God to be a part of. Maybe not always consciously, but we do it anyhow. Serving God wholeheartedly also means that you are allowing him to lead your life, every aspect of it. I've been so busy these past few weeks that I confess I have allowed myself to take the lead in some areas, thus making me more stressed and frustrated. Then when God pulls some things together I go "whew, thanks Lord." When will we ever learn. Allow him the lead in the first place and stop trying to take it back.
Watch the following video - how many times is this you?
"O Lord know my heart, and know my anxious thoughts, if there is any offensive way in me in the way everlasting." God knows all our motives, all our thoughts - allow him to expose them in your life and to shape and refine you. His work is always good. When he shows you areas in your life that he wants to shape, even areas that you detest, remember that he still loves you - that is why he is always working on each and every one of us. As long as we keep sitting on the chair and making our own decisions we are keeping God from shaping us. Don't want the shaping? Afraid of what he will show you? Remember the bible verse "there is nothing hidden that will not be exposed." God knows it all anyway and he wants you to know that you are a forgiven and loved son/daughter. He wants to sit on the stool and make the decisions in your life. He will do a much better job than you and me.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Emily and Jonathan

Monday, November 23, 2009
As I read these words I couldn't help but think about myself. Is this what others would say about my faith? At times yes, other times no. I think it would be amazing if our church was reported all over the world as having such faith. How about yours? Faith is always a challenge isn't it? Are you challenged in your faith every day? I know I am. Whatever circumstance we may face it should be our faith that holds us strong. Ephesians 4 "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." I believe that this is the faith that Paul was talking about. He was called by God - to prepare God's people - YOU - so that the church will reach unity in the faith. I love what ultimately should occure in our lives - that we become mature. Too many people do not want to grow up in their faith. They figure they got enough Jesus in their life. They know of him and that's enough to get to heaven. But as you look further wouldn't you just love to attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ? We miss out on so much of what God has for us. We miss out on miracles in our life and a deep personal relationship with Jesus, our friend.
I challenge myself and you today to pray about this. Ask the Lord to take you to that next step of faith and relationship with him. Paul longed to visit the church so that he could impart some spiritual gift to make them strong - AND "THAT YOU AND I MAY BE MUTUALLY ENCOURAGED BY EACH OTHER'S FAITH." Grow up in your faith, encourage one another in the faith, talk with one another about your relationship with Jesus. I desire to continue to mature in my faith and God continues to give me opportunity to do this.
I am so happy that Jesus is my friend. Walk with me this day Lord Jesus and fill me with an overflowing of your love and power to others. Continue to mature me in my faith so that I may also encourage others.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
How can we even begin to comprehend these verses. When you really think about it. I am sure that we have all had times in our life when we felt forsaken. Forsaken by our spouse, a friend and even forsaken by God. Things got so bad that we felt like God had forsaken us. Or we pray and pray for something and it doesn't seem like anything changes. Yet the above says more than what we "feel". A promise that the Lord does not forsake us.
Also a reminder to tell of his wonders. Frankly I think that we can all be wimps about this. Something amazing happens in our life and we just say that it's luck or a coincidence, not even acknowledging God in it. God is in everything in our lives.
I just finished reading the book of Acts. In the final chapter Paul speaks these words. "The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your forefathers when he said through Isaiah the prophet: 'Go to the people and say, "You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving." For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them."
Read again what I underlined. This is what we miss out on when we become calloused to hearing and seeing. God has some amazing healing to do in your life but we need to be open. We are a pretty tough group of people. We can do it - we don't need God to tell us what to do. Oh, you may not say it in those words but that is what we are really doing. I am guilty of this - running ahead and making my own plans without allowing God to shape me. It's not easy when the shaping comes, it feels like God is not being fair, but I love the result. Let's open our eyes, our ears and our hearts. God is always doing a work in us, but his promise is that when we do 'turn' he will heal us. Not sure what the healing is? Trust me, when you become vulnerable to him you will see what needs healing and you will be so much better. Healing does this! He did some shaping in me this past week. It wasn't easy but God used it to shape me and to give me a peace in this area in my life. I feel so much lighter now. God's work is always good.
Remember the promise in the verse in Psalm above. I will write it again. "Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord have never forsaken those who seek you." Read this verse over and over until you have it memorized. Own it - live it - speak it - and I say again - OWN IT - IT IS YOURS.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009
From suffering to joy :)
James 5 "Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverence and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy."
