Every time I read scripture I learn something new. That's the way it's suppose to be. Even scripture that I have read over and over in my life, one day I will read it and it's like a light bulb just came on and God shows me a new way of understanding it - and teaching me through it. Some scripture today reveals the importance of studying scripture.
Hebrews 5:11 "We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn...Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not aquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil."
Now my little 9 month old grandson is just beginning to eat table food. He does not have any teeth yet so he is limited in what he can eat. Milk and baby cereal work best for now. But as he gets teeth he will begin to eat more solid food. Those will be exciting days I am sure. He would certainly not grow propertly if he continued to only drink milk. Now why is it that many of us have read this scripture above and yet we do not mature in the faith? Why is it that so many men today are not true Godly men but want to continue to just be boys? God is calling here for his people to grow and mature. Not just in their career and making money, but to mature in their faith. Notice here that maturity in the faith brings about discerning good from evil. That is so worth it.
These past months have been a real faith maturing time in my life. Lots of times where it is easy to look at circumstances and forget that we have a God that can move mountains. Here we are setting a closing date on our home in Ohio and 3 weeks ago we had not idea how this would all work out. God cannot be contained - allow him complete access into the deep recesses of your soul. Allow him to shape you, change you, hold you and ask him to make you into the man/woman that he wants you to be. Then be attentive to his shaping. I continue to be amazed at the deep love that he has for me. It blows me away.
May each of us crave spiritual maturity that our day is so empty if we haven't had our God time. Seek him with all your heart. He longs to have that close personal relationship WITH YOU. Remember that he made you, every part of you. He knows what you will say before you say it. This is our God. Spend time with him - and if you are having a hard time "feeling it", try closing your eyes and speak, out loud, "Lord, I want to know your presence in my life, fill me with your Holy Spirit, show yourself in my life so that my life can bring glory and honor to you."
Remember the promise
"Draw near to me, and I WILL draw near to you."
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