I do not want to leave off Emily's boyfriend Jon. (pictured here) He is in love with Jesus, a gifted musician and loves our daughter. I know that all three of the men that are in our daughters lives will continue to seek to be the men of God that he wants them to be. As I know that the girls will also continue to seek to be the woman of God that he wants them to be. We all stive, fall down, get back up, fall again...yet my prayer is that when they fall and God picks them back up, that they will be stronger for it. They will have learned something wonderful from the fall. I sure have fallen lots of times and I want to learn from every fall I make.
I heard a powerful thing from teacher Beth Moore. Do any of you have a family member that you have been praying for for years but it seems that nothing is changing? I hope that I can convey this to you clearly. Get 10 or 12 scriptures and pray them over your family or that person. Insert their names. When you do this you transfer the burden from you to the Word of God. God's word and Spirit will carry it. We are not to carry for the burden for them. Try it!!!! God's word is powerful - "sharper than a two edged sword." Awesome isn't it?!
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