This morning I woke up to the sound of a chain saw next door. And to find our houseguest sleeping on the sofa in the sunroom - oops, I think we accidently locked her out last night so she walked around back and slept there. I'm glad she loves the sunroom. Today is a much needed day off for my husband. After we do some things this morning we are hoping to take in the zoo. I love the zoo, and will never outgrown it.
I was reading Psalm 105 "let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles..."
How much do you think about the Lord? Really? In your day, how much do you think about him? We are to seek his face always. Sometimes we cry out to God in desperation - sometimes in joy. I think most of us would agree that in tough times we will pray for help but when things are pretty good we forget. How sad it must be for God when we forget him. When we forget to seek him, when we forget what he has done in our life. I know the amazing things that God has done in my life and my heart should rejoice when I seek him, but sometimes it doesn't. Then I read these words from Psalm 105 and am reminded to remember his work in my life. I need reminding now and then. :)
When we don't have the strength - LOOK TO THE LORD. I know in myself my strength cannot sustain me. It is only the strength that the Lord gives me that I can go on. How do I get this strength? I get out my bible, I ask the Lord to teach me and to fill me with understanding and to reveal himself to me. I keep my pencil with me and underline things that stood out to me. I think about Jesus and know that I am spending time with him. I pray and talk to Jesus!! I listen to worship music. For me, this is the best way to start out my day.
I was thinking about some great people in the bible and how they were rejoicing even during harships. Take Paul for example: in prison, beaten, shipwrecked, mocked...etc. but rejoicing in Jesus!!!! Oh and Paul "use to be" a murderer of christians. Talk about a man who lived in the amazing Grace and forgiveness of Jesus and shouted from wherever he could the relationship that he wants to have with you.
Let's rejoice this day that we have a savior and a friend who will never leave us and who has saved us, in every way that a person can be saved.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
These past few days have been filled with much activity in our house. Yesterday morning our daughter Emily (from CA) and I had a workout together. Something we would do sometimes when she lived at home. She motivated me! Daughter Nicole and her son Zechariah were here also, along with emily's husband, Jon. What a pleasure to have them all here and to stay up late laughing about raising four totally different girls and the things they use to do to each other. Super great that Denise called from Vietnam and she was able to hang out with all of us on Skype. I love my family.
I must say that God is really great. Life is moving along, we hit a few bumps in the road, then last night we have a young man at our house sharing life, his journey with Christ. As I observed the conversation between this young man and my husband I could see the excitement in both of their faces. In this young man, the excitement about asking questions and his love for Jesus - and in my husband, the excitement of responding to questions and talking about what he loves, Jesus! We were even blessed to listen to his guitar music for a while. God is good! This younger generation is so amazing to me. They want an authentic church, authentic relationships and an authentic relationship with Jesus. None of us have it all together, we all face struggles and the more we can be "real" with each other, without judging each other, but loving each other forward, the more authentic we become.
Authenticity begins by first getting real with God. 1 John says "If we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." I love that word, PURIFY! Doesn't it just sound amazing that this is what God does with us? He purifies us. That is so beautiful to me.
Allow this truth to wash over you today. Seek His face - confess to Him, completely, holding nothing back - just be real with your struggles and with your joys. He loves that and he loves you.
This video shows someone being completely real with God and with others. Worship as you listen and watch.
I must say that God is really great. Life is moving along, we hit a few bumps in the road, then last night we have a young man at our house sharing life, his journey with Christ. As I observed the conversation between this young man and my husband I could see the excitement in both of their faces. In this young man, the excitement about asking questions and his love for Jesus - and in my husband, the excitement of responding to questions and talking about what he loves, Jesus! We were even blessed to listen to his guitar music for a while. God is good! This younger generation is so amazing to me. They want an authentic church, authentic relationships and an authentic relationship with Jesus. None of us have it all together, we all face struggles and the more we can be "real" with each other, without judging each other, but loving each other forward, the more authentic we become.
Authenticity begins by first getting real with God. 1 John says "If we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." I love that word, PURIFY! Doesn't it just sound amazing that this is what God does with us? He purifies us. That is so beautiful to me.
Allow this truth to wash over you today. Seek His face - confess to Him, completely, holding nothing back - just be real with your struggles and with your joys. He loves that and he loves you.
