Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Up is Down

I was talking with someone recently who is really struggling in their marriage. Go figure! Who hasn't? But here is what Tim and I were talking about as we took a much needed walk this afternoon. (Very much a repreve from all the paperwork in buying a house and moving...argh) Anyhow, we were talking about the realities in marriage. We all face those challenges. Yet the importance of recognizing the enemy in our life. You see, the more you recognize the ways that Satan tries and does find his way into our life and our marriage the more we can face it for what it is. Scripture is clear when it talks about Spiritual Warfare. Some choose to ignore it, and not really want to face the fact that this is real. Sad. Our enemy loves it when this happens. He doesn't have to mess too much with those people. Maybe that's why some choose to ignore this fact and play it safe.

A Christian marriage is a sacred thing. If you haven't watched "Fireproof", watch it. If you are currently struggling in your marriage - do not give up hope. Remember that our enemy has come to "steal, kill and destroy." He wants to do this in your marriage. Getting honest and real with your spouse is so important. Be sure to tell each other how you feel and if your spouse has something about you that he/she is addressing you with, and you don't like what it is, I challenge you when you hear it to say "thank you for sharing that". So often the hard things about ourselves that we hear turns into becoming defensive. Ephesians 4:15 says "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the head, that is Christ." You see, when we speak the truth - always in love - we will grow into Christ. I love the words into him. How much better life will be if we will continue to press into Christ.

You see, God has a beautiful plan for marriage. We and society have so twisted his beautiful plan. Our sin gets in the way and his beautiful plans get so twisted by the enemy. Think of your marriage as loving the other one forward. Challenges - yes we will face them - but a marriage fully devoted to Christ, wrapped in prayer will flourish and grow. Forgive one another and walk forward in the power of Christ.

The key is this: You can't give what you don't have. The love you want to give to your spouse - you cannot give it until you have it from Jesus. It is through his pouring of love in you that will empower you to love your spouse. The knowledge that Jesus died for your sins, he loves you so much, and your desire to receive and live in his love. This is the love that you can now give to your spouse. You cannot do it of your own will, but only in the power of Jesus. Seek him in prayer and get down on your knees and submit all of who you are to him. Remember, the way up is down!!!

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