So today Angela and I went to spend the afternoon with Emily in her apartment. This was the first time I visited her since she moved in. It was such a treat to hang out in "her place" as she made me a cup of tea and pancakes. I can tell that she is proud to be on her own, although I'm pretty sure she misses me/us to hang out with when her roomate is gone. I know that she is not use to being completely alone. I found it so cute to watch her do dishes and wash away cobwebs that were bugging her.
She took us to a place for tea. There is a small magnet board that I had been wondering about since she talks about it often. It is filled with magnet letters and words. Since I am not very good
at poetry I put it on my lap and just stared at the words. I figured I might as well give it a shot - it was pretty hard to do since there was nothing with "Jesus" on it. In an attempt to leave a message to the next person that may pick it up I looked thoughtfully at the letters and the words and 40 minutes later came up with this. Sorry the picture is a little blury.
I believe that everywhere we turn there is a person who is in a storm. Jesus gives life! Jesus brings you out of the pit. I know that from personal experience.
To be perfectly honest, even though this recent move has had the hand of God wrapped all around it, it's actually been kinda hard. Lots of changes in my life, still so many unknowns, a mom thinking about her children and all the changes that they have faced. It's not always easy and I don't always have it all together. When I try on my own that is when I stumble. Remembering that Jesus is essential, he is life, he whispers honey, he is power, he is music............what more do I need than a Savior like this!!! Jesus is the love of my life.
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