So often our faith and trust in God is conditional. Think about that for a minute.....
We have everything planned out don't we? We think that promotion would be best - we wonder why a loved one, friend or even you are sick - and when things in life don't go according to our little human mind we think that God messed up so we try our darndest to fix it ourself. We stress and worry and plan. The following scripture gives us a different picture.
Isaiah 55
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
When we really take time to consider these words we should find comfort. I must say that when I look back at the amount of times when I thought our circumstances were not going in a good direction it always turned out that I was able to see that it was exactly where God wanted me at that time. Now when we are in circumstances that are bad or even painful we must remember that God does not bring about bad things but that he is with us through it. It is in those times that complete surrender is so important. He always has our best in mind - always!!! We must never forget that. Since his thoughts and his ways for us are far beyond what we can comprehend we don't need to fear but just surrender completely to him. Call on him - press into him!! We do learn the hard way so often don't we? We spend days sometimes worrying and stressing over a situation until we come around and realize that we need to just lay it down and give it to him. You know I spent most of my life not understanding how to really lay it down. I would try and try but end up picking it back up again. Until.....
I learned what complete surrender meant for me. It meant pressing deep into God in the word and in prayer. Pressing deep in a desire to really know him, not just know of him. Big difference. Opening up my heart completely to him - speaking out loud my sin to him and not holding anything back. It was a long process of refining in the fire but one that I wouldn't change - EVER.
I am so in love with Jesus. He is so in love with me. His thoughts and ways for you and me are far beyond what we can even begin to plan out for ourselves. Live today in the power of his presence in your life and walk in confidence knowing that the God of the universe holds everything in his hands.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Let's get out of the way.
So this morning Tim and I were talking for a few minutes before he headed out for a meeting. We were talking about how we don't want to be afraid or hold back from the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. That God is so big and so needed in people's lives and yet we can begin to hold back a little. I read in Isaiah 2:27 "Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?" Life is not about looking to man but looking to God. So often we just plug along in life and in our Christian walk, just staying "safe". Do you know what I mean? We tell everyone that everything is good, when really inside we are crying. We desire more and more stuff, a bigger house, a newer car...but what we really need is Jesus. We look to other people to fill our needs and forget to look to our creator. I am guilty of this and want no more of that. I claim the truth in all areas of my life. He is God and there is no other.
I hopped on facebook after Tim left and saw this post from our daughter Denise. (she is serving in Africa with a mission team.) It was just the right timing for me to read and tears poured from my eyes.
Denise Bickel Murphy - So one of our teams prayed over a girl who was paralized and she isn't paralized anymore and is walking. and a blind person saw. Jesus is so freaking real. off to the nile river tomorrow where my brave husband is going to raft it at a class 5. eeeee.
Ok people - Jesus is so real today. These are real stories. Someone I know - not some wierd story, but real. Why do we get afraid of amazing God stuff? Because people will think we are strange maybe. Through God working in lives others WILL come to know Jesus as their Savior. As I prepare to head to Costa Rica next month I want to be Jesus hands and feet. I want to see a miracle - life/lives transformed. I desire to be open to however he wants to use me. I only pray that I just get out of the way.
God wants us to be his Olypians. Living our life for him without fear. Let's run! I absolutely love love love this video clip. May none of us hold back but boldly proclaim life and truth to those around us.
I hopped on facebook after Tim left and saw this post from our daughter Denise. (she is serving in Africa with a mission team.) It was just the right timing for me to read and tears poured from my eyes.
Denise Bickel Murphy - So one of our teams prayed over a girl who was paralized and she isn't paralized anymore and is walking. and a blind person saw. Jesus is so freaking real. off to the nile river tomorrow where my brave husband is going to raft it at a class 5. eeeee.
Ok people - Jesus is so real today. These are real stories. Someone I know - not some wierd story, but real. Why do we get afraid of amazing God stuff? Because people will think we are strange maybe. Through God working in lives others WILL come to know Jesus as their Savior. As I prepare to head to Costa Rica next month I want to be Jesus hands and feet. I want to see a miracle - life/lives transformed. I desire to be open to however he wants to use me. I only pray that I just get out of the way.
