So these past days have been extremely full and I have missed blogging. Sunday Tim preached his first sermon in Ohio and was installed as the new pastor. It was beautiful to see so many area pastors in attendance and praying a blessing over him. One pastor came up to Tim and told him that he just felt like God had lead the right man here. Praise the Lord! God is good! It was a beautiful day in the Lord.

Do you ever have those times when you can hardly believe that you are so loved by our creator? When just the thought of him loving you is humbling? I was reading Psalm 8 this morning.
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" Have you ever been out in the country on a clear night and layed down to just look at the stars? These times are some of my favorite memories. When we lived in NY Tim had built a play/swing set for the girls. Sometimes he and I would go out there at night with a quilt, climb up the latter to the top and watch the stars. Sometimes we would see shooting stars, which is always exciting. The multitude of stars is so amazing. The God who created this is the God who loves me - me, little ole me. This God thinks of me every day and all the details in my life. He cares about all that I do, every thought I have, every move I make. David here in this Psalm is blown away that this God cares for him - for us.
As the Psalm concluded "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth."
May we be in humbling awe that we are his children. We are sons and daughters of the King. Isn't that just the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrate who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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