We are not forgotten. Patience during difficult times seems so hard to grab hold of sometimes. But not with Christ. It is in his power that you can persevere. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you - to fill you so full with his presence. Note the end of the verse that the Lord is full of compassion and mercy. Hold on to those promises. They are truth. When Satan comes at you with thoughts other than these, counter them with this truth. Those of us who know the story of Job know of his suffering. Suffering that most of us cannot even begin to imagine bearing. We get to the end of the story and look to Job as a kind of hero. A man of awesome faith. Remember that you have this same power within you to stand firm under suffering. Cry out to him, speak out loud to him, sing praise to him. He loves you so much. And on the other side is glorious joy.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Up is Down
A Christian marriage is a sacred thing. If you haven't watched "Fireproof", watch it. If you are currently struggling in your marriage - do not give up hope. Remember that our enemy has come to "steal, kill and destroy." He wants to do this in your marriage. Getting honest and real with your spouse is so important. Be sure to tell each other how you feel and if your spouse has something about you that he/she is addressing you with, and you don't like what it is, I challenge you when you hear it to say "thank you for sharing that". So often the hard things about ourselves that we hear turns into becoming defensive. Ephesians 4:15 says "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the head, that is Christ." You see, when we speak the truth - always in love - we will grow into Christ. I love the words into him. How much better life will be if we will continue to press into Christ.
You see, God has a beautiful plan for marriage. We and society have so twisted his beautiful plan. Our sin gets in the way and his beautiful plans get so twisted by the enemy. Think of your marriage as loving the other one forward. Challenges - yes we will face them - but a marriage fully devoted to Christ, wrapped in prayer will flourish and grow. Forgive one another and walk forward in the power of Christ.
The key is this: You can't give what you don't have. The love you want to give to your spouse - you cannot give it until you have it from Jesus. It is through his pouring of love in you that will empower you to love your spouse. The knowledge that Jesus died for your sins, he loves you so much, and your desire to receive and live in his love. This is the love that you can now give to your spouse. You cannot do it of your own will, but only in the power of Jesus. Seek him in prayer and get down on your knees and submit all of who you are to him. Remember, the way up is down!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
"Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you - unless, of course, you fail the test?" Wow - failing this test - yikes. He continues - "I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test...we pray to God that you will not do anything wrong...but that you will do what is right." This is so important that we also test our own faith. That we evaluate our relationship with Jesus. Where do you stand? We have a Jesus who loves us so much, more than we can even begin to imagine. He loves us through our crap and is calling out to each of us to come to him. Do you trust him with all of your life? Do you trust him that he really does have your whole life in his hand. Even when it seems so hard you can hardly stand it - allow him to shape you through it. Wow, the results are awesome.
As Paul goes on he says "This is why I write these things when I am absent, that when I come I may not have to be harsh in my use of authority - the authority the Lord gave me for building you up, not for tearing you down." You see, Paul knew that God had placed him in authority in the church. Pastors are placed in authority and in today's society that role of authority has not been respected. As Paul writes he knows that he has the authority to call the people on issues. He doesn't want to be harsh but will if he has to. There are times when we may not like what the pastor has said in his sermon, or directly to us, because it shows our own sin. Yet the word of God is clear when it talks about authority in the church. If you are a doctor or in banking you would not want your pastor to come to you and tell you how to do your job. You would think it out of order if he came and told you that you are wrong by not giving a person a bank loan, or that you did not give good care by prescribing a certain antibiotic to someone. They would know that you did not know what you were talking about and you should allow them to do their job as they have been trained. This is the same for a pastor. They have gone through much training and schooling. Some more than others, yet they have been trained and equipped for their leadership.
People, respect your pastor and if you have a concern speak directly to them. DO NOT SPEAK TO OTHERS ABOUT IT. Most of the time it is a misunderstanding and you just need him to clear something up in your mind. If you do not agree, respect him as one placed in authority and do not speak poorly about him to anyone. This is an area that Satan is having a field day with in the church today. Do not allow that in - protect your pastor from this kind of attack as it will tear him down and discourage him in his minsitry. Remember how Jesus was attacked for speaking truth and love. Some just don't want to be convicted of their sin so instead they will retaliate. The word of God is "sharper than a two edged sword".
