Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The gang God has given me

So as you can see I have changed the look of my blog. (ok, Angela helped me a lot) I would not be who I am today if it was not for every person that you see at the top. This is my immediate family. Four girls, 2 son-in-laws, one grandson and the best husband a woman could ever ask for. They have all helped me to become the woman that I am today.

I do not want to leave off Emily's boyfriend Jon. (pictured here) He is in love with Jesus, a gifted musician and loves our daughter. I know that all three of the men that are in our daughters lives will continue to seek to be the men of God that he wants them to be. As I know that the girls will also continue to seek to be the woman of God that he wants them to be. We all stive, fall down, get back up, fall again...yet my prayer is that when they fall and God picks them back up, that they will be stronger for it. They will have learned something wonderful from the fall. I sure have fallen lots of times and I want to learn from every fall I make.

I heard a powerful thing from teacher Beth Moore. Do any of you have a family member that you have been praying for for years but it seems that nothing is changing? I hope that I can convey this to you clearly. Get 10 or 12 scriptures and pray them over your family or that person. Insert their names. When you do this you transfer the burden from you to the Word of God. God's word and Spirit will carry it. We are not to carry for the burden for them. Try it!!!! God's word is powerful - "sharper than a two edged sword." Awesome isn't it?!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pray Believing

Psalm 131 "I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. but I have stilled and quieted by soul;... O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forever."

Jesus wants us to spend time with him. For some of us it's so hard to do this. We don't know where to begin or how. Take a few minutes, close your eyes and listen, prayerfully to the following song.

So when you don't know what to say - be still and quiet. Jesus also wants you to tell him how you feel. He wants you to pour out your heart to him. The power of prayer is so huge. Can you really get to know your spouse or your children if you only spend 5 minutes a day talking with them? You cannot get to know their dreams, their fears and their joys. You cannot have a relationship with them if that is all the time you spend with them.

Jesus is the same way. Think about your day and make him a part of everything you do. There are no coincidences. God is in every part of your life. I heard a story today from someone I know. Her sister was really struggling as a single mom. Finances were terrible and she did not have enough money for rent. Then she got slapped with an additional $500 bill. Someone shared with her to pray for her sister. But pray believing that God will help her. PRAY BELIEVING! This mom, within a couple of days was forgiven of the $500 bill and when she was at work, a customer gave her an envelope. The customer said "I heard you were having a hard time." Inside was a check to pay her rent. She was able to say "God IS looking out for me." And her sister that prayed could see an answer to prayer. What a wonderful praise story.

God doesn't wait until we have it all together. He just wants your heart. He wants you to believe that he can take you out of the pit. The Almighty God that created you and the universe can and will bring you from despair to joy. Just call out to him. He will hear you.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fall afresh

Life is so unpredictable. We are going along with life, as hard as it was a while back. God steps in and BOOM - turns our life upside down with change after change. Change is hard, change brings fears, but change from God also brings beautiful results.

The Holy Spirit does crazy stuff too. I was reading the story of Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts. So they stop on the road, go down in the water and Philip baptizes him. I thought what happens next was crazy - "When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddently took Philip away, and the eunich did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns..."

I don't have a great theological answer for this wonder - the Holy Spirit cannot be explained in human terms. We cannot explain away what happened here. It just happened. As Christians, we do have that Spirit within us. We do have access to the power. We need only be available and willing. We need not fear because the Holy Spirit is given to us, our comfortor and guide. I love that - we sing "Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me, melt me, mold me, fill me, use me."

May the Spirit of the one true and living God fall on you this day.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I was talking with someone recently who was struggling with worthlessness. The enemy is so stupid. We are children of the most high Almighty God, creator of the universe, and our creator. How in the world can we be worthless? We can't. We have all had times when we have felt worthless. I was laying in bed the other night and a scene from a movie popped into my mind. Maybe it's a stretch - maybe not - depending how it hits you. Anyhow, I am putting a part of the movie here on my blog. Just so you know, this movie "You've Got Mail" happens to be our family girl movie. My girls and I practically have the movie memorized.

Starting at 1 min. 40 sec. until 2 min. 33 sec. Here in the scene Kathleen was feeling a sense of worthlessness, but was quickly rebuked by her boyfriend with the truth of who she is. I love that. After hearing the truth she walks away in confidence. (the subtitles are the new language I just learned - just kidding)

So when we get hit with feelings of worthlessness we must counter them with the truth. Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." The truth of our beauty in Christ will make us walk with confidence.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just Give me You!

