Psalm 119 vs. 67-69 & 71 "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word. You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees" Notice the before and after here. There was the time of going astray, the walking away from God - then there was the affliction which brought about obedience to the Word.
But I love vs. 71 "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees." It was a reminder to me that the affliction that I went through brought me closer to Jesus - thus teaching me more about Him. I would not trade the life changing relationship I have with Jesus for anything. Allow Jesus to teach you through your circumstances. He will never stop shaping us and teaching us his decrees. Be open to his shaping though - don't be afraid of what he might find in you. He knows your heart; he loves you anyway. Remember that Jesus did not condemn the woman caught in adultery, he only told her to "go and sin no more." Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save the world - to save you! I love the song that I am putting on this blog. (I have used it in a previous blog.) The words are right out of scripture. This is what the Lord has put on my mind today. His kindness - he draws us to repentance, but he is so kind to us. His goodness draws me....he is all I want in my day. HE IS ALL I NEED! He is so good, never forget that. Close your eyes as you listen to this song. Meditate on the words, ask Jesus to fill you with his presence. He will - he loves you and desires to spend time with you. We can get so caught up in the business of our days, the to do lists and forget to spend time with Jesus. If we say that Jesus is #1 in our life, then our time with him should be #1. His promise is to be with us. "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you."
He wants to love all over me and you. Commit your ways to the Lord. Every part of your day. Take him with you wherever you go. Don't give him just a little devotion time and then run off doing your own thing. As you go about your tasks, continue to draw close to him. You will be amazed how much closer you will be with Jesus.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The love of my life!
So today Angela and I went to spend the afternoon with Emily in her apartment. This was the first time I visited her since she moved in. It was such a treat to hang out in "her place" as she made me a cup of tea and pancakes. I can tell that she is proud to be on her own, although I'm pretty sure she misses me/us to hang out with when her roomate is gone. I know that she is not use to being completely alone. I found it so cute to watch her do dishes and wash away cobwebs that were bugging her.
She took us to a place for tea. There is a small magnet board that I had been wondering about since she talks about it often. It is filled with magnet letters and words. Since I am not very good
at poetry I put it on my lap and just stared at the words. I figured I might as well give it a shot - it was pretty hard to do since there was nothing with "Jesus" on it. In an attempt to leave a message to the next person that may pick it up I looked thoughtfully at the letters and the words and 40 minutes later came up with this. Sorry the picture is a little blury.
I believe that everywhere we turn there is a person who is in a storm. Jesus gives life! Jesus brings you out of the pit. I know that from personal experience.
To be perfectly honest, even though this recent move has had the hand of God wrapped all around it, it's actually been kinda hard. Lots of changes in my life, still so many unknowns, a mom thinking about her children and all the changes that they have faced. It's not always easy and I don't always have it all together. When I try on my own that is when I stumble. Remembering that Jesus is essential, he is life, he whispers honey, he is power, he is music............what more do I need than a Savior like this!!! Jesus is the love of my life.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Remain in His Love
"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love." John 15:9
I loved reading this today. First the depth of Jesus love for me, then the reminder to remain in his love. Jesus continues on by saying "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." His love - in us - so that we will be filled with joy. And where does our joy come from? From Jesus alone. We cannot find joy from the world. The world hated Jesus, but our joy comes from the love of Jesus that we are to remain in. The overwhelming power of his love in my life is such a wonderful gift. His love washes over me when I need it the most. When I am feeling pitiful in my humanness, his love comes and washes me. My heart begins to feel his presence when I draw near to him in prayer and in the word.
I was feeling pitiful this morning - then I did some cleaning up I finally sat down and read the scripture. It was there that Jesus filled me with his love. It was in my time with him that he showed me his love. When life seems hard, when circumstances seem out of our control, remember that the God who created the universe is also the God who loves you and me. He will guide and direct everything. He does not grow tired and weary as I sometimes do. "When I am weak, then he is strong."
Thank you Jesus for filling me with your love and power and strength as I read your word.
You are awesome.
Side note: Angela is 17 today. Strange that my youngest daughter has grown up. She is a precious gift from God. She is a daughter of the King!!! I love you Angela!
I loved reading this today. First the depth of Jesus love for me, then the reminder to remain in his love. Jesus continues on by saying "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." His love - in us - so that we will be filled with joy. And where does our joy come from? From Jesus alone. We cannot find joy from the world. The world hated Jesus, but our joy comes from the love of Jesus that we are to remain in. The overwhelming power of his love in my life is such a wonderful gift. His love washes over me when I need it the most. When I am feeling pitiful in my humanness, his love comes and washes me. My heart begins to feel his presence when I draw near to him in prayer and in the word.
