"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10These words came to life for me today. The thief is Satan. His ultimate desire for us is to destroy us. He is the father of all lies and wants us to believe any lie he can throw at us. When you understand his schemes you realize they are very dumb. It helps to take the thoughts you have about yourself or a situation and line them up with the word of God. This will help you find the truth. You will be surprised when you ask yourself if this is something Christ would approve of how quickly you will see the truth.

Continuing on Jesus said "I have come to give life to the full." One of the lies of Satan is to convince you that if you give up the "fun" in life, that life would be boring. (partying, cheating, bad language...etc. the fun the world says is fun) Now if you counter that with scripture you will see that the truth is that Jesus came to give you life to the full. This is clearly a wonderful life. Jesus also said to the woman caught in adultery
"...neither do I condemn you, now go and leave your life of sin." He didn't say "try" to leave your life of sin, but to go and do it. To follow Jesus, really follow Jesus, means an abundant life - a life so full and beautiful. A life that is FREE......! Think about what this world has to offer. Nothing but Jesus will fill you with true living.
Go and sin no more:) Jesus will give you an abundant life. That is a promise! Allow him to prune what doesn't belong and new life will grow.
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