Thursday, June 11, 2009

Crazy Week

So I realized that this is the longest that I have gone from blogging. Wow - it's been a crazy busy week getting ready for a garage sale. Daughter Nicole also brought over a bunch of things. Ok, so we were to start at 8am this morning. If you've ever had a garage sale or gone to them you know that the first day in the morning is always the busiest. Well let me tell you, by noon we had seen 4 people. Talk about lame....I can tell you that this will be my last garage sale. (It's my second one) Afternoon rained and by the time I realized it all the stuff in the driveway was wet. This just made me laugh at the day. A few more people arrived during the rain bringing my total up enough to say "ok, enough for a little cash". Nicole on the other hand made $3 today. :)

There has to be a connection between the garage sale and God - right? I can't think of one right now. Guess I'm just tired at the end of the day and can't believe that I have to start this again at 8am in the morning. (snicker, snicker)

I did read today though something from a book that I thought so profound. "Well, I guess we always have our own plan in case God's plan doesn't work out." I won't tell the whole story around it, but isn't that so true? We like to, in our own way, try to sway God to do what we think would be best. We keep a backup plan - as if God's plan seriously isn't good enough or will fall through. Seriously, has God ever left us high and dry? Sure there are times we wonder where he is - maybe we are in such intense trials that we can hardly find him.

Guess what? That's when you have to get face down before him and seek his face. He has never left us and is always there if we call on him. ALWAYS! So where do we go from here? I don't know but I can have the peace knowing that he has it ALL WORKED OUT!

I love my family. Every one of them.
Fill me Jesus every day with a new and fresh flow of your love.

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