I was feeling pitiful this morning - then I did some cleaning up I finally sat down and read the scripture. It was there that Jesus filled me with his love. It was in my time with him that he showed me his love. When life seems hard, when circumstances seem out of our control, remember that the God who created the universe is also the God who loves you and me. He will guide and direct everything. He does not grow tired and weary as I sometimes do. "When I am weak, then he is strong."
Thank you Jesus for filling me with your love and power and strength as I read your word.
You are awesome.
Side note: Angela is 17 today. Strange that my youngest daughter has grown up. She is a precious gift from God. She is a daughter of the King!!! I love you Angela!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Last night Tim and I went for a walk in our new downtown area. Neat street to walk down with cute shops, restaurants, cafe's and such. As we were coming up to a crosswalk there were a couple people on each side of the sidewalk. They each had a stack of paper and were passing things out to passerbys. On that corner was a little restaurant. As we walked by they handed us a sheet and said "we are having an information teaching on Buddhism." Of course, we did not accept it. On our way back, we passed them again - someone else tried to hand me one and I told them "Jesus is the only way." I was hoping to get some kind of response but I didn't. Just a smile. It was so sad to me that worship of idols is more important than Jesus. As I read through the scriptures this seems to have been an age old problem. Think of the Israelites - they saw the miracles and God's provision, yet they still made the golden calf. It is so sad to me what people are deceived into believing. How can a fashioned idol help your life? Jesus came to seek and save the lost - to testify to the truth. Our job is to be his instruments. This is an emergency - people all around are being taken in. Colossians 2:8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosphy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." People need the truth of Jesus and we need to share it. No more being wimps about it. Time to get out there and share Jesus with people. Peoples lives depend on it.
Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life." If you are a Christian - you already have heaven, pass the news on to someone who doesn't have heaven yet. It is the truth that will set people free.
Jesus, fill me with your power to share you with more boldness. Pour your Spirit upon your people to take your message to those that are right around us.
Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life." If you are a Christian - you already have heaven, pass the news on to someone who doesn't have heaven yet. It is the truth that will set people free.
Jesus, fill me with your power to share you with more boldness. Pour your Spirit upon your people to take your message to those that are right around us.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
"David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might, while he and the entire house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouts and the sound of trumpets."
Now keep in mind here that David was King. He took off his kingly outer garmets. His wife was so embarassed and said he was being vulgar. David's response: "I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humilitaed in my own eyes."
David didn't care what other people would think. He didn't need to be "above" others, even though he was the king. He just wanted to celebrate the Lord! Sometimes I think about what other people will think of me. Sometimes I just want to dance and sing for the Lord - but people would think that I was undignified. David didn't care - he didn't mind being humiliated. It's not about me, it's about Jesus and praising him for all he has done. It's about being so passionate for him, and not worry about what other will think of me. Now David's wife thought that the slave girls would think he was like other vulgar men. On the contrary, he would be held in honor by them. So when we think that others are thinking poorly of us as we celebrate Jesus, remember that you never know who will see Jesus in a whole new way because of you.
When I first heard this song it I didn't really like it. Something about it sounded disrespectful - until I re-read this story about David. When I realized it was right out of scripture it made so much more sense. Laying my pride down to just celebrate Jesus.
Now keep in mind here that David was King. He took off his kingly outer garmets. His wife was so embarassed and said he was being vulgar. David's response: "I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humilitaed in my own eyes."
David didn't care what other people would think. He didn't need to be "above" others, even though he was the king. He just wanted to celebrate the Lord! Sometimes I think about what other people will think of me. Sometimes I just want to dance and sing for the Lord - but people would think that I was undignified. David didn't care - he didn't mind being humiliated. It's not about me, it's about Jesus and praising him for all he has done. It's about being so passionate for him, and not worry about what other will think of me. Now David's wife thought that the slave girls would think he was like other vulgar men. On the contrary, he would be held in honor by them. So when we think that others are thinking poorly of us as we celebrate Jesus, remember that you never know who will see Jesus in a whole new way because of you.