Allow the grace and love of Jesus to flow through will be amazed at the results!
Friday, November 6, 2009

These past months have been a real faith maturing time in my life. Lots of times where it is easy to look at circumstances and forget that we have a God that can move mountains. Here we are setting a closing date on our home in Ohio and 3 weeks ago we had not idea how this would all work out. God cannot be contained - allow him complete access into the deep recesses of your soul. Allow him to shape you, change you, hold you and ask him to make you into the man/woman that he wants you to be. Then be attentive to his shaping. I continue to be amazed at the deep love that he has for me. It blows me away.
May each of us crave spiritual maturity that our day is so empty if we haven't had our God time. Seek him with all your heart. He longs to have that close personal relationship WITH YOU. Remember that he made you, every part of you. He knows what you will say before you say it. This is our God. Spend time with him - and if you are having a hard time "feeling it", try closing your eyes and speak, out loud, "Lord, I want to know your presence in my life, fill me with your Holy Spirit, show yourself in my life so that my life can bring glory and honor to you."
Remember the promise "Draw near to me, and I WILL draw near to you."
Thursday, November 5, 2009
He IS with you
But I love picturing this next scene. "All the disciples and their wives and children accompanied us out of the city, and there on the beach we knelt to pray." Isn't that the coolest image!!! What a picture of what we are to be about - in prayer together - when the need arises to just stop where you are and pray - children present - whoever is there! Families praying together is such a beautiful thing. What an example this is to pass on to your children.
Ok, so as they travel on a prophet came down from Judea. "He took Paul's belt, tied his own hands and feet with it and said, 'The Holy Spirit says, 'In this way the Jews of Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.'" Of course the people pleaded with Paul not to go to Jerusalem. Here is Paul's answer "Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." The people knew that Paul could not be dissuaded and said "The Lord's will be done."
So here you have a man willing to do whatever it takes to share the gospel of Jesus. When we face challenges, which we will, standing firm in our faith can be a challenge. We are witnesses of who Christ is in our life. Sometimes we fall - like I did the other day. I was just having one of those days when it felt like I was sinking. So much coming in, so many directions, so many decisions that I felt very weak. Come evening I was just "out of it" and Angela said "are you ok mom." I simply told her that there are a lot of adult decisions to be made and sometimes it can get stressful. My quiet daughter looked at me and said "mom, look at what God has done in our life, he is going to take care of things. I don't want to change schools but God is going to take care of that too. Just remember what he has all done." It was in that moment I knew the reason for having a bad day. So she could shine and minister to me and speak the words of God's provision. Isn't God amazing how he uses even our crappy days for his glory. We just have to open up our hearts to allow him to teach and shape us.
This past week has been so crazy - and God has definitely used it to shape me. Today we sit in the final preperations for closing on a house in Ohio. Great that we are to this point as it makes it much easier to plan our move. Please keep our family in your prayers as we make this transiton. God has amazing things planned and we are excited to get settled. Tim is ready to get at ministry full time again. God is awesome, never forget that. Our God is a God that can move mountains!
God is by our side every step of the way. When you have days that you don't feel it. Stop and claim the truth - HE IS WITH YOU - and ask him to shape you through whatever it is you are facing. Look where God is taking us - to a new and fresh place. He had lead and guided all along and waited until we were ready for what he had for us. There were times when I couldn't understand it all but since when do we ever know the right time for the next steps. I want God to take the lead in my life - even on those days when I think I know best - I really know that I don't. We must just submit to his will knowing that he is by our side all the time and we can call on him anytime and he is always there.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Drink from the river

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trust Him!
Paul writes: "And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there..." The Holy Spirit does lead. He does speak to us and direct our steps. We need to stay in prayer and in the word and listen to his leading. Many people have confirmed the calling to go to Ohio. Many...Now listen to how Paul continues. "...I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me." We know from Paul's life how often this happened to him, but listen how he continues. "...However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." It didn't matter what he was going to face or the hardships he would endure. His life was nothing - his life was about Jesus and him alone. Does this bring things into perspective for you as it does for me? I underlined the word however because I love how this followed the knowledge of hardships. Kind of like saying "oh, well." It's all worth it so that others may know Christ. People need Jesus! He is the source of life. This world has nothing for me.