A while ago my daughter put this song on her blog as a favorite. More and more as this journey called life continues, these words ring so much more true. Do you realize that God knows all of our crap and still wants to be our friend? Seriously blows me away. He is not looking for perfect but for passionate. That is a question to ponder. We all know that we are not perfect, as much as we try not to sin and do bad things, we end up doing them anyway. If I could look you right in the eyes, right now, I would remind you (and myself) the deep longing love that Jesus has for you. Jesus longs to spend time with you and for you to hang out together. You may wonder "what does that look like? How do I do that?" If we look at the example of David in the bible, notice that he was always inquiring of the Lord. Every time something new was happening he was seeking the Lord's direction. He knew that he would receive direction from Him, but he needed to spend time with him. He was passionate for that relationship, amidst his failures.

Have you spent time getting to know God? I heard in a bible study this morning "The more you know God, the more you hear God." This begins with study in His Word. Ask God to reveal himself to you before you begin to read. Ask him to teach you and show himself to you as you read. Then pray to him - it matters not your posture - standing, sitting, laying down - he just wants to hang out with you and for you to know his presence.

It doesn't matter what the world brings, all we need is Jesus. You could give me all the riches and stuff in this world but that would bring no satisfaction. God has stripped away so much of what the world sees as securities in my life - a home, posessions, a steady job with a steady paycheck ...he is allowoing me the opportunity to trust him like I have not had to before. To rely completely on him. As I blog I thought of Cindy Lou Who from "The Grinch". With all the presents and hustle and bustle of Christmas she simply said "Isn't this just a little superfluous?"

The World is not enough for me.
You can take the world.
Just give me you.

Put your hands up and surrender control to the Almighty God. Surrender your life and all of who you are to the God that moves mountains.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Will be Found!

"Unless the Lord builds the house it's builders labor in vain." Psalm 127

Think about your home, your family, your daily life. Whose house are you building on? The thought of doing a task and feeling like it's not accomplishing anything is a frustrating feeling. If I tried to go out today and run a marathon I would certainly try in vain. I have not trained or prepared for such an event and I would certainly fail. It's the same with our life - if we try to do it on our own we will fail. It is not until we come before our Heavenly Father, seeking his direction in every area of our life that we will be able to build. God's way - not my way. I want God to lead my life not me. I can look back and see what happens to me when I attempt to lead. I become more stressed, more anxious, more fearful, more...etc. the list goes on. When I truly give my life to Jesus, I mean really give it - it is then that I have freedom from these things. I have actually had times when I can feel inside of me that I have really given my life to him to take care of and lead. I have such peace and confidence. Then I get hit with one of those days when I tried to pick it back up again and those fears and anxiety come right back. It is so important to recognize when Satan is attacking with doubts and fears. They can really take you down - but in Christ we are lifted up.

Acts 6 talks about Stephen. He was a man full of God's grace and power. Opposition arose from members of the Synagogue. I love what was said about Stephen. "All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel." I picture a face that is so peaceful and joyful looking. How could he have such a beautiful look on his face when he is standing trial. It was the Spirit of Christ shining through him. That same Spirit is there for us too. It was not for just "back then" but a gift for you and for me. As a Christian we already have the Spirit of Christ living within us. Do you realize that? You have the Spirit of Christ - the comforter! That is so amazing and powerful. Spend time in prayer - not just asking for everything in your life to work out, but just spend time with Jesus. I know that it seems hard - spending time with your invisible creator - but he asks us to spend time with him. This is where you will be filled up - and the Spirit of Christ that is already within you will begin to shine through you - yes, like it did for Stephen. People will begin to see that within you and your life will begin to change. Personal time in the word of God and personal prayer time is such precious time and when you make that a priority in your day you will long for it daily.

Here is the promise "Then you will call upon me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found declares the Lord." Claim this promise in your life - TODAY! I love this promise - may it bring comfort to you today.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Time with Jesus

Today's society has certainly changed how they see the role of a pastor. In reading Acts chapter 6 hear how men in ministry were chosen. The disciples were increasing but the widows were being overlooked. So the disciples came together and said "It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attantion to prayer and the ministry of the word." I love that they didn't choose just anyone who was available for this ministry. They were hand chosen by their walk with the Lord. This help gave the disciples (leaders) more time to be in prayer and scripture.