When I first heard this song it I didn't really like it. Something about it sounded disrespectful - until I re-read this story about David. When I realized it was right out of scripture it made so much more sense. Laying my pride down to just celebrate Jesus.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Not much
So I feel like I should blog today but it has been so busy the last couple of days that I have not had the time. I wish that I had something profound today but I'm tired. My grandson is absolutely adorable. He is more and more fun to play with all the time.
Tim went golfing this afternoon with our new neighbor. He is 88 years old and invited him to go with him. He even beat Tim. We are adjusting well in our new home. It feels like home to us already - even though we don't know how long we will live here. That doesn't matter right now, what matters is the day that God gives us and the tasks that we have for that day. Whenever I try to think or look too far in to the future my mind gets all muddled. That's not worth doing since God has all that in his hands anyway.
With that little bit said I will close for tonight!
Sorry about the blog background changes, I can't seem to find one that I really like. I think this one will have to go soon.
Tim went golfing this afternoon with our new neighbor. He is 88 years old and invited him to go with him. He even beat Tim. We are adjusting well in our new home. It feels like home to us already - even though we don't know how long we will live here. That doesn't matter right now, what matters is the day that God gives us and the tasks that we have for that day. Whenever I try to think or look too far in to the future my mind gets all muddled. That's not worth doing since God has all that in his hands anyway.
With that little bit said I will close for tonight!
Sorry about the blog background changes, I can't seem to find one that I really like. I think this one will have to go soon.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Don't go it alone!
This morning my heart ached for pastor's and their wives that have gone through and are in so much pain. That is behind me but I have not forgotten it. Even if you are facing another pain in your life the following scripture will help you.
"In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?...It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." Psalm 118
As I read these verses this morning they reminded me of those difficult times. They reminded me of the times when I feared man. I daily had to come to the Lord because what I could see of man was only bringing pain. Hold on tight to the Lord - I remember asking the Lord to shape me - asking him what did he want to change in me. "The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death." Wow - seems like that fits for where I was. The fire, which I have spoken about before is like the chastening. Even when I was in the middle of the chastening, the intense fire and I felt like I could bear no more I knew the Lord was right there with me. Now I look back and see how much God strengthened me. My core is stronger. Sure at the time I wondered why the Lord was taking me through such intense fire. What did I do Lord to endure such hurt. All the questions.
Now here is the big one - I've said it before and I will continue to say it! How big is God to you? When your situation looks bleak and you see no way out - stop - close your eyes to focus on God for a while. Ask yourself if you really believe that God could deliver you from your situation. That you could be set free from yourself. Do your really believe that God could do a miracle in your life? "I believe, help my unbelief." God is bigger than what our human minds can even comprehend. I can tell you that when you lay all of who you are down before the Lord, I mean everything, he will do things that you can not even begin to imagine or comprehend.
He loves you and will not leave you. If you are reading my blog and feel afraid or alone, drop me a comment. I will not post it but will write back to you and I will pray for and with you. You do not need to go it alone!
"In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?...It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." Psalm 118
As I read these verses this morning they reminded me of those difficult times. They reminded me of the times when I feared man. I daily had to come to the Lord because what I could see of man was only bringing pain. Hold on tight to the Lord - I remember asking the Lord to shape me - asking him what did he want to change in me. "The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death." Wow - seems like that fits for where I was. The fire, which I have spoken about before is like the chastening. Even when I was in the middle of the chastening, the intense fire and I felt like I could bear no more I knew the Lord was right there with me. Now I look back and see how much God strengthened me. My core is stronger. Sure at the time I wondered why the Lord was taking me through such intense fire. What did I do Lord to endure such hurt. All the questions.
Now here is the big one - I've said it before and I will continue to say it! How big is God to you? When your situation looks bleak and you see no way out - stop - close your eyes to focus on God for a while. Ask yourself if you really believe that God could deliver you from your situation. That you could be set free from yourself. Do your really believe that God could do a miracle in your life? "I believe, help my unbelief." God is bigger than what our human minds can even comprehend. I can tell you that when you lay all of who you are down before the Lord, I mean everything, he will do things that you can not even begin to imagine or comprehend.
He loves you and will not leave you. If you are reading my blog and feel afraid or alone, drop me a comment. I will not post it but will write back to you and I will pray for and with you. You do not need to go it alone!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Yes, Healed!
So the other day I was messing around with my blog page. Every so often I like to change the background. It dawned on me that the title that I had did not fit me anymore. If you've been reading my blog for a while maybe you notice it's changed from "healing" to healed. I loved changing that. I am confident that God will use my Pastor's wife experiences to help other Pastor's wives. To be healed is a wonderful thing. To be in God's will is a wonderful thing. To be walking in complete faith is a wonderful thing. To know that the God of the universe is so in love with me and wants me to give him my whole heart is a wonderful thing.