Lord, make this my attitude. Give me that servant heart. May I finish the race that you have for me/us. I pray Lord that you would put things in place for our move transition. That you would finalize all the details. Lord, speak to anyone reading in any area in their life where they need you. Help us all to lay down ourselves for the sake of the Gospel.
Paul later in Chapter 20 says "...I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'".
Trust Jesus for your life.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Meet with him!
"Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save...Blessed is he whose help is in the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God...the Lord, who remains faithful forever."
Check it out - how often I have failed and put my hope in a situation in man. When I do that it turns to fear and worry. Why? Isn't it so clear that man will fail you. This does not mean that we are not to speak to about a situation, but our direction should always be from God. He will lead you where you are to go and who you are to speak to. My hope is in the Lord for he is always faithful to me. I must remember and not be the wave that is tossed back and forth.
Tim and I have been reading the book "He Still Moves Stones" by Max Lucado. For you women reading who know that you worry too much read what he says in the book. He was writing about the story of Mary and Martha. "Apparently Martha worried too much too. So much that she started bossing God around. Worry will do that to you. It makes you forget who's in charge." Did that convict any of you like it did me? How often we try to be in charge. My faith sometimes is so strong, I can feel it deep within me, God holding me fast - then bang, something comes along that I can't see the outcome and there I go again. Praise God that those times don't last as long. Yesterday was one of those days but today I will claim back the truth. Later in this Psalm David says: "The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down." So it is clear where our strength comes from. On our own we cannot be lifted up. Our own strength is pitiful. It is the Lord who does the lifting up, but I must bow down before him. Spend time with him. Study his word every day. He wants to meet with you every day.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
No one can fathom!
As I read this I just stopped for a minute to think about that last phrase! When I think of God I can think of great things that he has done, of his endless love and forgiveness. I can think of the amazing things that he has demonstrated in my life. I can read about his power in scripture. Yet I still cannot fathom his greatness. His power is so beyond what I can even imagine. I can imagine his power, parting the red sea, manna falling from the sky...etc. and yet his greatness is still more. Wow!
What are we to do? verse 10 says "All you have made will praise you...They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might, so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom."
So God has made me - I should praise him - and tell of his might in my life and in the lives of others and what he can do for you - SO THAT OTHERS MAY KNOW OF HIS POWER! We are his instruments. Can you imagine a band where some of the musicians decided they didn't feel like bringing their instruments to the concert? Dumb...we are God's instruments and we should carry our instrument and practice it every day. Being in the word of God daily so we will be better at playing. Jesus should go with us all the time and we need to seek him in every part of our life, even the little details.
Finally, vs. 18 says "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth...The Lord watches over all who love him..." Doesn't that bring so much comfort to you? He is not just near to some, but to everyone. He also wants us to come to him truthfully. Not with pride but humbled that we are in his presence. Not trying to hide our sin from him but confessing it truthfully. Knowing the truth that Jesus died on the cross and took the punishment for our sins. We are free to live in the grace, the free gift of salvation given to all who believe in Jesus. That is the power of the cross. WE ARE FREE INDEED!
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Power of God
Today brought about setting a tentative ministry start date and connecting with a realtor. Good start to moving forward. I am so incredibly thankful and proud of daughter Angela who will be moving with us. A friend asked her if she was mad - she simply said "what's there to be mad about?" It didn't even make sense to her. I told her that shows such maturity on her part. Sadness is real and ok - change is not easy, but when you allow God to surround you and keep your eyes focused on what is ahead, still holding onto memories, the sadness will turn to joy.
Over these past 8 months God has been so all over us. He has allowed our hearts and minds and our souls to heal from many hurts. He has provided for us in ways that are beyond our comprehention. He has laid it on the hearts of a few people to send us support - what a gift from God that we will be forever grateful for. He has guided us in every step we have taken. I really need to begin to write when we get settled. I really need to "remember and not forget" what the God has done. When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea they began to forget what God did and tuned away. I do not want to be like that. I want to always remember the power and awesomeness of the God that we have.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Pressing Forward
We are moving to Ohio - Waterville to be exact, just south of Toledo. Tim will be pastoring a small mission church. It is exciting, scary, adventerous, joyfull, sad..etc. It is hard to begin to blog about everything. Seems like it all came so fast. "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead..." Those words from scripture came clearly to my mind as I was writing. Time now to look forward, keeping my eyes focussed on Jesus. "...I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me Heavenward in Christ Jesus." So as these days are here now to make decisions, choose dates and find a home, I know for me that it is so important for me to press on forward. Since my prize at the end of my life is heaven - then I need to move forward in Christ, walking side by side with him. Yea!!! Lord bring it all together!
