Monday, April 27, 2009

God loves our pets too!

Wow, I just had to get on and blog this.

We have an 8 1/2 year old black laborador who was diagnosed with Lymphoma. For the last 6 months we put her on a special diet. (she eats better than we do.) She lost a lot of weight and we would find chunks of fur around the house and could just pull them off of her. We could see her ribs and her fur began to feel rougher. About a month ago she couldn't stand up at all. My husband had to carry her outside to the bathroom, then she would just lay there. After talking to the vet we decided that it was time to put her out her pain. Her arthritis was probably not helping. After making the decision we had set a day take her to the vet. Then - the day before we were going to take her in she started to play, throw the ball and drink again. One of the girls said "she knew what you going to do." haha

We noticed that she has put on weight again and her fur has stopped falling out and is softer and blacker. Well, tonight Tim and I took her to the park for a walk. (A few months back we took her for a walk down the street and she only made it a block and we had to literally carry her back home.) So we started walking and I pointed out to Tim that she was jogging ahead of us. That was surprising since she hasn't done that in at least a year. Even more surprising was that she continued the jog for the entire 1 mile walk. I didn't want to push it by going any further.

I had to smile:) Musta is such a special part of our family.
God loves our pets!
Thank you Jesus.

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