My journey has not been an easy one. Yet I know that God has surrounded me all the way. Even on days when I didn't seek him like I should he was still there, pursuing me. In no way is my life journey over. When I take my last breath on earth I will be on the best journey ever. But for now God has me here for a reason. To bring glory and honor to him in all aspects of my life and to be a witness in my life, in my marriage, as a mom, as a pastor's wife...etc. I love who God has made me to be. The fire/refining process was not an easy one, but in the end I would not trade it for anything. God's work is always good.
Are you going through a tough time? Seek Jesus - ask him to shape you through it. There is always something that he is working on in our lives. When we seek him in all aspects of our days it is amazing how much you begin to see God's work in your life.
I am blown away by the people that God has put into our life. We have a few couples that we can get together with and talk about God the entire time, and pray together. Those are such uplifting and powerful times. Also the people who have encouraged and supported us these months have been a gift from God. Thank you!
Remember, God IS FAITHFUL!:)
My journey has not been an easy one. Yet I know that God has surrounded me all the way. Even on days when I didn't seek him like I should he was still there, pursuing me. In no way is my life journey over. When I take my last breath on earth I will be on the best journey ever. But for now God has me here for a reason. To bring glory and honor to him in all aspects of my life and to be a witness in my life, in my marriage, as a mom, as a pastor's wife...etc. I love who God has made me to be. The fire/refining process was not an easy one, but in the end I would not trade it for anything. God's work is always good.
Are you going through a tough time? Seek Jesus - ask him to shape you through it. There is always something that he is working on in our lives. When we seek him in all aspects of our days it is amazing how much you begin to see God's work in your life.
I am blown away by the people that God has put into our life. We have a few couples that we can get together with and talk about God the entire time, and pray together. Those are such uplifting and powerful times. Also the people who have encouraged and supported us these months have been a gift from God. Thank you!
Remember, God IS FAITHFUL!:)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
New Life!
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
These words came to life for me today. The thief is Satan. His ultimate desire for us is to destroy us. He is the father of all lies and wants us to believe any lie he can throw at us. When you understand his schemes you realize they are very dumb. It helps to take the thoughts you have about yourself or a situation and line them up with the word of God. This will help you find the truth. You will be surprised when you ask yourself if this is something Christ would approve of how quickly you will see the truth.
Continuing on Jesus said "I have come to give life to the full." One of the lies of Satan is to convince you that if you give up the "fun" in life, that life would be boring. (partying, cheating, bad language...etc. the fun the world says is fun) Now if you counter that with scripture you will see that the truth is that Jesus came to give you life to the full. This is clearly a wonderful life. Jesus also said to the woman caught in adultery "...neither do I condemn you, now go and leave your life of sin." He didn't say "try" to leave your life of sin, but to go and do it. To follow Jesus, really follow Jesus, means an abundant life - a life so full and beautiful. A life that is FREE......! Think about what this world has to offer. Nothing but Jesus will fill you with true living.
Go and sin no more:) Jesus will give you an abundant life. That is a promise! Allow him to prune what doesn't belong and new life will grow.
These words came to life for me today. The thief is Satan. His ultimate desire for us is to destroy us. He is the father of all lies and wants us to believe any lie he can throw at us. When you understand his schemes you realize they are very dumb. It helps to take the thoughts you have about yourself or a situation and line them up with the word of God. This will help you find the truth. You will be surprised when you ask yourself if this is something Christ would approve of how quickly you will see the truth.

Go and sin no more:) Jesus will give you an abundant life. That is a promise! Allow him to prune what doesn't belong and new life will grow.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
It's not about me
This morning I finally got in a good work out. Been so busy this past week haven't had any time. Angela and I bonded together while sweating.
Our new neighbors are so nice. Erv and Dorothy - she stopped over a bit ago to bring a bag of fresh peaches and welcome us. I love the neighborly feel.