First, I remember being with my dad.
He would get these far-off looks in his eye, and he would say,
"Life doesn´t always turn out the way you plan."
I just wish I realized at the time he was talking about my life.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Walk on water
These verses came to my mind tonight - guess the Lord was wanting to remind me. To strengthen my faith. So all the things that I see as impossible, well God already knows what I need and he will take care of them. But he gives us a command here - to seek first him and him alone. Laying everything else down, laying aside what I think is best and looking straight to Jesus - with my eyes fixed on him. Those distractions of life and concerns are bound to come up but I must fix my eyes back on him. I do not want to take my eyes off of him. When I do I begin to sink, just like Peter did. Peter must have thought that it would be impossible to walk on the water to Jesus - for sure - but it was when he took his eyes off Jesus that he began to sink. Life is like that. The cares of this life can make you sink and feel like you are droughning. Most of us have felt that at some point, maybe even now. Let's take a moment, close our eyes, and just imagine your eyes fixed upon Jesus eyes. Imagine him saying to you "keep looking at me, no, don't look at the wave, keep looking at me. I love you so much. Take my hand. Let me lead you. Walk with me and I will lead you into green pastures and beside the still waters." I realized that you can't close your eyes and read at the same time so close your eyes for a moment now - then come back.
Our God is a God of miracles, our God is the God who calms storms, who created the universe. Someday I will write about all the ways that he has taken care of us these past 9 months. Sooner than later I hope! He loves us so much, he wants us to just keep looking to him.
The awesome thing to remember is that when we are sinking that Jesus saves us. The following video was done by a mission team on the World Race. Hey, we have to have faith to even try, right? I imagine God just smiling and saying "I love you guys!"
Walking on Water from Matthew Snyder on Vimeo.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Life is all about bringing praise and honor to our creator. In all we do that should be our focus. Do we do that every day? Absolutely not...sometimes I search my heart so deep for anything that the Lord wants to clean out. Sometimes I am just way too hard on myself. Sometimes I just need to have fun with him.
I was chatting with my daughter who is overseas. We were writing back and forth on the internet about what they are doing and about us. Then the words popped back to me "when was the last time you guys did something for fun?" Still fingers on my end for a moment. I told Tim and he just said "being with you is fun." :) Cute answer but not what Denise meant for sure. Tim said "I went grocery shopping with mom yesterday" to which Angela quickly responded "mom hates grocery shopping." We were called out on this one. You see, life can bring so much our way, decisions, decisions, decisions...but in the midst of it all we should have some fun too. I was thinking of a friend of mine who recently said that she and her husband just laughed going to Trader Joe's together. Fun does come in all sort of different ways.
In my quest to find fun in the bible I did a Biblegateway search. One verse popped up and made me snicker. Note that this was the Day of Pentecost.
Acts 2:14 "Some, however, made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine."
Ok, so not the fun I was thinking of but fun non the less to read. I was just thinking that when we are so filled with the Spirit of Christ that I'll bet that some people do make fun of us. I guess it's the joy of the Lord that fills us. The day of Pentecost had to have been a blast.
Psalm 28:7 "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."
You know the feeling when you are in love? When your heart skips a beat and gets butterflies! Imagine your heart leaping for joy in the LORD! Lord, fill our hearts with your joy and make music in our hearts. Touch my heart with your presence and fill me up with a joy that makes me dance and sing for you.
To close today I dedicate the following song to Denise and Emily. It made me laugh. I hope you do too. (FYI: These two daughters of mine memorized this when they were younger)Thursday, October 15, 2009
Search Me
Just listen.
We are that special. There is nowhere that I can go that he is not with me. Even on those days when I feel so alone, he is right there with me. Sometimes I just need to stop what I am doing, close my eyes and just think of him. Just think of him holding me and loving me. I love how this Psalm ends - asking God to search me. To search my heart for anything that is offensive in me. This is such an important part of the Christian walk - aksing God to just search our hearts. So often we do not want God to really search our hearts because we don't like what he will find. Remember that he knows what is in there anyway. As the Psalm says 'there is nowhere that I can go to get away from him'. We also need him to search our hearts for any anxious ways. But this searching of our hearts is to bring us to a place of healing and repentence. That is always a wonderful thing. Healing sooths the heart as does the knowledge that you are forgiven. Allow him to come deep within you, all the way in, holding nothing back. His love will wash all over you.