This is not the way most pastors focus on their ministry. It is so much a "get done" mentality. They are watched by church leaders to make sure they are getting in their "hours". Be thankful if your pastor spends a couple of hours each day in the word and in prayer. He is following the example of Jesus and getting filled up in the right place. Encourage your pastor do do this. This is where his strength will come from and the people around him will reap the harvest. I know as a wife I am so blessed when my husband spends his quiet time with God. I can tell that he is filled up and equipped to be the man of God that he wants to be. I am so thankful for that.

Jesus was our example as well. He would go off to pray - to be with his Father. We cannot go life alone. If we try to we will certainly fail. Spend your quiet time each day with Jesus. Don't let other things get in your way. When this becomes part of your day you will miss it so much when you miss a day. (that will happen) Just keep coming back - worship - pray - read scripture with a desire to grow and understand. You will be amazed what this will do in your life, your marriage, your other relationships and in yourself. His promises are true every morning. "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." Hear the promise? Claim it........

Smile today, you are a son or daughter of the King!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

O Happy Day

I love how scripture just blows me away. I was reading in Acts chapter 6 this morning. The apostles were teaching and healing. They were brought before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. I am loving what they said "We must obey God rather than men! . . . They called the apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go." Listen to what they did - "The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ."

This brings tears to my eyes. It did not matter to them what man thought. It did not matter to them what kind of attacks from others that they might face. They had one mission and one alone - to share the message of Jesus - no matter the cost! They thought about what Jesus went through. They knew that Jesus went through unimaginable desertion, pain and torture for you and me, for them. I want to have this much passion to reach the lost. I want to step out of my comfort areas so that others can know and hear about the love of Jesus for them.

We too are apostles. It wasn't just for "back then". When Jesus gave the Great Commission - "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" it was us who are the disciples. Notice that right before Jesus said this scripture says that "the disciples met Jesus on the mountain and worshiped him; but some doubted." These same men that sat with Jesus at the Last Supper, followed him, talked with him after the resurrection - doubted. These were the men that were teaching and healing in Acts. Those men I wrote about that were rejoicing that they were suffering for the name of Jesus. THEY DOUBTED AND LOOK HOW GOD USED THEM! What an example for us. We all know that we doubt sometimes. We doubt our abilities - God will use you - God will use me. Let us allow God full access to every part of our life. Not holding on to controling things our way, but "God, all that I am is yours - help me to give all areas of my life over to you." Name some areas that you know that you need to give to him. Give it to him knowing the truth that he has it - expect that he will take care of it.

May we rejoice for the name of Jesus! Oh happy day!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Lake Huron

I can't believe that I went all weekend without blogging. I don't like missing sharing. It was a very full weekend. I wanted to blog at the end of my day on Saturday but there was not a moment to spare. I must say that Saturday was an awesome day from start to finish. Tim and I both had great starts to our day, we went for a power walk, walking through the Arts and Apples Festival here in Rochester. That was so fun, it was beautiful weather. We came home and got ready and headed to the church where Tim is filling a vacancy for a while. They were having a community outdoor picnic which we thought we would attend. It was nice to meet some people there and for me to see the church. It is 3 blocks from Lake Huron. Just beautiful! Then we headed home, took a nap and joined another pastor and his wife for dinner. It was a great evening of fellowship and sharing life and ministry together. We connected great - too bad they are moving soon.

Sunday morning was Tim's first full Sunday at the church. Angela and I joined him and we were blown away by the welcome that we received from the people there. They are so genuinely happy that we are there. God continues to place us in different places for a time. We do not know how long we will be there but for the time being it is a gift to be celebrated. We just felt loved on and that is something that God knew we needed. We've already been invited over to dinner and joined a couple families for dinner yesterday.

God is so amazingly good. This picture is the view of Lake Huron. Those who know me well know that the Great Lakes are my (and Tim's) most rejuvinating place to be. I stood on the shore looking out at all the sailboats - then closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the water lapping on the shore. It is so beautiful and peaceful. It just clears my mind, I love it.

