So I don't usually post twice in one day but here goes. This morning I decided to go on a bike ride. I took off and headed down 26 mile to the Macomb Orchard Trail. As I was riding down the trail, a smooth and straight path, I had this urge to just let go of the handlebars. I use to ride no handed all the time when I was a kid. I steadied the handle bars, balanced myself, then let go with hands in the air. I felt like I was flying and in that time sensed the words
"we will soar on wings of Eagles, we will run and not grow weary, we will walk and not be faint." I felt a freeness of flying and it was so cool. When God gives us those moments it's so important not to forget them. If I close my eyes I can still feel the freeness of flying.

When we were at a lake this past weekend we saw a hawk soaring above the lake. It kept flying around and around. We noticed that it didn't flap it's wings the entire time we were watching it. That freedom of flight, which appears to have little effort,, is what our life with Christ is meant to be. If I listen to Jesus invitation to just climb aboard and soar with him doing the flying I can just relax for the ride. I can take it all in, breath in his fresh air and wait for the glorious mountain that I will land on. I may fly around mountainous areas that seem a bit scary at times but we will come out on the other side with him still carrying me.
Just close your eyes and enjoy the ride...........(by the way, I was excited to find out when I got home that I rode 6.7 miles, record for me)
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