I was chatting last night with a friend that lives in another state. We knew each other a decade ago. Her husband is very ill and has been for a long time. We chatted for over an hour and just shared life with each other. Each of us has things in life that we are dealing with. They all come in different ways, but God is with us no matter where we are. He knows our hurts and he knows our joys. May we daily look to him to fill our hearts with his presence. His promises are always true.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I love my mother in law
Psalm 138:6-8 "Though the Lord is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar..." How important it is to seek the Lord to be humble. That there is nobody to low to love and how easily pride can creep in. I do not want pride to keep me at a distance from the Lord. Pay attention!
"...Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life;" Isn't that the best? Earlier I was sitting and talking with my mother in law. By the way, the best mom ever! Anyway, I was sharing life with her, tears and all. Then she shared with me the fears of dad's eye surgery next week. Tears and all! But I love what happened next. I felt in my spirit that we should pray together, so I took her hand and we just prayed together over our concerns/fears. Both knowing what we know, both knowing that God has it ALL, both knowing the truth of Jesus presence, but both having fears and concerns. We love how Jesus loves us through it all. He will preserve our life - so beautiful and so comforting. Pray it all the time.
"...with your right hand you save me. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever -" More words of truth - the truth that we must claim and must live. If I/we ever doubt that he has a purpose for us just keep reading this verse over and over until the truth sticks. I love the thought of his right hand saving me - I get this picture of Jesus hand gently guiding me along. Sometimes he has to give me a push to get my attention but he does have a purpose in my life. He does have a purpose for your life. That is the truth!!!!!
Take the time to be with him, to be still and quiet with him. He is mighty to save. Amen
Monday, October 12, 2009
Be My Everything!
As I read these verses I am again reminded that my life is not about me. I am reminded how easily the enemy creaps in and distorts the truth. The result is - disorder.
Here is the best part - "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."
That is what I desire. For me to have this kind of wisdom I need to ask God for that wisdom. I cannot do this on my own. I must be aware of my thoughts and actions. I must be in the word and in prayer, seeking heavenly wisdom. I know people as I am sure you do too that are naturally peacemakers. They have a way of entering a conversation without judgment, and if disagreements arise, with them or with others around, they have a way of bringing peace into the situation. May we all seek that wisdom. I love that we have access to this wisdom. If we sow in peace - in our relationships, in our work, with our spouse and children, with our friends - if we seek to speak with peace, those relationships will raise a harvest. No way do I do this as I ought. Sometimes I speak without thinking. Sometimes I say something that offended someone else. I am sorry when I do. Sometimes I don't even respond correctly. But I am growing in this and am seeking his wisdom.
I love the holiness of God. He is so holy and pure and still wants to be near me. As I slip and fail every day he still stays near to me. It is through his presence that I learn the wisdom that is from heaven. Through his example I learn to be a peacemaker. I desire to grow in this area in my life. May his beautiful presence ever fill us today. Wash over us with such peacefulness that we can only say "it is Christ in me." Be my everything Jesus. Be my everything - fill me to overflowing with your presence.
Friday, October 9, 2009
This world - nothing!
Life is filled with changes. What happens next is still to be determined. We will head to the Pastor's Conference this next week. Looking forward to seeing friends.
So, what does this world bring? 1 John 2 says "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."
As I read these verses I am again reminded of this world being temporal. Of what really matters in this life. The love of the world is what I see. I get caught up in it too. As I read the first few words "do not love anything in the world" it is very convicting. How easily I can love a home, the computer, my family, posessions...etc. The problem is when those become more important than Jesus. How easily that can happen. We "boast" about what we have - the old adage 'keeping up with the Jones' rings true here. But I love that John says that this kind of boasting does not come from the Father but from the world. We crave things in this world - a new tv, a bigger house, more money, more stuff...etc. I crave to be closer to Jesus. When those worldy cravings hit me, and they will, I want Jesus more than those things.