I was reading this morning about David and Jonathan. What amazing friends they were. They really had each others back. Willing to give it all up for each other. They had a friendship blessed by the Lord. Trusting each other and looking out for each other. Jonathan said to David "but if my father is inclined to harm you, may the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if I do not let you know and send you away safely." and later "Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord." What an example for us to follow. How do we treat one another? Are we following the Lord's direction? Are we a faithful friend that can be trusted? Are we willing to lay down our own plans/desires for someone else? Those are tough questions to ponder. I myself would really have to wonder if I would be willing to set aside what I want to do for the sake of a friend. Now here adds another point to ponder. What about laying down my own desires for an enemy. That was Jesus example. He layed it all down for those who mocked him and spit on him. He died for those who put him on the cross. How willing am I to extend myself to someone who has not been kind to me? that is a hard question, one that convicts me to the core. One that God needs to work on in me. It's not about me - it's about others and Jesus. I need to own that - IT'S NOT ABOUT ME...IT'S NOT ABOUT ME...IT'S NOT ABOUT ME!
Lord, teach me to think of others better than myself. Even those who do not treat me fairly. Help me to remember your example of loving even those who mistreated you.
Not to us, but to your name be the glory!
Our new neighbors are so nice. Erv and Dorothy - she stopped over a bit ago to bring a bag of fresh peaches and welcome us. I love the neighborly feel.
I was reading this morning about David and Jonathan. What amazing friends they were. They really had each others back. Willing to give it all up for each other. They had a friendship blessed by the Lord. Trusting each other and looking out for each other. Jonathan said to David "but if my father is inclined to harm you, may the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if I do not let you know and send you away safely." and later "Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord." What an example for us to follow. How do we treat one another? Are we following the Lord's direction? Are we a faithful friend that can be trusted? Are we willing to lay down our own plans/desires for someone else? Those are tough questions to ponder. I myself would really have to wonder if I would be willing to set aside what I want to do for the sake of a friend. Now here adds another point to ponder. What about laying down my own desires for an enemy. That was Jesus example. He layed it all down for those who mocked him and spit on him. He died for those who put him on the cross. How willing am I to extend myself to someone who has not been kind to me? that is a hard question, one that convicts me to the core. One that God needs to work on in me. It's not about me - it's about others and Jesus. I need to own that - IT'S NOT ABOUT ME...IT'S NOT ABOUT ME...IT'S NOT ABOUT ME!
Lord, teach me to think of others better than myself. Even those who do not treat me fairly. Help me to remember your example of loving even those who mistreated you.
Not to us, but to your name be the glory!
Friday, August 14, 2009
No limits
This morning - I finally can blog after my time in the word. (it took 3 attemps to get our internet hooked up) I've missed it so much. I love what the Lord teaches me when I read the scripture.
I was reading John 8 - Jesus testimony about himself to the Jews. They did not believe the truth about Jesus. It didn't matter what Jesus did they plotted to kill him. Why would I ever think that I will not be persecuted for my faith. When we stand up for what is right, when we speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, when we speak the truth of scripture...we will be blessed from God himself. I don't need the approval of man and I don't want to write about "what their itching ears want to hear." The truth of scripture is loving and convicting. So often we want to hear all the loving stuff but we do not want to be challenged in our faith walk. Jesus did not beat around the bush in his teaching. He wants us to grow in him. A faith walk is seeing Jesus everywhere we go. Taking his hand and allowing him to take you where you go. If I am trying to do the leading I will surely get lost, even scared. But when I submit to him, ask him to lead the way, laying everything in my life down, it is a walk that will be blesssed!
Lord, strengthen me for the next step in our journey. As your hand has surely been in all of our steps, keep me humble and open to whatever you want to do next.
As I sit in our new home I am thankful where God has brought me. We are very tired of moving, making trips back and forth from the house to the storage unit. Tim especially is sore and tired. Yet God's hand is all over this. In no way could we have ever orchestrated all of this. "How great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God and all will see how great, how great is our God." If you are reading my blog for the first time or you have been following my blog, "how big is God to you?" There is no limit to what God can do. Jesus said to his disciples "you will do greater things than these." He wasn't talking just to those particular disciples back then, but to all of us today. Since "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" that would mean that his power in our lives has not changed either.
When I experience God's power or see it evident in someone else it is exciting to me. I just want to shout it out with joy.
I've gone on long enough. I love you all. Many of you have been so supportive and I thank the Lord for you. Your prayers and words of encouragement have been such a blessing to me.
The following is a link to Denise's blog. She and Mike are in their first week of an 11 month mission trip.