This video shows someone being completely real with God and with others. Worship as you listen and watch.
Friday, May 21, 2010
I have had many times in my life when trials came and my heart felt like it was crushed and it was so heavy and hard to go on. I am sure that we have all felt that way. Yet now, even in the midst of some challenges I feel a peace - why? Totally God! Because I know that he has a plan, he has it all.
Lamentations 3 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'"
As I read these words this morning they were so comforting to me. His compassions are there for me and you every morning. His faithfulness is fresh every day. He never fails us - he never leaves us - and because of his love for us we are not consumed. WOW - Where are you in your life right now. Are you facing challenges or hardships? Remember to hold on tightly to his love. Drink deep from his waters (the word and prayer) then you will not be consumed. He is compassionate to you and loves you like no other. He will never leave you or forsake you.

Today I claim the truth - HE ALWAYS HAS A PLAN! Keep your eyes fixed on him and not the circumstances around you. He will always use your trials for your good and on the other side will be victory. Isn't victory super sweet?!!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I am slowly reading through the book "God Crazy - An Adventurous Road Trip to Joyful Surrender." It has been a better read than I would have expected. As I sit in the coffee shop with my friend Sarah and we are both doing stuff on our computers I read this line in the book.
"He often allows tough situations so that we can learn to trust Him in every area of our lives."
How much can you agree with this in your life? I know that I have learned soooooo much from the tough experiences that I have had. I look at the tough times in raising four girls - at the time I was so frustrated and wondered how I would get through. Now I know that I can be there to encourage someone else in their parenting. I didn't do as bad a job as at the time I thought I was. I think every parent has felt that way before. I look at the tough times in ministry - wow have we had them - at the time I wanted God to get us out right away. I look now and know that God will use that for me to understand how another pastor's wife might feel and be there for her. But hear this "when God comes on the scene and becomes our director, we are transformed." Isn't that amazing to think about transformation? If we are all honest we know that there are areas in our personal life that need some transformation. Look out when you open up yourself to God and stop trying to take over and let him become the director. You will be blown away!!!!
Some of you may ask "how? I want him to take over but I just don't know how." I was there way too long in my life - until - I joyfully (most of the time) surrendered completely to Christ. I do not have it all together now and never will - surrender is daily, but the more you seek Christ every day the more fun surrender becomes.
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt. 11:29-30
Surrender is getting personal with your Savior. The movie "You've Got Mail" is our family girl movie. Whenever all us gals are together we watch that movie. There is a scene in the movie where Kathleen was talking with the man who put her out of business. He says "It wasn't was business." To which she says "Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal." Amen!! A relationship with Jesus should begin by being personal - not just business.
Seek him and he will be found.
"He often allows tough situations so that we can learn to trust Him in every area of our lives."
How much can you agree with this in your life? I know that I have learned soooooo much from the tough experiences that I have had. I look at the tough times in raising four girls - at the time I was so frustrated and wondered how I would get through. Now I know that I can be there to encourage someone else in their parenting. I didn't do as bad a job as at the time I thought I was. I think every parent has felt that way before. I look at the tough times in ministry - wow have we had them - at the time I wanted God to get us out right away. I look now and know that God will use that for me to understand how another pastor's wife might feel and be there for her. But hear this "when God comes on the scene and becomes our director, we are transformed." Isn't that amazing to think about transformation? If we are all honest we know that there are areas in our personal life that need some transformation. Look out when you open up yourself to God and stop trying to take over and let him become the director. You will be blown away!!!!
Some of you may ask "how? I want him to take over but I just don't know how." I was there way too long in my life - until - I joyfully (most of the time) surrendered completely to Christ. I do not have it all together now and never will - surrender is daily, but the more you seek Christ every day the more fun surrender becomes.
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt. 11:29-30
Surrender is getting personal with your Savior. The movie "You've Got Mail" is our family girl movie. Whenever all us gals are together we watch that movie. There is a scene in the movie where Kathleen was talking with the man who put her out of business. He says "It wasn't was business." To which she says "Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal." Amen!! A relationship with Jesus should begin by being personal - not just business.
Seek him and he will be found.