God wants us to be his Olypians. Living our life for him without fear. Let's run! I absolutely love love love this video clip. May none of us hold back but boldly proclaim life and truth to those around us.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Bask in Him
So this morning I had one of those encounters with scripture that brought tears to my eyes. I quickly flew to the computer. I was talking with my husband about the call of the first Disciples. You know, when they were fishing and Jesus saw them and told them to put their nets in deep water and let down their nets. Simon knew that they had been fishing hard all night and had not caught anything yet, but because Jesus said so, they would let down their nets. If you remember how the story goes you know that they caught so many fish that their nets began to break, and the boat even began to sink it was so full. I absolutely love what Simon Peter says to Jesus. "When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, 'Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" At this moment Peter knew who Jesus was, he witnessed the miracle and could not even handle being in Jesus presence. He knew of his sin and could not even handle being near Jesus. He must have felt filthy, embarassed and unworthy. Sound familiar? Ever tried to keep your distance from Jesus because of your sin? I know that we all have. I know that Jesus died on the cross for me but please, don't ask me to get too close to him. My sin is just too ugly. Even my attitude stinks. Jesus is so holy, so perfect - I feel terrible just thinking of letting him see my crap. Oh, some of it I will ask him for forgiveness for, but I'll ask quickly for forgiveness but not really expose it too much or face the truth.
Now hear what Jesus says to Simon Peter. "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." Did you catch that first part? Don't be afraid! He knew how Peter felt. He connected with him right away to let him know, it's ok Peter. Don't worry about your sin, I still want you. Don't be afraid to be near me, I still want YOU. Just you. Despite your sin Peter, you will still follow me, I love you so much. You will spread the gospel to many others Peter, don't be afraid of the sin in you. I just love you. Your sin cannot separate you from me.
This is so important for all of us to allow to sink deep within us. I love when scripture brings me to tears. I know that God is revealing something to me.
Bask in his love for you and don't be afraid to seek intimacy with your creator. He longs for you! He will not give up on you. As in marriage we become one with our spouse so we should be one with our creator before anything or anyone else. Long for him and never give up seeking him.
Now hear what Jesus says to Simon Peter. "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." Did you catch that first part? Don't be afraid! He knew how Peter felt. He connected with him right away to let him know, it's ok Peter. Don't worry about your sin, I still want you. Don't be afraid to be near me, I still want YOU. Just you. Despite your sin Peter, you will still follow me, I love you so much. You will spread the gospel to many others Peter, don't be afraid of the sin in you. I just love you. Your sin cannot separate you from me.
This is so important for all of us to allow to sink deep within us. I love when scripture brings me to tears. I know that God is revealing something to me.
Bask in his love for you and don't be afraid to seek intimacy with your creator. He longs for you! He will not give up on you. As in marriage we become one with our spouse so we should be one with our creator before anything or anyone else. Long for him and never give up seeking him.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Your God!
"Hear, O my people, and I will speak...I am God, your God...I have no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains...for the world is mine, and all that is in it." Psalm 50
I just love love love all of these words. I love how God says that he is our God. He emphasises this and it's just the greatest. Sure we know that God is God but there is something about how he says I am your God. It makes it personal. He wants to be personal with us. Don't just sacrifice your stuff to me but bring me your heart. He owns everything and it's all his - But he wants YOU. Just you. Just the way you are - with all your faults and blemishes. He loves you and is your God.
vs. 15 says "...and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me." God delivered us from much trouble this I know. So here we are in a new place, it's not perfect and there are still trials that we face, but he who delivered will also restore. Read the following blog written by my daughter Denise. She is currently in Uganda doing mission work with her husband. I read this today and it fits my blog today. You might cry too!
Have a great day in Jesus. Remember how loved you are!
I just love love love all of these words. I love how God says that he is our God. He emphasises this and it's just the greatest. Sure we know that God is God but there is something about how he says I am your God. It makes it personal. He wants to be personal with us. Don't just sacrifice your stuff to me but bring me your heart. He owns everything and it's all his - But he wants YOU. Just you. Just the way you are - with all your faults and blemishes. He loves you and is your God.
vs. 15 says "...and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me." God delivered us from much trouble this I know. So here we are in a new place, it's not perfect and there are still trials that we face, but he who delivered will also restore. Read the following blog written by my daughter Denise. She is currently in Uganda doing mission work with her husband. I read this today and it fits my blog today. You might cry too!