I was reading John 8 - Jesus testimony about himself to the Jews. They did not believe the truth about Jesus. It didn't matter what Jesus did they plotted to kill him. Why would I ever think that I will not be persecuted for my faith. When we stand up for what is right, when we speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, when we speak the truth of scripture...we will be blessed from God himself. I don't need the approval of man and I don't want to write about "what their itching ears want to hear." The truth of scripture is loving and convicting. So often we want to hear all the loving stuff but we do not want to be challenged in our faith walk. Jesus did not beat around the bush in his teaching. He wants us to grow in him. A faith walk is seeing Jesus everywhere we go. Taking his hand and allowing him to take you where you go. If I am trying to do the leading I will surely get lost, even scared. But when I submit to him, ask him to lead the way, laying everything in my life down, it is a walk that will be blesssed!
Lord, strengthen me for the next step in our journey. As your hand has surely been in all of our steps, keep me humble and open to whatever you want to do next.
As I sit in our new home I am thankful where God has brought me. We are very tired of moving, making trips back and forth from the house to the storage unit. Tim especially is sore and tired. Yet God's hand is all over this. In no way could we have ever orchestrated all of this. "How great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God and all will see how great, how great is our God." If you are reading my blog for the first time or you have been following my blog, "how big is God to you?" There is no limit to what God can do. Jesus said to his disciples "you will do greater things than these." He wasn't talking just to those particular disciples back then, but to all of us today. Since "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" that would mean that his power in our lives has not changed either.
When I experience God's power or see it evident in someone else it is exciting to me. I just want to shout it out with joy.
I've gone on long enough. I love you all. Many of you have been so supportive and I thank the Lord for you. Your prayers and words of encouragement have been such a blessing to me.
The following is a link to Denise's blog. She and Mike are in their first week of an 11 month mission trip.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Throw it off
I am sitting in Bean and Leaf Cafe blogging today. We have moved into our new place and don't have the internet yet. I have been ansy to blog today so here I am.
Life has been so busy these past days as we have had such a mix of emotions and business. We have moved into our new home and I am feeling so free. Most of our stuff is in storage but I doubt that I will miss much of it. That word "stuff" has taken on new meaning for me. I don't like it anymore. Stuff implies more than I need. "Throw off anything the hinders and the sin that so easily entangles." Throw off not just sin but anything else that hinders. I think that much of my stuff has hindered me. This feeling of free - no mortgage, and the basic needs is more than I could have imagined. I love what God does and I love what I learn from my grown children. They teach me so much and that is such a blessing when parents and children can learn from each other. (yes, they shared this freedom with me) I thank the Lord for all the time that we had in our previous house. God used every space we had for the time that we had it. Now it's time to pursure the next leg of our journey and I am excited to see what is next.
Also in the midst of our move we said a tearful goodbye to Denise and Mike as they headed off for 11 months for mission work. They have arrived safely in Ireland! As a mom it is so wonderful to see your children pursuing the passion that God puts in their heart.
So everyone remember "Live the life worthy of the calling you have received." Eph. 4:1 If you say "I don't know my calling" - stop and ask God to reveal it to you. God has a plan for EVERYONE and his plan for you is sooooo much bigger than what our little minds can see. Trust me, I can say this from personal experience. Keep pursuing your relationship with Jesus, every day in all circumstances. He will show you!
I close this blog smiling!!!!!!!
Life has been so busy these past days as we have had such a mix of emotions and business. We have moved into our new home and I am feeling so free. Most of our stuff is in storage but I doubt that I will miss much of it. That word "stuff" has taken on new meaning for me. I don't like it anymore. Stuff implies more than I need. "Throw off anything the hinders and the sin that so easily entangles." Throw off not just sin but anything else that hinders. I think that much of my stuff has hindered me. This feeling of free - no mortgage, and the basic needs is more than I could have imagined. I love what God does and I love what I learn from my grown children. They teach me so much and that is such a blessing when parents and children can learn from each other. (yes, they shared this freedom with me) I thank the Lord for all the time that we had in our previous house. God used every space we had for the time that we had it. Now it's time to pursure the next leg of our journey and I am excited to see what is next.
Also in the midst of our move we said a tearful goodbye to Denise and Mike as they headed off for 11 months for mission work. They have arrived safely in Ireland! As a mom it is so wonderful to see your children pursuing the passion that God puts in their heart.
So everyone remember "Live the life worthy of the calling you have received." Eph. 4:1 If you say "I don't know my calling" - stop and ask God to reveal it to you. God has a plan for EVERYONE and his plan for you is sooooo much bigger than what our little minds can see. Trust me, I can say this from personal experience. Keep pursuing your relationship with Jesus, every day in all circumstances. He will show you!