Monday, May 17, 2010
I heard the following song this morning and my spirit was so lifted up in worship. So often people can feel like they are not worthy to come close to Jesus. Their sins seem so ugly to them and they would rather hold out at a distance. The truth is that Christ came to seek and to save that which was/is lost. Each and every one of us isn't worthy because of our sins. But I love that Jesus has covered us in his love and forgiveness - his robe wraps around us. When I fail, he is always there to lift me back up. He will hold you, comfort you, forgive you and call you his son or daughter. What a privileage we have be his children.
Music that is filled with rich beautiful words of worship draw me so close to him. I love music in my prayer time. As you listen to the following song I pray that you can feel the power of the Holy Spirit as this man sings in worship to our creator and that it fills you and you are reminded of his incredible love for you.
Music that is filled with rich beautiful words of worship draw me so close to him. I love music in my prayer time. As you listen to the following song I pray that you can feel the power of the Holy Spirit as this man sings in worship to our creator and that it fills you and you are reminded of his incredible love for you.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
God is amazing how he answers our prayers. He is also amazing how he puts us on the hearts of others to pray, or us on others hearts to pray, when they don't even know you/we need prayers. We have experienced a lot of that this past week - God is awesome!!! He has continued to confirm many times direction that Tim has been looking for and that God gave clearly.
I found a way to connect with a high school friend. I can't wait.
Denise and Mike come home in 6 weeks. :)
We are going to California and taking a super long road trip home together to bring their car. I'm excited but also not thrilled about a million hours in the car. I think we are going to have a blast together as this is the first long trip that we have ever done without any children along. We will stop, look and be amazed at views, walk, eat...etc. whenever and wherever we want. Mostly we want to spend a lot of time with God and each other. Oh, and the best part is we will get to see Emily and Jon. Yippee!!!
It has been a super crazy busy packed week so sorry to my readers for not blogging much. I must say that God is moving and I love that.
I'll be back soon.
I found a way to connect with a high school friend. I can't wait.
Denise and Mike come home in 6 weeks. :)
We are going to California and taking a super long road trip home together to bring their car. I'm excited but also not thrilled about a million hours in the car. I think we are going to have a blast together as this is the first long trip that we have ever done without any children along. We will stop, look and be amazed at views, walk, eat...etc. whenever and wherever we want. Mostly we want to spend a lot of time with God and each other. Oh, and the best part is we will get to see Emily and Jon. Yippee!!!
It has been a super crazy busy packed week so sorry to my readers for not blogging much. I must say that God is moving and I love that.
I'll be back soon.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Blue Heron
So today brings about some different thoughts. I am so surprised at the random people that I have heard from that read my blog. Humbled - surprised - and even more surprised that I am writing at all. People close to me know that I have always felt frustrated that I couldn't write well. My blog is not any kind of literary piece, but just my thoughts about life, about God and how they go together. I like seeing God in every day living. It's so fun! This morning I was wrestling through some weight that the enemy had stacked on my back. Stupid that he tried since he should know that I will go straight to God if it hangs on too long and he will take care of it for me. I went for a prayer walk/run down the trail that runs along the river across the street from my house. It was the most perfect of weather today, blue sky and all. My run was heavy as I left and I just knew that I needed to let this issue go. As I walked and tried to run I just prayed in the name of Jesus that he would take this attack away from me. Whenever I have this heavy feeling I know that's what it is. Anyway, I began to feel it lift.
I sat on the bench for a while by the river and could see seven Blue Heron's standing in the water. God's creation is so amazing and I felt so much lighter. I took off running again and saw one of the Blue Herons take off in flight. They are so cool when they fly. So free!! That is just what God does with us when we give our burdens to him and command the enemy to flee. FREEDOM! The freedom that only comes from Jesus.
My run the rest of the way home was way better. Thank you Jesus!
I get to see Emily and Jon soon - and Denise and Mike come home in six weeks. Yippee! Oh, and my son-in-law Eric just got a job promotion. I love my family!
Oh and Sarah moved in with us for a few weeks. Another young woman my girls age and filling our home with joy and Jesus.

My run the rest of the way home was way better. Thank you Jesus!
I get to see Emily and Jon soon - and Denise and Mike come home in six weeks. Yippee! Oh, and my son-in-law Eric just got a job promotion. I love my family!