Have a great day in Jesus. Remember how loved you are!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
So I really love my family. I am so blessed by them. Yesterday and today we were privaleged to spend with Nicole and that adorable grandson Zechariah. He is growing up so much and laughing and has teeth. He loves our steps and climbling up and down them. God is so great how he made people. Those little ones are so precious.
I was privaleged to attend the meeting at the high school today for the mission trip to Costa Rica. Normally after school the teacher is there but she was not there so they asked me to come. The students pretty much practice skits and songs that they will do while there. I was so happy to open up in prayer with everyone and remind them all that this trip is not about them but about bringing glory to God. I can't wait to see what God will do in the lives of all of us going and in the lives of the people that we will meet there. I keep thinking that God will help me to learn Spanish while we are there. Hey, if God can part the Red Sea and create the World - then I believe he can help me with some Spanish. Since "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" then what God has done in the past does not stop.
I feel like life is beginning to take a turn for me. I still don't know God's plan for what he wants me to do in this next chapter in my life but I am feeling way more at peace with his timing of things. With daughter Emily now married and moved far away my life must go on. It will certainly look different than it ever has before but it is now time to embrase what new adventures God has for me. First one - heading to Costa Rica.
Every day God is teaching us something about life. Do we even recognize it? So much in life just seems to slip by, but when we pay attention to even the little things we find God's work in our life. I love how our heavenly Father embraces us and loves us with such care and concern. He doesn't even let the little things go by without his attention. So what does your life look like? Are you wondering what God has in store for you? Most of us do at some point and we often struggle with that issue too. Yet when we come to a point of complete surrender and trusting him with it, life is so much more freeing.
Watch this little video of our grandson. He is taking a risk here and discovering something new. He does not have any fear of getting hurt but is attempting a new task, also trusting someone to help or just do it without fear. That is our life with Jesus. Don't be scared to do something new - take the risk and what you find on the other side will be so much fun.
I was privaleged to attend the meeting at the high school today for the mission trip to Costa Rica. Normally after school the teacher is there but she was not there so they asked me to come. The students pretty much practice skits and songs that they will do while there. I was so happy to open up in prayer with everyone and remind them all that this trip is not about them but about bringing glory to God. I can't wait to see what God will do in the lives of all of us going and in the lives of the people that we will meet there. I keep thinking that God will help me to learn Spanish while we are there. Hey, if God can part the Red Sea and create the World - then I believe he can help me with some Spanish. Since "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" then what God has done in the past does not stop.
I feel like life is beginning to take a turn for me. I still don't know God's plan for what he wants me to do in this next chapter in my life but I am feeling way more at peace with his timing of things. With daughter Emily now married and moved far away my life must go on. It will certainly look different than it ever has before but it is now time to embrase what new adventures God has for me. First one - heading to Costa Rica.
Every day God is teaching us something about life. Do we even recognize it? So much in life just seems to slip by, but when we pay attention to even the little things we find God's work in our life. I love how our heavenly Father embraces us and loves us with such care and concern. He doesn't even let the little things go by without his attention. So what does your life look like? Are you wondering what God has in store for you? Most of us do at some point and we often struggle with that issue too. Yet when we come to a point of complete surrender and trusting him with it, life is so much more freeing.
Watch this little video of our grandson. He is taking a risk here and discovering something new. He does not have any fear of getting hurt but is attempting a new task, also trusting someone to help or just do it without fear. That is our life with Jesus. Don't be scared to do something new - take the risk and what you find on the other side will be so much fun.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Short blog today
"And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man's envy of his neighbor." Ecc. 4
What more is there to say to this?! How typical that envy is so much a part of our life. Envy and pride seem to go hand in hand and pride is at the root of many issues in life. Toward the end of chapter 5 we read - "Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work - this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart." Doesn't that just sound great!!! If we could all just accept where God has us and be happy. Easier said then done, right? Well not with God. It is surrendering to him. I love the sound of being occupied with gladness of heart! I am praying that God leads me to live my life this way more. I thought of two songs this morning. Hear the first one - then I believe what will follow.