I close this blog smiling!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Journey Continues
Seems like God has us on quite the journey. We will be moving this weekend into a small place. Fine for the 3 of us and we are excited to see what God will be doing next in our life. So, we make plans to put most of our stuff in storage and live with the basics. It will be fun! Especially when it is so evident that God's hand is in all of this and he has done things that to us would seem impossible. "Nothing is impossible with God." God was just making us smile yesterday!
I think that God is so nice!!! I thought of that last night. The next house is clean, freshly painted, newer carpet, in a quaint area and it's cute. I won't have to do a thing. That is so nice of God to do that for me. He must really love me. There are many words that we use to descirbe God. Usually depending on the circumstance. Today I am thankful that he is being so nice to us!
We still have a few things that are not settled yet but we will trust God to take care of those items as well. "To hear with my heart, to see with my soul - to trust in a way that I cannot see, that's what faith must be." These were the words that we held onto when we packed up four children and moved so Tim could go to seminary 15 years ago. We will remember this today as well.
Lord, keep us in tune to your leadings.
I think that God is so nice!!! I thought of that last night. The next house is clean, freshly painted, newer carpet, in a quaint area and it's cute. I won't have to do a thing. That is so nice of God to do that for me. He must really love me. There are many words that we use to descirbe God. Usually depending on the circumstance. Today I am thankful that he is being so nice to us!
We still have a few things that are not settled yet but we will trust God to take care of those items as well. "To hear with my heart, to see with my soul - to trust in a way that I cannot see, that's what faith must be." These were the words that we held onto when we packed up four children and moved so Tim could go to seminary 15 years ago. We will remember this today as well.
Lord, keep us in tune to your leadings.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Just a quick blog.
We no longer own a house. Strange feeling - I'm trying to take everything in.
Looks like we have a place to move into, just waiting for a final confirmation. (God usually asks us to "wait". haha)
I know that God is directing our path.
I see all around us how he is and will continue to use us.
Tim is currently at the hospital visiting our neighbor who has terminal cancer. He needs Jesus!
We are sons and daughters of the King of Kings!!!!
Let's show it.................:)
We no longer own a house. Strange feeling - I'm trying to take everything in.
Looks like we have a place to move into, just waiting for a final confirmation. (God usually asks us to "wait". haha)
God is freeing us of many things. It looks like he is lightening our load to serve him more freely.
I see God's hand in it.I know that God is directing our path.
I see all around us how he is and will continue to use us.
Tim is currently at the hospital visiting our neighbor who has terminal cancer. He needs Jesus!
We are sons and daughters of the King of Kings!!!!
Let's show it.................:)

Notice also in our lives how keen we are to danger. When we are driving our car we are alert to the dangers on the road - why? To stay safe of course. We are always using our perifial vision to be aware of what is around us. If we are out at night, alone especially, we are aware of possible dangers. We lock our door and move in quickly to where we are headed.
Now, knowing these situations why do we so ignore the fact that the devil is prowling around trying to devour? Why are we not so keenly aware of his attacks in our life? I think we don't want to face this fact. I think too many people are afraid to acknowledge this. We have to remember first, that this is in the bible. Can't argue that point. And secondly, we have to remember that Christ has already won the victory and we don't have anything to be afraid of. The real danger comes when we are attacked unaware. When the lion comes when the prey is not paying attention and has let down their guard.
My challenge to you today is to become aware of the devil's schemes. Since we know the love and goodness of Jesus we need not be afraid, but the real danger is pretending that it doesn't have any part in our life. Then we are hit from all directions! The scripture says Be on your guard"
So, celebrate the power that you have in Jesus Christ. The one who has defeated Satan. Stay in prayer and in the word every day. Jesus will strengthen you. And when you become keen to the enemy's schemes you will be able to stand with the full armour of God on, ready and equipped for battle. This is why we are told to take up the full armour.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Jesus said: "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life...yet you refuse to come to me to have eternal life...I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts."
Where is the love of God for you? I was thinking about this today. There was a long time in my life where I knew Jesus but didn't really have him penetrate my heart. I ran across a little bit of writings that I wrote about 10 years ago. I was so surprised how much I worried back then. Life is so incredibly different now - all because Jesus has invaded my heart. I allowed him to come in to the depths of who I was/am. I've made myself vulnerable for him to change me and shape me. Not that I don't ever worry, but it doesn't stay. Satan does not have power over that area in my life anymore. I capture it and claim the truth. Like I shared yesterday, each time God raises the bar I become stronger.
