This morning I went back and read some of my blogs from when I first started. So crazy amazing what the Lord has done.

I wish that I could remember all the wonderful life lessons in the Proverbs. There is such wisdom for life and I don't want to miss out on anything. This morning I read
"The highway of the upright avoids evil, he who guards his way guards his life." Prov. 16:17 I was thinking of all the safety things that we automatically do in our days. Putting on our seat belt, looking both ways when we cross the street, locking our doors...etc. I love the picture of our life being on a highway. We travel along, sometimes in cruise control, sometimes on flat highways, winding highways, hilly highways and even those with road construction. However we are driving we need to be on our guard for what is around us so that we avoid an accident. If this is so automatic when we are behind the wheel of a car, why is it that we don't guard our ways like that? To live an upright life and guarding our decisions (ways) is in the Proverbs for a reason. So that we can avoid evil - period.
We can take a detour, which is out of the way and takes extra time and will keep us safe or we can drive past the warning signs hitting potholes along the way, weaving around workers and eventually finding the end of the road with nowhere to go. Life is like that too, sometimes God's way seems out of the way so we just plow ahead without guarding our life and decisions, only to find out that it caused us more heartache.
I'd much rather go God's way instead of my way. Lord help me to recognize when I am going in the wrong direction.
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