What more is there to say to this?! How typical that envy is so much a part of our life. Envy and pride seem to go hand in hand and pride is at the root of many issues in life. Toward the end of chapter 5 we read - "Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work - this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart." Doesn't that just sound great!!! If we could all just accept where God has us and be happy. Easier said then done, right? Well not with God. It is surrendering to him. I love the sound of being occupied with gladness of heart! I am praying that God leads me to live my life this way more. I thought of two songs this morning. Hear the first one - then I believe what will follow.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Search Me
Ever complained about your life?
Ever wondered what God was doing in your life?
Ever thought God was wrong and that your plan seemed better?
I think we can all say yes to these questions. This morning I was finishing up Job and the words hit me pretty hard. God spoke to Job and said "Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!" Maybe you don't ever think that your actually accusing God, but when we complain about where we are or our circumstances we really are accusing him of not doing the right thing. Can you imagine actually having to answer back to God after our grumbling! I know that I would fall down and feel horrible.
God went on to tell job to do some things, like adorn himself with glory and splendor, or clothe himself in honor and majesty, or unleash the fury of his wrath, and even crush the wicked. Then God said to him "Then I myself will admit to you that your own right hand can save you." God knew/knows that we cannot save ourself from anything. It is only when we look to him that we are saved. Does it mean that everything in life will go beautifully - no way - but it does mean that we need to be in our place. We are not God and we should not be questioning God. When I think of my hand trying to save me it is not a pretty sight. But when I truly lay my life and all circumstances in the hands of the God of the universe there is confidence! After I read these verses I noticed outside our front window a small tree filled with black birds. They were flying down onto the freshly fallen snow and picking up some black things on top of the snow. I'm not sure what it was they were eating, but God was providing for their needs. He will do the same for you and for me.
We need to continue to ask God to search our hearts. I know that I can get in the way. In closing today I want to point out what Job said to God. "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." You see, we can know about God, or we can know God. This is surrendering all of who we are to him, laying our desires aside and seeking his face. Being attentive to his voice and drawing into a close personal relationship with him. Ask yourself the question - Do I really want to know God deeply and intimately? Or am I afraid to because God will see all of me and I don't really like all of me? Allow God to search your heart - it is then you will find freedom!
Ever wondered what God was doing in your life?
Ever thought God was wrong and that your plan seemed better?
I think we can all say yes to these questions. This morning I was finishing up Job and the words hit me pretty hard. God spoke to Job and said "Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!" Maybe you don't ever think that your actually accusing God, but when we complain about where we are or our circumstances we really are accusing him of not doing the right thing. Can you imagine actually having to answer back to God after our grumbling! I know that I would fall down and feel horrible.
God went on to tell job to do some things, like adorn himself with glory and splendor, or clothe himself in honor and majesty, or unleash the fury of his wrath, and even crush the wicked. Then God said to him "Then I myself will admit to you that your own right hand can save you." God knew/knows that we cannot save ourself from anything. It is only when we look to him that we are saved. Does it mean that everything in life will go beautifully - no way - but it does mean that we need to be in our place. We are not God and we should not be questioning God. When I think of my hand trying to save me it is not a pretty sight. But when I truly lay my life and all circumstances in the hands of the God of the universe there is confidence! After I read these verses I noticed outside our front window a small tree filled with black birds. They were flying down onto the freshly fallen snow and picking up some black things on top of the snow. I'm not sure what it was they were eating, but God was providing for their needs. He will do the same for you and for me.
We need to continue to ask God to search our hearts. I know that I can get in the way. In closing today I want to point out what Job said to God. "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." You see, we can know about God, or we can know God. This is surrendering all of who we are to him, laying our desires aside and seeking his face. Being attentive to his voice and drawing into a close personal relationship with him. Ask yourself the question - Do I really want to know God deeply and intimately? Or am I afraid to because God will see all of me and I don't really like all of me? Allow God to search your heart - it is then you will find freedom!