It is your heart that Jesus wants. I think of someone who cannot read or understand the scripture. It is not head knowledge that they have it is the love of Jesus that they possess in their heart. When you think about your heart it is a very fragile part of you. It can be broken very easily and we want to protect it with all that we have. Yet if we do not open it up to love and be loved it will forever be cold and dark. Jesus will never break your heart, he will never leave you, ever! He wants to just love all over you and me. Stop right now, close your eyes and ask Jesus to penetrate in your heart today. Open it up, all the way, don't hide anything, just let him in. Don't be ashamed of what is in there, he's already forgiven it, confess it and he washes it away. Some may say about their spouse/boy(girl) friend - "they have captured my heart". Allow Jesus to capture your heart. He should be your first love. Fall in love with him - tell him, out loud, that you love him. It is his love that will overflow into our life.
Guide us Jesus in the next steps. I love you Jesus!
Where is the love of God for you? I was thinking about this today. There was a long time in my life where I knew Jesus but didn't really have him penetrate my heart. I ran across a little bit of writings that I wrote about 10 years ago. I was so surprised how much I worried back then. Life is so incredibly different now - all because Jesus has invaded my heart. I allowed him to come in to the depths of who I was/am. I've made myself vulnerable for him to change me and shape me. Not that I don't ever worry, but it doesn't stay. Satan does not have power over that area in my life anymore. I capture it and claim the truth. Like I shared yesterday, each time God raises the bar I become stronger.
It is your heart that Jesus wants. I think of someone who cannot read or understand the scripture. It is not head knowledge that they have it is the love of Jesus that they possess in their heart. When you think about your heart it is a very fragile part of you. It can be broken very easily and we want to protect it with all that we have. Yet if we do not open it up to love and be loved it will forever be cold and dark. Jesus will never break your heart, he will never leave you, ever! He wants to just love all over you and me. Stop right now, close your eyes and ask Jesus to penetrate in your heart today. Open it up, all the way, don't hide anything, just let him in. Don't be ashamed of what is in there, he's already forgiven it, confess it and he washes it away. Some may say about their spouse/boy(girl) friend - "they have captured my heart". Allow Jesus to capture your heart. He should be your first love. Fall in love with him - tell him, out loud, that you love him. It is his love that will overflow into our life.
Guide us Jesus in the next steps. I love you Jesus!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
A good Sunday afternoon nap is good for the soul. I woke up with a smile and also a truth that the Lord showed me in a dream, a truth about myself that convicted me, but one that I can change and be aware of. God is always working on me. Seems that bar keeps getting raised higher and higher. As I think of our christian life and Jesus raising the bar higher and higher I think of the game that is played at parties and such. Limbo - played to music someone holds a pole and a line of people have to go under it but each time the pole is lowered closer to the ground, obviously making it harder and harder each time.
Interesting how as we continue to grow in our christian walk Jesus raises the bar higher and higher. I was thinking about this. If the bar is getting higher it seems that it would be easier and easier to get under it, right? I do think that God does that as he shapes us. I know for me as I continue to grow in my walk with Jesus, when he shows me something new that he wants me to step into it becomes easier to do. Each raise of the bar strengthens me more. He challenges me to go higher, often stepping out of my comfort zone, but each time I do I become stronger, making that next raise of the bar easier.
Pretty cool isn't it?!!!!! Don't ever stop asking God to show you areas in your life that need to change. Just get ready for him to reveal them and then be ready for something awesome in your life.
Continue to keep us in your prayers as we await the next steps. The following scripture gives validity to the prayers of many.
2 Corinthians 2:10-11 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
Interesting how as we continue to grow in our christian walk Jesus raises the bar higher and higher. I was thinking about this. If the bar is getting higher it seems that it would be easier and easier to get under it, right? I do think that God does that as he shapes us. I know for me as I continue to grow in my walk with Jesus, when he shows me something new that he wants me to step into it becomes easier to do. Each raise of the bar strengthens me more. He challenges me to go higher, often stepping out of my comfort zone, but each time I do I become stronger, making that next raise of the bar easier.
Pretty cool isn't it?!!!!! Don't ever stop asking God to show you areas in your life that need to change. Just get ready for him to reveal them and then be ready for something awesome in your life.
Continue to keep us in your prayers as we await the next steps. The following scripture gives validity to the prayers of many.
2 Corinthians 2:10-11 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
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