Being with Jesus is the best ever. Most of my life I didn't understand what it meant to really be with Jesus. I mean really be with him. It was so hard to grasp. But I feel like the more God calls me to trust him, the closer I become with him. You know those times in life when your in a situation that is just so hard but a solution is out of your reach. You know that you can't do anything about it and yet you continue to fret and worry about it? Been there done that way too much. I would encourage you to seek the Lord like you never have before. Get desperate for him - cry out to him. David had no problem crying out to him, just read the Psalms. He wants us to cry out to him, he wants us to draw near to him. Realize and recognize that Satan does not want that to happen. We can be convinced that we can't get really close to Jesus. That is a lie - the truth is that Jesus promises to draw near to us. The Holy Spirit is a powerful gift. Ask Jesus to fill you - to pour His Spirit within you. Spend time with Jesus and you will find joy like you have never had it before. A good starting point is to find a quiet place alone. Open up your bible - I love the book of John - meditate on what you read asking God to reveal himself to you. Close your eyes to take away any distractions and just talk, out loud, to Jesus. I think talking out loud is powerful communication. Ask him to reveal himself to you in your life. He loves you so much and wants to have a relationship with you. It's not about a religion, but a relationship with Jesus. Close your eyes and listen to the following song. Listen like it's your prayer today.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Life is a Journey!

It's not about me - ever! No more looking to the future and trying to figure it out - no more trying to make things work out the way I see them. Our life is a journey - a journey so filled with the power of Christ I cannot begin to describe it. This journey that we are on is one that I daily learn. What I mean is that I have never been on such a journey before. One that requires me to completely die to myself. Control has to go - the joy of the Lord is on this journey. Someone recently wrote that change is usually scary. How true is that. Each of us faces changes in different forms. Job loss, death, marriage, home, city...etc. the list goes on. Yet when we allow God to shape us through those changes that is when we really see that these changes, that seem scary, have the Almighty God wrapped all around them. When we realize that change is always happening it is then when we can embrace it. Our heavenly Father never changes! Isn't that a wonderful assurance to know that even in our circumstances that are full of changes, that our heavenly Father never changes? What peace and confidence that brings to me.

Dying to self - huge - "Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come." and "do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds." I have died to myself - but I need to daily die to myself because every day we wake up a sinful person. Every day we need to come before Jesus and repent. I love being a new creation in Christ.

So we walk our journey, as do you, as children of the Almighty Father. Not living for ourself but for others and bringing glory to Jesus. If you are facing uncertainties in your life remember that today is a gift for you. Don't worry about your future and try to orchestrate things your way, but lay it at the feet of Jesus and rest in the assurance that he has your life. Then don't pick up worrying about whether his will will be what you want. He knows you and your situation better than you do. This is the truth that is backed up by the Word of God. "For I know the plans I have for you..." TRUST HIM - THE GOD WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE KNOWS HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOU! Just keep coming to him. I've said this verse many times on my blog but it's my favorite. "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you." Do you want to get close to God? This verse is his promise.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


This morning "eyes" was the word of the day. In my scripture reading today Psalm 123 "I lift my eyes to you, to you whose throne is in our eyes look to the Lord our God..." Quite a powerful reminder as to where our eyes should look every day. Then I read Acts chapter 2 when Peter and John were going to the temple and met a man crippled from birth. I love what Peter said to the man in verse 4 "'Look at us!' So the man gave them his attention..." Doesn't this picture sound personal and caring? Before they spoke healing into this man they made eye contact with him.

Eyes say a lot about a person. We can see in someones eyes if there is joy and if there is pain in their life. So why does our society avoid eye contact. Some people are wonderful at making eye contact with someone else. When we look directly into a persons eyes we see deeper. Maybe we don't want to see deep into each others lives. Maybe we wouldn't know what to do if we saw pain or sadness. Peter knew - "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." He spoke healing into this man's life - healing that can only come from Jesus. That eye contact gave the man their full attention. It said, we care, Jesus loves you!

Denise told me about a new way that she learned to pray on her mission trip. To look directly into someone's eyes while you pray with them. To speak truth into their life - ie: you are loved so much by Jesus - he does not leave you - you are beautiful - in Jesus name he will take away your (whatever they are dealing with). She said this was a stretch for her but she practiced it on a 70 year old man and tears poured down his face. I can picture this can't you? I can't remember the last time someone just cared enough to look directly into my eyes and pray with me (besides Tim) - to see and love me for who I am - to speak the love and truth of Jesus into my life. My natural instinct is to look down, away from the person's eyes while we pray. Not that this is wrong, I am not saying that. I think God was just showing me in scripture this morning that this is an area in my life that he wants to soften. An area that I have been too stiff in and it's time to break that down.

We are told to keep our eyes on Jesus - why? Because with our eyes fixed on him we can see clearly where to go and what to do. When we speak into each others lives and look at each other, we can see clearly love and compassion that Jesus wants displayed in our life.

