David knew where to go to receive knowledge.
Psalm 119 "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long...I have more insight...for I mediate on your statutes." I cannot have insight without meditating on the word of God. This is more than just having my bible reading time. Notice that David said "all day long." As we go about our day we are to think about God, his laws, his ways in our life. I love the honesty of David when he is writing the Psalms. A good reminder for us to be honest with ourselves and others too. David went on to confess
"Though I constantly take my life in my hands." Wow, don't we do that all the time. I am so guilty of that. If I don't see an answer I quickly jump to taking things into my own hands. Tim is good at slowing me down in this. There have been times when he knew that it was more important to "wait" and not run ahead as quickly as I was. That made me frustrated, but he was right.
Then David said
"Your statues are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end." I love how he shared where his joy comes from. Not from life that he was trying to take into his own hands, but from the LORD'S ways. Don't we find so much more joy when we are doing God's way instead of our own way? I have so much more peace when I know that I am in the will of God and stay there, then when I try to pick things up and work them out on my own. Not that we are not responsible with things, that is different. Seeking the LORD for guidance and direction rather than running off on our own without seeking him. I've experienced both and have seen the result of both.
Where is my/your heart set? Are our hearts set on keeping God's decrees? Pray this one through, ask God to guide you in His way. Don't look to man, but to God.
A couple of days ago I was blessed to have breakfast with an old and dear friend. (I don't mean she is old, your not Sherry. haha) We have been friends for 26 years. No matter where we have lived somehow we have kept in contact. We shared life, faith, joys and sorrows. Isn't that what we are to be in the body of Christ. We were not there to judge each other, but to love each other forward. To encourage and build up the body is such an important aspect of the Christian life. A song by Casting Crowns;
But if we are the Body
Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
In the chorus "His" means us. We are to be his hands and feet. This is how we are to care for each other. So let us remember to meditate daily on Jesus ways. Ask him every day to show you his direction for your next steps in life. If you are at a crossroads and do not know which way to go - don't take the path without much prayer. He will show you the way.
I love my friends who follow my life through my blog. I love that this is not about me but all about giving God the glory. All glory goes to him.