So yesterday's blog was not titled walk but this will be a continuation.
I wrote about walking yesterday, then later in

the day I took a walk by myself. I had a lot on my mind but in the midst of a busy mind I was able to notice some neat things. I used my cell phone to take a few pictures. This tree is one that Tim and I have stopped and looked at every time we walk past it. The base of it is huge and we always wonder how old it might be. When we look up we are just so amazed at the beauty of it. This picture does not do it justice. I was glad I finally took a picture of it as we have thought about that many times.
As I walked a little further I wanted to take pictures of different doors on houses. For some reason the homes in this area have such cool front doors. I was stopped from taking those pictures because of the other people walking. I felt strange taking pictures of the front of peoples houses.

A little further down I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this tree. I know that it's not much to look at in this picture, but I had a flash of my childhood come rushing through my mind. It is a very old birch tree. What hit me was how low the branches were and I could picture myself as a little girl climbing to my hearts content. I climbed trees all the time like this. Some were this easy to climb, others I learned the fine art of shimmying up. What joy!
By this point I was remembering my blog ealier about our faith walk being like a walk. As our life moves along we have times when we remember what God has done in our life. What joy!
Then, if these thoughts weren't enough, in the next block I saw a lady walking her black

laborador. I have seen this dog around before and he looks just like our dog that we had to put down recently. I asked the owner if she minded if I pet her dog. As a once dog owner I understood when she cheerfully said "sure". We chatted - and as I bent down and put my hands on the side of the dogs face I was holding back tears. You see, Engligh labs have a very distinctive look to their faces. A more square face and a puppy look. I actually had to pull back a little because I just wanted to cry. Musta was a very special part of our home. Again, memories flashing though my mind.
So as I think back to memories of my faith walk - wow - so many come to my mind. I was thinking about when God called Tim into the ministry. I remember two weeks before we were to move, with four little girls, we still had no place to live. God intervened and we were lead to a home. We drove to St. Louis with our moving truck, sight unseen, and were astounded to find a beautiful 4 bedroom home for the next two years in such a beautiful neighborhood, next to our church for the next two years and a huge park a block away.
Seems that God has called us to so many times of trusting him. What about you? Can you leave me a comment about a time in your life that you had no idea what was going to happen, then God just blew your doors off. I would love to read about some of those stories as I am sure others would too.
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