Notice also in our lives how keen we are to danger. When we are driving our car we are alert to the dangers on the road - why? To stay safe of course. We are always using our perifial vision to be aware of what is around us. If we are out at night, alone especially, we are aware of possible dangers. We lock our door and move in quickly to where we are headed.
Now, knowing these situations why do we so ignore the fact that the devil is prowling around trying to devour? Why are we not so keenly aware of his attacks in our life? I think we don't want to face this fact. I think too many people are afraid to acknowledge this. We have to remember first, that this is in the bible. Can't argue that point. And secondly, we have to remember that Christ has already won the victory and we don't have anything to be afraid of. The real danger comes when we are attacked unaware. When the lion comes when the prey is not paying attention and has let down their guard.
My challenge to you today is to become aware of the devil's schemes. Since we know the love and goodness of Jesus we need not be afraid, but the real danger is pretending that it doesn't have any part in our life. Then we are hit from all directions! The scripture says Be on your guard"
So, celebrate the power that you have in Jesus Christ. The one who has defeated Satan. Stay in prayer and in the word every day. Jesus will strengthen you. And when you become keen to the enemy's schemes you will be able to stand with the full armour of God on, ready and equipped for battle. This is why we are told to take up the full armour.
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