So where we move to - well... I was watching the movie Bruce Almighty the other day and a couple of lines really hit me like never before. God told Bruce "since when does anybody know what is best for them." Then later in the movie when Bruce realized that he cannot run his life on his own, he gets down on his knees, cries out to God, hands raised to heaven and says "I don't want to do this anymore, I don't wanna be God. I want you to decide what's right for me, I surrender to your will." That is how I feel about our future. I do not want to decide. Trust me, I've tried to plan out the next steps. I see this situation, or that situation, and in my mind I can plan it all out the way that looks best to me. Yikes, good thing God doesn't do what I think is best. What a mess that would be. Trying to play God is tiresome and frankly a waste of time. So we will listen to the voice of God to say 'go' or 'don't go'. It is through his direction and though his answer that we will have peace about our decisions. Because they will not be our decisions but God's.
The world can offer all kinds of things, but it is surrendering our all to Jesus that changes our life. So leave it all at the foot of the cross. Know that our sins have been covered and washed in the blood of Jesus. Surrender your life to Jesus - if you have come to a point when you realize that you've been trying to run your life and it's falling apart - lay it all at the foot of the cross.
You can't do it - but Jesus can!!!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
walk - continued
I wrote about walking yesterday, then later in

As I walked a little further I wanted to take pictures of different doors on houses. For some reason the homes in this area have such cool front doors. I was stopped from taking those pictures because of the other people walking. I felt strange taking pictures of the front of peoples houses.

By this point I was remembering my blog ealier about our faith walk being like a walk. As our life moves along we have times when we remember what God has done in our life. What joy!
Then, if these thoughts weren't enough, in the next block I saw a lady walking her black

So as I think back to memories of my faith walk - wow - so many come to my mind. I was thinking about when God called Tim into the ministry. I remember two weeks before we were to move, with four little girls, we still had no place to live. God intervened and we were lead to a home. We drove to St. Louis with our moving truck, sight unseen, and were astounded to find a beautiful 4 bedroom home for the next two years in such a beautiful neighborhood, next to our church for the next two years and a huge park a block away.
Seems that God has called us to so many times of trusting him. What about you? Can you leave me a comment about a time in your life that you had no idea what was going to happen, then God just blew your doors off. I would love to read about some of those stories as I am sure others would too.
Monday, October 5, 2009
In His Arms
As you read scripture there are countless stories about faith. The faithfulness of God's people is amazing as you read the stories. Today I was reading about Elijah. His faith in the the power of God was blowing me away. He had told the prophets of Baal to choose two bulls, cut them up, and put them on a wood for a fire. Elijah would do the same and call on the name of the Lord, they would call to their god. The God who answers by fire - he is God. Of course when they called to Baal morning till night nothing happened. Elijah even taunted them by saying "Surely he is god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened." (that sounds so funny to me) So when Elijah called all the people to him he prepared the altar to the Lord. Three times he had water poured on the altar so that the water ran down around the altar and even filled the trench. (amazing faith) Elijah prayed "O LORD...let it be known today that you are God in Israel...Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again. then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil...When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, 'The LORD - he is God! the LORD, - he is God!"
Oh to have that kind of faith. Oh how I desire that kind of faith. When we think about our faith walk, yours and mine, I think we first need to think about walking. Tim and I frequently take walks. Sometimes we just have the most peaceful walk ever but sometimes we might be walking along and it starts to rain, or we trip on the sidewalk. Whenever we take a walk we see things around us that we didn't see the last time we walked past. A cool tree we never noticed, a beautiful house with a cool front door, a house in disrepair, a park. Our faith walk is so much like that isn't it? We're walking along with Jesus, having a pretty pleasant walk, when all of a sudden something comes up in life that makes us trip - or we even feel like we got caught in a rainstorm and just want to run for shelter. We don't always see the same thing in our faith walk either. Tim and I could always go for the same walk all the time but we would never experience anything new and exiting. That is the same with our walk with Jesus. If we want to stay at what we think is "safe" we will never experience the potential of what God has for us. We've walked through some fire for sure - I'll bet that every one of you has too. Keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus through it all is the only way that I know how. The enemy will surely come along and trip us up so that our eyes come off of Jesus, but we must, we must, fix our eyes back on him.
Walk with faith believing that the God of the universe is actually holding you gently in the palm of his hand. He has his arms wrapped all around you and me. Feel it...........
