Uncle Herm (probably 85) shared some words. He lives in Canada and has been a pastor his entire life. I loved his openess as he was honest about himself, areas that God needed to work on during his life, ways that he failed...I hugged him and thanked his for being "real". He said that it's not always easy to write about it. I believe that being "real" is what we can relate to the most. He and his son and grandaughter traveled from Vancouver first by bus, then 44 hours on the train. (son Richard does not like to fly) It was amazing to me the effort that was made to come to family camp.
This was our theme for the week. "In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost. Matt. 18:14 Yes, we actually have Bickel Camp T-shirts, this was the picture. I love our family! We focussed on passing down Jesus to the next generation...what a blessing to be a part of this. Fourth generation in-law, Randy started us off with our kick-off bible study and Tim finished us up yesterday morning. Our MC for camp was in-law cousin Keith. He never ceases to make us laugh, giving prizes of "Bickel" potato chips to the participants of this camp's game "I am not smarter than an in-law". We laugh and we cry together.
So we pass on the faith to those around us; to the next generation. It is because of grandma and grandpa Bickel that this family camp is still going on after 51 years.
Now we get back to life again. Still wondering what our next step is to be. Still waiting..........Lord, open our eyes to see clearly where you would have us to go. I thought of us being in God's will the other day and was reminded of Noah. God gave Noah clear instructions to build this boat, how he must have been laughed at. Yet he continued to build despite those around not believing. Lord, give me this faith to steadfastly move despite the world and others around. As you reminded Joshua "Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you."
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