Friday, February 5, 2010
His Glory :)
Ok, so you really need to check this out.
2 Corinthians 3
"Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, fading though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that condemns men is glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness!"
As I read this today I could sense the power in these verses. The story of Moses shining so gloriously when faced with God is now brought to us. The glory of the Spirit now in us. We too will shine in glory! Moses put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was fading away. But hear this: "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
Hang on people for the ride of your life. May we no longer be infants in our faith, but seek this transformation in our lives. Have you ever met anyone that you just knew had the Spirit of Christ within them? I love that! All of us Christians have that same Spirit. I guess I just am blown away when I think of what it must have been like for Moses - then to read that it will be even more for us. vs. 11 says "And if what was fading away came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!" This glory we now carry within us.
Transformation is just the best. When we allow God to step in - deep in to our lives and ask him to begin transforming us, being open to whatever in our life he wants to work on, our life begins changing in such ways that you cannot even imagine even going back to what was. You will begin to see things in yourself that you will say "really, God, you need to work on this? I didn't know that was an issue." But it sure gets fun!
We are loved with such passion by our creator. So often tears fill my eyes when I think how he loves me even when I am being pitiful. No matter where we are in life he just wants to love on us and for us to know his presence in our life. This glory that scripture talks about in our life - well, press into Jesus and you will see him. Remember the promises are always "yes". "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you."
2 Corinthians 3
"Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, fading though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that condemns men is glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness!"
As I read this today I could sense the power in these verses. The story of Moses shining so gloriously when faced with God is now brought to us. The glory of the Spirit now in us. We too will shine in glory! Moses put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was fading away. But hear this: "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
Hang on people for the ride of your life. May we no longer be infants in our faith, but seek this transformation in our lives. Have you ever met anyone that you just knew had the Spirit of Christ within them? I love that! All of us Christians have that same Spirit. I guess I just am blown away when I think of what it must have been like for Moses - then to read that it will be even more for us. vs. 11 says "And if what was fading away came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!" This glory we now carry within us.
Transformation is just the best. When we allow God to step in - deep in to our lives and ask him to begin transforming us, being open to whatever in our life he wants to work on, our life begins changing in such ways that you cannot even imagine even going back to what was. You will begin to see things in yourself that you will say "really, God, you need to work on this? I didn't know that was an issue." But it sure gets fun!
We are loved with such passion by our creator. So often tears fill my eyes when I think how he loves me even when I am being pitiful. No matter where we are in life he just wants to love on us and for us to know his presence in our life. This glory that scripture talks about in our life - well, press into Jesus and you will see him. Remember the promises are always "yes". "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you."
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
"But as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not "Yes" and "No." For the Son of God, Jesus christ, was preached among you by me and Silas and Timothy, was not "Yes" and "No," but in him it has always been "Yes." for no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. 1 Cor. 1
I just loved reading these words. Somehow I do not remember reading this before. We know of God's promises and that his promises are true. What a powerful reminder that when we read his promises in scripture that they are ALWAYS YES! No matter what we face in our life his promises will always be yes for us. Hear the following words and allow them to penetrate your heart. This promises again is a yes for you!
"He annointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come."
This can change how we feel when we really let this promise sink in. To know that we are his annointed child and to really deeply know that he has set a seal of ownership on us. It sure can make a difference in how we view ourself. And to top it all off he has put his Spirit in our heart! Seriously, can it get any better than that!? I was just thinking of the love that I have for my children and my husband. I know that this love is in my heart and I have access to it every day. Sometimes this love brings me to tears, especially around a wedding. :) Now if I can see and feel this love imagine how much stronger the Spirit that is within me. We have access to the Spirit within us but so often we just let it sit there, as if there is nothing we can do with it. This is a promise from Christ himself - that his Spirit will be in our hearts. Now if his Spirit is in our hearts we have something that has amazing power. We are not told that sometimes you have the Spirit in you - or - maybe you have the Spirit in you - but YES YOU DO have the Spirit within you. If you believe that Jesus died for you and now lives - you do have this gift.
That is just the greatest!