Oh and Sarah moved in with us for a few weeks. Another young woman my girls age and filling our home with joy and Jesus.
Jesus, please keep bringing people into our home. We love it!
Friday, May 7, 2010
All my life I have never had a lot of money. There was a time when we felt pretty "confortable," if you know what I mean, but never extra. I was reading in 1 Timothy this morning and was struck by these words. Especially what I underlined.
"People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
Twice Paul points out those for want to get rich. You can picture those who strive in life for wealth. A pretty miserable existence and how easily a person can forget the Lord. Paul goes on to say "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor put their hope in wealth, which is uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share." Paul is not suggesting for Timothy to share this with those who are wealthy but he is commanding him. This is a good call to re-evaluate ourselves. I read a book about a year ago called "The Wealth Conundrum." It spoke from the perspective of a very wealthy man realizing the problems of money. Pretty good read.
I was thinking this morning how I just love waking up and going straight to my coffee and my bible. I just lOVE seeking God and learning more in his word. If I happen to not be able to for a day or two I miss it so much. I believe that the more we spend time growing in our relationship with the Lord the less we will care about money, we'll just want more and more of him. If your not spending time in the word every day I would challenge you to start a 1 year read through of the bible. It really helps to get in a routine of reading daily. Just go online to 1 year read through of the bible and you can print off a month at a time and keep it in your bible. Start with January - not May.
Put everything else aside - it's all about Jesus.
"People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
Twice Paul points out those for want to get rich. You can picture those who strive in life for wealth. A pretty miserable existence and how easily a person can forget the Lord. Paul goes on to say "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor put their hope in wealth, which is uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share." Paul is not suggesting for Timothy to share this with those who are wealthy but he is commanding him. This is a good call to re-evaluate ourselves. I read a book about a year ago called "The Wealth Conundrum." It spoke from the perspective of a very wealthy man realizing the problems of money. Pretty good read.
I was thinking this morning how I just love waking up and going straight to my coffee and my bible. I just lOVE seeking God and learning more in his word. If I happen to not be able to for a day or two I miss it so much. I believe that the more we spend time growing in our relationship with the Lord the less we will care about money, we'll just want more and more of him. If your not spending time in the word every day I would challenge you to start a 1 year read through of the bible. It really helps to get in a routine of reading daily. Just go online to 1 year read through of the bible and you can print off a month at a time and keep it in your bible. Start with January - not May.
Put everything else aside - it's all about Jesus.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
On the Roof
"Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife." Proverbs 25:24

Yup, I've read this proverb many times, heard it many times, but when I read it this morning as part of my reading for the day I really thought about this. Ok, so picture some husband sitting up on the corner of his roof. Just picture it for a moment. I can pretty much say that there were times in my marriage, way long ago of course, that my husband probably would have wanted to sit up there. :) But this goes hand in hand with the biblical model of marriage. Husbands love your wives and wives respect your husbands. When we are following God's direction for marriage it is awesome!
I absolutely love my marriage and it is just keeps growing stronger. There is only one way for this to happen and that is through being transparent and surrendering completly to Christ. Never stop seeking to grow in Christ and never stop asking God to show you areas that you need to work on or change. We are always a work in progress so we will never "arrive" until we are in heaven.
My in-laws are in a weekly small group with a number of other older couples. They smiled when all the small groups began a study on marriage. Most of them have been married over 50 years. Yet I love what he said "never too old to learn something new." What a beautiful example. I just love them.
Today I am off to try out my new running shoes. I love that I already know that my husband will ask if he can come with me. :)

Yup, I've read this proverb many times, heard it many times, but when I read it this morning as part of my reading for the day I really thought about this. Ok, so picture some husband sitting up on the corner of his roof. Just picture it for a moment. I can pretty much say that there were times in my marriage, way long ago of course, that my husband probably would have wanted to sit up there. :) But this goes hand in hand with the biblical model of marriage. Husbands love your wives and wives respect your husbands. When we are following God's direction for marriage it is awesome!
I absolutely love my marriage and it is just keeps growing stronger. There is only one way for this to happen and that is through being transparent and surrendering completly to Christ. Never stop seeking to grow in Christ and never stop asking God to show you areas that you need to work on or change. We are always a work in progress so we will never "arrive" until we are in heaven.