Saturday, October 3, 2009
God sure is a God of mystery.
He sure doesn't give me more than today to see. I wish he would.
Satan loves to come into my life and confuse me and make me doubt.
He can take a hike............
I love that God has introduced me to a new encouraging non-judgmental friend who understands.
I love that Michigan State beat Michigan today.
Unknown is getting old. God must have a plan because I sure can't figure it out.
I want to contine to be "real".
I face frustrations, fears and doubts.
Sometimes I am so strong in the Lord and in His Spirit I could take on the world.
Other times life brings enough hits that I am just weak.
I am so ready to have a church family, one where we can really love on each other - but God has not brought that about yet. So for now God wants me to love the people where we are at for this season. It is so hard sometimes not to try to rush God. You know what I mean don't you? The other day I actually felt mad at God. I honestly was - that was wrong and I have confessed that to him. I cannot remember the last time I felt that way. What a horrible attack from the enemy. I want no part of that again. God's time is certainly not mine - and where I want to be may not be where he wants me to be. What he wants for me is far better than what I want for myself.
So Jesus, pour your Spirit upon me to walk in the joy and confidence that you have every step of my life in your hands. No matter what has to be stripped away, your love and your grace is sufficient for me.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The gang God has given me

I do not want to leave off Emily's boyfriend Jon. (pictured here) He is in love with Jesus, a gifted musician and loves our daughter. I know that all three of the men that are in our daughters lives will continue to seek to be the men of God that he wants them to be. As I know that the girls will also continue to seek to be the woman of God that he wants them to be. We all stive, fall down, get back up, fall again...yet my prayer is that when they fall and God picks them back up, that they will be stronger for it. They will have learned something wonderful from the fall. I sure have fallen lots of times and I want to learn from every fall I make.
I heard a powerful thing from teacher Beth Moore. Do any of you have a family member that you have been praying for for years but it seems that nothing is changing? I hope that I can convey this to you clearly. Get 10 or 12 scriptures and pray them over your family or that person. Insert their names. When you do this you transfer the burden from you to the Word of God. God's word and Spirit will carry it. We are not to carry for the burden for them. Try it!!!! God's word is powerful - "sharper than a two edged sword." Awesome isn't it?!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Pray Believing
Psalm 131 "I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. but I have stilled and quieted by soul;... O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forever."
Jesus wants us to spend time with him. For some of us it's so hard to do this. We don't know where to begin or how. Take a few minutes, close your eyes and listen, prayerfully to the following song.
So when you don't know what to say - be still and quiet. Jesus also wants you to tell him how you feel. He wants you to pour out your heart to him. The power of prayer is so huge. Can you really get to know your spouse or your children if you only spend 5 minutes a day talking with them? You cannot get to know their dreams, their fears and their joys. You cannot have a relationship with them if that is all the time you spend with them.
Jesus is the same way. Think about your day and make him a part of everything you do. There are no coincidences. God is in every part of your life. I heard a story today from someone I know. Her sister was really struggling as a single mom. Finances were terrible and she did not have enough money for rent. Then she got slapped with an additional $500 bill. Someone shared with her to pray for her sister. But pray believing that God will help her. PRAY BELIEVING! This mom, within a couple of days was forgiven of the $500 bill and when she was at work, a customer gave her an envelope. The customer said "I heard you were having a hard time." Inside was a check to pay her rent. She was able to say "God IS looking out for me." And her sister that prayed could see an answer to prayer. What a wonderful praise story.
God doesn't wait until we have it all together. He just wants your heart. He wants you to believe that he can take you out of the pit. The Almighty God that created you and the universe can and will bring you from despair to joy. Just call out to him. He will hear you.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Fall afresh
The Holy Spirit does crazy stuff too. I was reading the story of Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts. So they stop on the road, go down in the water and Philip baptizes him. I thought what happens next was crazy - "When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddently took Philip away, and the eunich did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns..."
I don't have a great theological answer for this wonder - the Holy Spirit cannot be explained in human terms. We cannot explain away what happened here. It just happened. As Christians, we do have that Spirit within us. We do have access to the power. We need only be available and willing. We need not fear because the Holy Spirit is given to us, our comfortor and guide. I love that - we sing "Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me, melt me, mold me, fill me, use me."
May the Spirit of the one true and living God fall on you this day.