Soften this area in my life Lord. Make me an instrument for you. As I write this there is someone that is on my mind that I believe the Lord wants me to contact. Someone that needs the love of Jesus spoken into her pain. Guide me Lord. Walk with me Lord. Take away anything that is in the way so that I can see clearly the way to go. Make me humble and meek to serve you and speak your life into this person's life. Keep my eyes focused on you Jesus. Look in me deep in my heart and pour your unending love in me and though me so that your love can pour out of me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

That Peace!

I miss our old neighbors. They were great! Tonight Tim and one of our other neighbors who is a young adult pastor, both shared some words at the funeral home for our neighbor that just passed away. It has been so awesome to see how God has used both Tim and Eric in the lives of this family. Us wives too have had the joy of being a part of their lives as well. Frank went to the Lord in peace! His wife Barb told me tonight that Tim was an angel sent to her. She knew the morning that he was taken to the hospital that Tim was the one who needed to be with him. When the hospital called her to come up she said that she knew he had died, but that she drove to the hospital with a peace because she knew that Tim was with him. Tonight she again spoke of that peace. It is so precious to hear from her as the day before he died we were praying with them for that "peace which surpasses all our understanding." That is what they received and it was a beautiful testimony of the love of Christ.

I love how God has used us during these months. It may not be with monetary gain, but this gain is much greater. To see people come close to Jesus is such a joy. Those who have fallen away come back to Jesus. Wow........

I know the passion that God has put in the heart of my husband. I love watching it. It is such a delight when God opens doors for him to serve. It makes me smile.

So we continue to take things one day at a time. Serving wherever the Lord has us to serve.
Being in the presence of the Almighty God is an awesome thing. (Did you know the meaning for awesome is terrifying?) I just read that!

It's late and I must get to bed, but wanted to blog this before sleep.
Sleep in the peace that surpasses all your understanding. Ask for it - let it all rest on Jesus - and he will give you that peace!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our Highway

This morning I went back and read some of my blogs from when I first started. So crazy amazing what the Lord has done.

I wish that I could remember all the wonderful life lessons in the Proverbs. There is such wisdom for life and I don't want to miss out on anything. This morning I read "The highway of the upright avoids evil, he who guards his way guards his life." Prov. 16:17 I was thinking of all the safety things that we automatically do in our days. Putting on our seat belt, looking both ways when we cross the street, locking our doors...etc. I love the picture of our life being on a highway. We travel along, sometimes in cruise control, sometimes on flat highways, winding highways, hilly highways and even those with road construction. However we are driving we need to be on our guard for what is around us so that we avoid an accident. If this is so automatic when we are behind the wheel of a car, why is it that we don't guard our ways like that? To live an upright life and guarding our decisions (ways) is in the Proverbs for a reason. So that we can avoid evil - period.

We can take a detour, which is out of the way and takes extra time and will keep us safe or we can drive past the warning signs hitting potholes along the way, weaving around workers and eventually finding the end of the road with nowhere to go. Life is like that too, sometimes God's way seems out of the way so we just plow ahead without guarding our life and decisions, only to find out that it caused us more heartache.

I'd much rather go God's way instead of my way. Lord help me to recognize when I am going in the wrong direction.

Friday, September 4, 2009


"What a privileage to be with a man as he steps into glory."

Those were the words of Tim a little while ago. He was called up to the hospital this morning by our old neighbor. Frank was in the hospital. Yesterday Tim and I spent a good while at their home praying with Frank and Barb. Sharing the love of Jesus with them in his last days. Assuring them of Jesus incredible love for them - sharing the glory and splendor of heaven. It was laid on Barb's heart to call Tim this morning - Frank loved Tim. So off he went to the hospital - he was struggling breathing, yet not at complete peace yet. Tim shared the amazing love of Jesus for him, the assurance of heaven. But Frank was concerned about his family - his wife. Tim shared with him the comfort of Jesus - that Jesus will take care of his bride and his family that he can rest at peace knowing that Jesus will take care of them - it was after this that he came to peace. With Tim by his side he breathed his last breaths.

He stayed at the hospital for a while longer, waiting for the family to arrive. (he was the only one there) In addition to the beauty of heaven for Frank was the wonderful opportunity Tim had to share Jesus with his grown son. He talked with Tim and said "I don't really know Jesus." Conversation went from there.