I just loved reading these words. Somehow I do not remember reading this before. We know of God's promises and that his promises are true. What a powerful reminder that when we read his promises in scripture that they are ALWAYS YES! No matter what we face in our life his promises will always be yes for us. Hear the following words and allow them to penetrate your heart. This promises again is a yes for you!
"He annointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come."
This can change how we feel when we really let this promise sink in. To know that we are his annointed child and to really deeply know that he has set a seal of ownership on us. It sure can make a difference in how we view ourself. And to top it all off he has put his Spirit in our heart! Seriously, can it get any better than that!? I was just thinking of the love that I have for my children and my husband. I know that this love is in my heart and I have access to it every day. Sometimes this love brings me to tears, especially around a wedding. :) Now if I can see and feel this love imagine how much stronger the Spirit that is within me. We have access to the Spirit within us but so often we just let it sit there, as if there is nothing we can do with it. This is a promise from Christ himself - that his Spirit will be in our hearts. Now if his Spirit is in our hearts we have something that has amazing power. We are not told that sometimes you have the Spirit in you - or - maybe you have the Spirit in you - but YES YOU DO have the Spirit within you. If you believe that Jesus died for you and now lives - you do have this gift.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Not sure how to title this blog. :)
Have you ever needed comforting but just didn't feel it near you? Just had some trouble that seemed so hard to bear? I have. I love what Paul writes in 2 Corinthians. "...the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." I have noticed how often the words "so that" are mentioned in the bible. Stuff in life happens "so that".... Situations in life always have a result.
Paul contines to say: "We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we desparied even of life...But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who rasies the dead." When we are in circumstances that look bleak it can be easy for us to try to work things all out on our own - coming up with our own plan to make it work. God wants us to come to him. We must have hope. "On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us." Note here the key word to me - continue - meaning he has been delivering us and will not stop now. There are times when we feel hopeless, but our God is the God of life and the God of hope. When you feel like you have nowhere else to turn - TURN TO HIM!
There are a lot of adjustments to a move, and I think even more the older you get. There are days when I feel lonely. I have not found a job yet and I miss friends from our old home. I am so thankful that Jesus is my friend. That he is always there with me even in those lonely times. I know that God has a plan for me here and he will bring that about and has already begun to do so. I believe that he is already in the process of working it all out right now, I just do not know it yet. So I will trust in him, and when I stumble I will draw back to him again. I love that this is my God.
I also love that my daughter is excited for me to meet her new friends at school. Today I meet her after school for a meeting about our mission trip to Costa Rica. She informed me not to embrass her - kinda joking. :) I am so blessed!
May the Lord shower you with his comfort this day. Rely on God, not yourself! Our God want to give us life abundantly - to the full. Hear what teacher Priscilla Shirer has to say about experiencing God. In those times of trouble and those times of joy - yes, all the time - press deeply into God and you will experience this God who wants to give you an abundant life.
Paul contines to say: "We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we desparied even of life...But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who rasies the dead." When we are in circumstances that look bleak it can be easy for us to try to work things all out on our own - coming up with our own plan to make it work. God wants us to come to him. We must have hope. "On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us." Note here the key word to me - continue - meaning he has been delivering us and will not stop now. There are times when we feel hopeless, but our God is the God of life and the God of hope. When you feel like you have nowhere else to turn - TURN TO HIM!
There are a lot of adjustments to a move, and I think even more the older you get. There are days when I feel lonely. I have not found a job yet and I miss friends from our old home. I am so thankful that Jesus is my friend. That he is always there with me even in those lonely times. I know that God has a plan for me here and he will bring that about and has already begun to do so. I believe that he is already in the process of working it all out right now, I just do not know it yet. So I will trust in him, and when I stumble I will draw back to him again. I love that this is my God.
I also love that my daughter is excited for me to meet her new friends at school. Today I meet her after school for a meeting about our mission trip to Costa Rica. She informed me not to embrass her - kinda joking. :) I am so blessed!
May the Lord shower you with his comfort this day. Rely on God, not yourself! Our God want to give us life abundantly - to the full. Hear what teacher Priscilla Shirer has to say about experiencing God. In those times of trouble and those times of joy - yes, all the time - press deeply into God and you will experience this God who wants to give you an abundant life.
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