I just loved reading these words. Somehow I do not remember reading this before. We know of God's promises and that his promises are true. What a powerful reminder that when we read his promises in scripture that they are ALWAYS YES! No matter what we face in our life his promises will always be yes for us. Hear the following words and allow them to penetrate your heart. This promises again is a yes for you!
"He annointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come."
This can change how we feel when we really let this promise sink in. To know that we are his annointed child and to really deeply know that he has set a seal of ownership on us. It sure can make a difference in how we view ourself. And to top it all off he has put his Spirit in our heart! Seriously, can it get any better than that!? I was just thinking of the love that I have for my children and my husband. I know that this love is in my heart and I have access to it every day. Sometimes this love brings me to tears, especially around a wedding. :) Now if I can see and feel this love imagine how much stronger the Spirit that is within me. We have access to the Spirit within us but so often we just let it sit there, as if there is nothing we can do with it. This is a promise from Christ himself - that his Spirit will be in our hearts. Now if his Spirit is in our hearts we have something that has amazing power. We are not told that sometimes you have the Spirit in you - or - maybe you have the Spirit in you - but YES YOU DO have the Spirit within you. If you believe that Jesus died for you and now lives - you do have this gift.

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