Let God use you wherever he places you. I don't know if our life will ever "settle". Less and less do I want to settle. I don't mean that I don't want to settle somewhere in a home or a place, but I don't ever want to settle in my faith walk. I don't ever want to think that I have arrived. I want to always grow - I want to be challenged in my faith walk - I never want to just be ok with "it's good enough" in my faith. That is when we become complacant. Life is so short, we are here on this earth for but a blink of the eye - I don't want to get to the end of my life this clip.

I want to be God's olympian. I want to keep running this life here for Him. I want to blog - for him - I want to be convicted in my life - for him - I want to...well...everything - FOR JESUS! It brings tears to my eyes as I think about the passionate love that he has for me and how so often I fail him. He just keeps loving me. Every step I take I take in you, you make me move Jesus!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Break my heart!

"You are near O Lord, and all your commands are true." Psalm 119

Is that not the coolest? We have all had times when we felt like God wasn't near to us, that he was far off. Maybe now you are even feeling that. That is not God far off, that is us. He is truth and everything about God is truth. David here felt attacked from so many sides, yet he knew the truth of the Lord, he knew that he was NEAR. No matter what was going on in his life. We can face the worst of times and even the best of times - and in those times do we seek the Lord? It is easy to forget him when things are going well, but we are quick to call on him for help when things are falling apart. Let us remember that the Lord is with us in all times. If things are going well, Praise Him - if you are facing a difficult time, praise Him. He wants to take whatever we are facing and draw us so close to him.

I want to feel his presence next to me. I want to feel him pouring his love all over me. I want to love others as he loves me. I want his love so overflowing in my life that it can't help but spill over into people that I meet. I want to think more of others and way less of myself. I want him to break my heart for what breaks his.
Part of the lyrics to a song by Hillsong say:

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

Someone tagged Denise in this picture. Their World Race team was serving the elderly in Ireland. When I saw this picture it brought tears to my eyes. This is her heart. She has a gift with the elderly and I know that her intent look was a look of someone paying close attention to her needs. She was loving her. Continue to keep their team in your prayers. They are now in Romania.
Dear Jesus, fill us all with your love so full. More of you and less of me. Give me that heart that knows, without doubts, that your promises are true - all of them! You do love me more than all creation. May we own that in our life. We are sons and daughters of the King! Amen and Amen!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


David knew where to go to receive knowledge. Psalm 119 "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long...I have more insight...for I mediate on your statutes." I cannot have insight without meditating on the word of God. This is more than just having my bible reading time. Notice that David said "all day long." As we go about our day we are to think about God, his laws, his ways in our life. I love the honesty of David when he is writing the Psalms. A good reminder for us to be honest with ourselves and others too. David went on to confess "Though I constantly take my life in my hands." Wow, don't we do that all the time. I am so guilty of that. If I don't see an answer I quickly jump to taking things into my own hands. Tim is good at slowing me down in this. There have been times when he knew that it was more important to "wait" and not run ahead as quickly as I was. That made me frustrated, but he was right.

Then David said "Your statues are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end." I love how he shared where his joy comes from. Not from life that he was trying to take into his own hands, but from the LORD'S ways. Don't we find so much more joy when we are doing God's way instead of our own way? I have so much more peace when I know that I am in the will of God and stay there, then when I try to pick things up and work them out on my own. Not that we are not responsible with things, that is different. Seeking the LORD for guidance and direction rather than running off on our own without seeking him. I've experienced both and have seen the result of both.

Where is my/your heart set? Are our hearts set on keeping God's decrees? Pray this one through, ask God to guide you in His way. Don't look to man, but to God.

A couple of days ago I was blessed to have breakfast with an old and dear friend. (I don't mean she is old, your not Sherry. haha) We have been friends for 26 years. No matter where we have lived somehow we have kept in contact. We shared life, faith, joys and sorrows. Isn't that what we are to be in the body of Christ. We were not there to judge each other, but to love each other forward. To encourage and build up the body is such an important aspect of the Christian life. A song by Casting Crowns;

But if we are the Body
Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way

In the chorus "His" means us. We are to be his hands and feet. This is how we are to care for each other. So let us remember to meditate daily on Jesus ways. Ask him every day to show you his direction for your next steps in life. If you are at a crossroads and do not know which way to go - don't take the path without much prayer. He will show you the way.

I love my friends who follow my life through my blog. I love that this is not about me but all about giving God the glory. All glory goes to him.