My in-laws are in a weekly small group with a number of other older couples. They smiled when all the small groups began a study on marriage. Most of them have been married over 50 years. Yet I love what he said "never too old to learn something new." What a beautiful example. I just love them.
Today I am off to try out my new running shoes. I love that I already know that my husband will ask if he can come with me. :)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I notice that my daughter Emily writes and says "end of story" a lot. I think it's super cute but it also makes me smile because there is little "end of story" when she talks. I just love that about her. We don't get to talk as much since she lives so far away and we have a 3 hour time difference and she works during the day. I am super excited that I will get to hug her this month. I can't wait to take a walk together, just the two of us and sit in our sunroom on our "girl chatting sofa." She knows which one that is. When I go too long without this I begin to long for it. (It's been 4 months since I've seen Emily.)
As I was writing this it made me think of how I feel about my relationship with Jesus. If I go too long without time to hang out and talk with him I begin to long for it. I miss it. Each morning when I wake up I love my coffee and my bible and if somehow the day doesn't start out that way I miss it. I know he misses me too. That is super great to me that Jesus misses spending time with his children. We all get so busy in our days that we forget about him. Jesus spent time with his disciples - he built a relationship with them - and he wants to build one with us too. Ya, I know this sounds a little like yesterdays blog but that's what came to me as I began to write.
Smile today - you are loved.
As I was writing this it made me think of how I feel about my relationship with Jesus. If I go too long without time to hang out and talk with him I begin to long for it. I miss it. Each morning when I wake up I love my coffee and my bible and if somehow the day doesn't start out that way I miss it. I know he misses me too. That is super great to me that Jesus misses spending time with his children. We all get so busy in our days that we forget about him. Jesus spent time with his disciples - he built a relationship with them - and he wants to build one with us too. Ya, I know this sounds a little like yesterdays blog but that's what came to me as I began to write.
Smile today - you are loved.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Someone from our new church gave us a cross with the words "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29 Now most of us have read these words many times before, but the other day I was reading this again in my personal study, but I loved what it says after. "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 'I will be found,' declares the Lord."
The words I underlined came alive to me as I read them. It is so easy to come to God with our quick prayer - you know what I mean. "Dear God, help me to do good at work today, be with my children and take care of my finances...etc." You know how it can be, we've all been there. But these words in Jeremiah speak to this deep relationship that he wants to have with us. God simply telling us to talk with him, share with him, with all our heart. He wants us to just bear our heart to him, deep, all the way down, holding nothing back. And the promise is that he will be found. Know this truth - claim it in your life!!!
Don't seem close to God? Get down on your knees before him and just open up your heart to him. This is not strange - this is a relationship. Can you have a relationship with your spouse, children or friends without spending time with them and talking to them? You can't - and that is what we need to do with Jesus. He longs for you to just be with him. So when you don't feel God's presence in your life remember the promise here in Jeremiah - to seek him with all your heart - AND HE WILL BE FOUND! Awesome promise! I have those days and moments when I can actually feel his presence and times when I may not feel it, but I absolutely know that he is always there. The Holy Spirit indwells in me and that is just the best.
That just brings a smile to my face.
The words I underlined came alive to me as I read them. It is so easy to come to God with our quick prayer - you know what I mean. "Dear God, help me to do good at work today, be with my children and take care of my finances...etc." You know how it can be, we've all been there. But these words in Jeremiah speak to this deep relationship that he wants to have with us. God simply telling us to talk with him, share with him, with all our heart. He wants us to just bear our heart to him, deep, all the way down, holding nothing back. And the promise is that he will be found. Know this truth - claim it in your life!!!
Don't seem close to God? Get down on your knees before him and just open up your heart to him. This is not strange - this is a relationship. Can you have a relationship with your spouse, children or friends without spending time with them and talking to them? You can't - and that is what we need to do with Jesus. He longs for you to just be with him. So when you don't feel God's presence in your life remember the promise here in Jeremiah - to seek him with all your heart - AND HE WILL BE FOUND! Awesome promise! I have those days and moments when I can actually feel his presence and times when I may not feel it, but I absolutely know that he is always there. The Holy Spirit indwells in me and that is just the best.
That just brings a smile to my face.
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